Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
American Streets: Once upon a time they were safe. (12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell)
Sociologists, historians, and politicians will debate and/or argue the root causes of the decline of a culture that was once considered the envy of the world. We can't do that here for there is neither the enough time or space allocated to cover all aspects of a degenerate populace. For the sake of brevity I would lay a large part of the blame on politicians without a conscience...especially those without a right versus wrong stemming from religious roots (i.e. Bill Clinton believes in right vs wrong if it written in the law; not the Gospel). The age old excuse that they cannot legislate morality is in itself a problem for without legislation they in fact endorse anything goes mentality. Then there's the entertainment industry that was once self-regulated until the politicians got in the way with their rating system. Under the General Principles adopted by the motion picture industry in 1930 the very first item read, "No picture shall be produced that will lower the moral standards of those who
see it. Hence the sympathy of the audience should never be thrown to the side of
crime, wrongdoing, evil or sin." They even made it a point never to disrespect the law (under the heading Crimes Against the Law), "These shall never be presented in such a way as to throw sympathy with the crime
as against law and justice or to inspire others with a desire for imitation." For all you old timers out there you may recall that it was once a pleasure to go to the movies without being offended by bad language and other obscenities. The story line kept you entertained. Compare the oldies to today's movies and you will be hard pressed to decipher the story from all the sex and violence. So with the help of politicians Hollywood went the the way of the devil which in turn turned America's streets into a Living Hell (see commentary below). ~ Norman E. Hooben
PS: If you want to know more about the motion picture industry's code of conduct before the age of Aquarius see The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code).
The following from End Of The American Dream
12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell
The United States once had safe, beautiful cities that were the envy of the
entire world, but now many of them are degenerating into rotting, festering,
crime-ridden hellholes. All over the country there are communities where crime,
drugs, gangs and human trafficking have gotten completely and totally out of
control. Once upon a time you could walk down the streets of most U.S. cities
at night without much fear, but these days there are many large American cities
where it would be absolutely crazy to wander around the streets at night unless
you want to be mugged, shot or sexually assaulted. If you end up at the wrong
place at the wrong time you might end up being abducted by a human trafficker or
have your face eaten off by a crazed drug addict high on bath salts. With each
passing day our cities degenerate just a little bit more, and life in many of
our worst communities truly has become a living hell. Sadly, this comes at a
time when the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world by
far. We have tried to lock as many people away as possible and our communities
are still turning into hellholes. So where do we go from here?
The following are 12 factors that are turning the streets of America into a living hell....
#1 Out Of Control Gang Violence
The United States has the highest rate of illegal drug use in the entire world. This makes it easy for gangs to make money and to grow.
In Chicago, there are 200 police officers in Chicago's Gang Enforcement Unit to go up against an estimated 100,000 gang members in the city.
How would you feel if you were outnumbered 500 to 1?
One of the Gang Enforcement Unit officers described to CBS News what gang activity in Chicago is like these days....
You can see a video news report about gang violence in Chicago that contains this quote right here.
Overall, the FBI estimates that the number of gang members in the United States has increased by 40 percent since 2009 and that there are now a total of 1.4 million gang members living in America.
Has your community been taken over by gangs yet?
At this rate, they will take over all of our communities eventually.
#2 Naked Criminals Going Crazy
Lately, we have seen a rash of truly bizarre drug-fueled crimes all over the United States.
Of course most of us have heard about all of the "zombie attacks" that happened all over the country recently that involved criminals attacking and trying to eat their victims.
But now another trend seems to be emerging.
Now, a lot of these drug-fueled crimes are being committed by people that are completely and totally naked.
This first example comes from down in Florida....
Can anyone explain this?
#3 Jersey Shore In Real Life
America loves to party. In a nation where even Secret Service agents "party like rock stars", it shouldn't be surprising that partying is getting out of control in communities all over the country.
Over in New Jersey, one borough "was forced recently to amend its public-urination ordinance to include defecation" because there has been such a problem with public drunkenness.
Some people watch MTV's "Jersey Shore" and they assume that stuff like that simply does not happen in real life.
But it does happen in real life. In fact, some New Jersey towns along the coast are being invaded by hordes of people that want to live the "Jersey Shore lifestyle" and the results have been absolutely nightmarish.
The following is from a recent Bloomberg article....
America is a world leader in the abuse of children. Sadly, there are more than 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States every single year.
Much of this abuse is sexual. What goes on behind many closed doors all over America is so sick that it is hard to find words to even describe how horrible it is.
In the United States today, it is estimated that one out of every four girls is sexually abused before they become adults.
How did we sink so low as a nation?
In this country we are also very physically violent with our children.
One man up in Wisconsin recently brutally murdered his three young daughters right inside the home of his ex-wife.
Unfortunately, that was not an isolated incident.
In fact, the United States has the highest child abuse death rate on the entire globe.
So what is causing all of this child abuse?
Well, the explosion of pornography on the Internet is certainly not helping matters.
Law enforcement officials estimate that about 600,000 Americans and about 65,000 Canadians are involved in trading dirty child pictures on the Internet.
And in a country filled with men that have dirty minds the following kind of thing can happen....
#5 Nightmarish Abuse Of Wives And Girlfriends
Children are not the only ones being abused.
All over the United States there is an epidemic of abuse against wives and girlfriends as well.
For example, it was recently reported that one West Virginia man kept his wife chained up for nearly 10 years and treated her like a slave.
And even our politicians get into the act when it comes to domestic abuse. The following is what Massachusetts State Representative Carlos Henriquez is accused of doing to his girlfriend....
In America today you aren't just in danger of being abused in your own home.
The truth is that there are millions of sexual predators out there waiting to pounce on you and your children.
Unfortunately, you never know who to trust these days. Someone like Jerry Sandusky can seem very respectable, but it turns out that he was an absolute monster and his crimes against children went unreported for years and years.
Sadly, the truth is that there are hordes of Jerry Sanduskys out there. If you can believe it, it is estimated that 500,000 Americans that will be born this year will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
Yes, there have always been sexual predators in America, but these days they seem to be multiplying.
You never know where one is going to pop up. For example, just check out what happened at a Wal-Mart down in Georgia recently....
A recent Daily Mail article detailed a nightmarish incident which took place in North Dakota. Two crack-fueled predators abducted and brutally murdered a 43-year-old math teacher named Sherry Arnold....
Many of these crimes are completely and totally senseless.
But they keep on happening with increasing frequency.
Sexual predators have become so common on Facebook that Facebook is actually using software to track "suspicious behavior and keywords". So what happens if the software finds something? A recent article by Paul Joseph Watson described what comes next....
Is it just me, or does it seem like the abuse of animals is reaching horrifying new levels?
The way we treat our animals says a lot about where we are as a society.
And right now, our treatment of animals says that we are very sick.
For example, one man down in Florida has been charged with biting the lips off of a kitten.
In Waco, Texas police say that a 22-year-old man recently strangled and ate the family dog while he was high on drugs.
Down in Arizona, authorities recently removed dozens of cats from the home of an elderly woman. This was the third time that they had removed cats from her home. This time they discovered that she had 64 cats living in her house. In the past, authorities say that the elderly woman would make a "feline stew concoction" with any of the cats that ended up dying.
#8 Rampant Theft All Over The United States
As the economy has crumbled and unemployment has soared, millions of Americans have started to become very desperate.
All over America we are starting to see desperate criminals steal anything that they think that they can sell for money.
For example, down in Bristol, Tennessee authorities say that there has been an epidemic of lawn equipment theft lately.
Over in California, criminals will even steal the gold right out of your mouth....
#9 America's Meth Epidemic
As mentioned earlier, America has the biggest drug problem in the world and one of America's favorite drugs is meth.
According to PBS, there are approximately 1.4 million meth users in the United States right now.
Meth can destroy your life faster than just about any other drug. If you doubt this, just check out these before and after pictures.
Unfortunately, there are lots of signs that meth use is rising again.
According to the DEA, meth seizures increased from 2,839 in 2007 to 6,168 in 2010.
That is very, very bad news. When people become meth addicts they do absolutely crazy things. The following examples are from a recent USA Today article....
And meth is so addictive that addicts will do just about anything to get more of it.
One woman in St. Louis was recently charged with cooking meth inside her purse while she was inside a Wal-Mart store. When an addict wants more meth, not much else really matters at that point.
#10 Mob Robberies
Groups of young people are banding together in "flash mobs" and are robbing retail stores all over the country. During a "mob robbery", dozens of people will storm into a store and grab whatever they want and then storm right back out. The following is one recent example that happened in Baltimore....
You can see video of one very disturbing mob robbery that happened over in Detroit recently right here.
When we start to see groups of young people banding together to commit crimes like this that is a sign that our society has decayed really, really badly.
#11 Police Are Becoming More Corrupt And More Abusive
When bad things do happen, most people respond by calling the police.
That is who we are supposed to call, right?
Unfortunately, it appears that the police in America have become more corrupt and more abusive than ever.
Up in Seattle, police recently tasered a pregnant woman three times after she refused to sign a ticket for a traffic violation.
Who would do such a thing to a pregnant woman?
That little baby could have been easily killed.
Down in Georgia, one police officer recently kicked a woman who was nine months pregnant directly in the stomach. Amazingly, his superiors in the local police department defended his actions.
If that is how police will treat pregnant women, then how are they going to treat you?
Sadly, police all over the country continue to get caught breaking the very laws that they are supposed to be enforcing. For example, just check out what one police officer has been charged with doing in Philadelphia....
Human trafficking is big business. It is a 32 billion dollar industry worldwide, and it is an industry that is rapidly growing in America.
Most of those that are abducted and forced into sex slavery are women. A very large percentage of them are under 18 years of age.
This is one reason why it is a really, really, really bad idea for girls to run away from home.
All over America tonight, "pimps" will force young girls to have sex with strange men at hotels, truck stops and in back alleys.
The following is what one CNN reporter witnessed at a truck stop down in North Carolina recently....
Sadly, this is rapidly becoming an out of control epidemic in the United States.
According to the Daily Mail, the FBI recently rescued 79 sex slaves all across America in just one three day period....
Unfortunately, getting those 79 sex slaves off the street barely made a dent in the overall problem.
America is very sick, and our cities continue to get even worse with each passing day.
You can find even more evidence that our society is collapsing right here.
This article is already over 3000 words long, and I feel as though I have barely scratched the surface.
Sadly, most Americans don't think about these kinds of things very much.
Instead, most of them spend their time obsessed with entertainment and celebrities and other things that don't mean a whole lot in the long run.
That is why the fact that Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez are leaving American Idol is causing so much trauma all over America right now.
Our priorities are seriously messed up.
So what do all of you think?
Are the streets of America turning into a living hell?
Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below....
Note from Norm: Please leave comments at
PS: If you want to know more about the motion picture industry's code of conduct before the age of Aquarius see The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code).
The following from End Of The American Dream
12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell

The following are 12 factors that are turning the streets of America into a living hell....
#1 Out Of Control Gang Violence
The United States has the highest rate of illegal drug use in the entire world. This makes it easy for gangs to make money and to grow.
In Chicago, there are 200 police officers in Chicago's Gang Enforcement Unit to go up against an estimated 100,000 gang members in the city.
How would you feel if you were outnumbered 500 to 1?
One of the Gang Enforcement Unit officers described to CBS News what gang activity in Chicago is like these days....
Sgt. Little is a decorated veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. He said that parts of Chicago are comparable to what he saw in combat.
It's "tribal warfare," he said, "and as it continues to build unless we manage to interdict it, and manage to stop it long enough for the blood to stop boiling, the heat to die down."
You can see a video news report about gang violence in Chicago that contains this quote right here.
Overall, the FBI estimates that the number of gang members in the United States has increased by 40 percent since 2009 and that there are now a total of 1.4 million gang members living in America.
Has your community been taken over by gangs yet?
At this rate, they will take over all of our communities eventually.
#2 Naked Criminals Going Crazy
Lately, we have seen a rash of truly bizarre drug-fueled crimes all over the United States.
Of course most of us have heard about all of the "zombie attacks" that happened all over the country recently that involved criminals attacking and trying to eat their victims.
But now another trend seems to be emerging.
Now, a lot of these drug-fueled crimes are being committed by people that are completely and totally naked.
This first example comes from down in Florida....
A naked man allegedly flew into a violent rampage, biting a chunk out of another man's stomach after leaping from his roof onto a truck and urinating inside his home.Another "crazy naked criminal" incident happened recently at a hotel in California....
Officers responding to the scene needed backup to restrain Jeremiah Aaron Haughee with leg shackles, a spit hood and handcuffs after he continued fighting despite being Tasered five times.
Authorities did not carry out tests on Haughee to see if he was under the influence of any drugs.
Police first arrived at the home in Flagler Beach, Florida at 4.30 a.m. to find two men restraining the naked 22-year-old in a puddle of urine and glass.
A naked man who may have been on drugs was arrested Saturday for killing a Tracy motel employee.Why are we seeing so much bizarre behavior all over the nation these days?
Andrew Carreiro, 25, is behind bars accused of killing the 62-year-old woman who cleans rooms at the Hacienda Inn on the 600 block of West 11th Street.
Witnesses say they found Carreiro covered in blood and standing near the partially naked body of the woman, say witnesses.
“[It’s] most definitely the craziest thing I’ve seen in my life, most definitely,” said Jermaine Haynes, a motel resident who made the gruesome discovery.
Can anyone explain this?
#3 Jersey Shore In Real Life
America loves to party. In a nation where even Secret Service agents "party like rock stars", it shouldn't be surprising that partying is getting out of control in communities all over the country.
Over in New Jersey, one borough "was forced recently to amend its public-urination ordinance to include defecation" because there has been such a problem with public drunkenness.
Some people watch MTV's "Jersey Shore" and they assume that stuff like that simply does not happen in real life.
But it does happen in real life. In fact, some New Jersey towns along the coast are being invaded by hordes of people that want to live the "Jersey Shore lifestyle" and the results have been absolutely nightmarish.
The following is from a recent Bloomberg article....
For Dave Cavagnaro, life as a full- time resident along the New Jersey shore came with small headaches he expected: scant weekend parking, congestion and the occasional piece of litter.#4 Horrifying Abuse Of Children
Nothing prepared him for what is going on these days in his hometown of Point Pleasant Beach, about 90 minutes by car from Manhattan. Public urination. Beer bottles tossed on his lawn. Screaming crowds pouring onto his street after the 2 a.m. bar closing. He’s even caught a couple having sex against the side of his house.
America is a world leader in the abuse of children. Sadly, there are more than 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States every single year.
Much of this abuse is sexual. What goes on behind many closed doors all over America is so sick that it is hard to find words to even describe how horrible it is.
In the United States today, it is estimated that one out of every four girls is sexually abused before they become adults.
How did we sink so low as a nation?
In this country we are also very physically violent with our children.
One man up in Wisconsin recently brutally murdered his three young daughters right inside the home of his ex-wife.
Unfortunately, that was not an isolated incident.
In fact, the United States has the highest child abuse death rate on the entire globe.
So what is causing all of this child abuse?
Well, the explosion of pornography on the Internet is certainly not helping matters.
Law enforcement officials estimate that about 600,000 Americans and about 65,000 Canadians are involved in trading dirty child pictures on the Internet.
And in a country filled with men that have dirty minds the following kind of thing can happen....
Texas authorities said Tuesday they removed 11 children from a crowded home where a registered sex offender lives after they found eight confined in a small, dark bedroom with restraints tying some to their beds.Yes, life in many of our communities is actually turning into a living hell.
Along with the children, 10 adults were living in the one-story, 1,700-square-foot home in Dayton, about 30 miles northeast of Houston, Child Protective Services spokeswoman Gwen Carter said. One month after a raid on the house, authorities are still trying to determine how the children are related and why they were there, she said.
#5 Nightmarish Abuse Of Wives And Girlfriends
Children are not the only ones being abused.
All over the United States there is an epidemic of abuse against wives and girlfriends as well.
For example, it was recently reported that one West Virginia man kept his wife chained up for nearly 10 years and treated her like a slave.
And even our politicians get into the act when it comes to domestic abuse. The following is what Massachusetts State Representative Carlos Henriquez is accused of doing to his girlfriend....
Gonzalves told police that Henriquez came to her mother’s home around 2 a.m. and picked her up, telling her that he wanted to discuss their relationship. She said the conversation turned tense, and that Henriquez spent the next two hours driving around downtown Boston, and along Storrow Drive and into the Fenway neighborhood – assaulting her and refusing to let her out of his car.#6 An Epidemic Of Sexual Predators
“Ms. Gonzalves stated that Mr. Henriquez had punched her with a closed fist repeatedly and strangled her while she was in his motor vehicle,’’ police wrote in the report. “Ms. Gonzalves stated that every time she attempted to jump out of the car the suspect (Henriquez) grabbed her wrists to prevent her from jumping out of the motor vehicle.’’
In America today you aren't just in danger of being abused in your own home.
The truth is that there are millions of sexual predators out there waiting to pounce on you and your children.
Unfortunately, you never know who to trust these days. Someone like Jerry Sandusky can seem very respectable, but it turns out that he was an absolute monster and his crimes against children went unreported for years and years.
Sadly, the truth is that there are hordes of Jerry Sanduskys out there. If you can believe it, it is estimated that 500,000 Americans that will be born this year will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
Yes, there have always been sexual predators in America, but these days they seem to be multiplying.
You never know where one is going to pop up. For example, just check out what happened at a Wal-Mart down in Georgia recently....
A man posing as a representative of the “America’s Funniest Home Videos” TV show tricked an 18-year-old Georgia woman into allowing him to suck her toe inside a Walmart in Georgia, police report.But that teen got off easy. Other sexual predators will kill you once they are done with you.
According to a Columbia County Sheriff’s Office report, the teen was shopping Tuesday evening when approached by the middle-aged suspect, who cops have identified as Joey Leaphart, a 43-year-old registered sex offender whose rap sheet is littered with foot-related crimes.
A recent Daily Mail article detailed a nightmarish incident which took place in North Dakota. Two crack-fueled predators abducted and brutally murdered a 43-year-old math teacher named Sherry Arnold....
Spell and Waters had left Colorado days before the crime claiming they wanted work in eastern Montana and western North Dakota's oil fields.Once they got her into the Ford Explorer, they choked the life out of her and then buried her body in a shallow grave in North Dakota.
After smoking crack cocaine over the entire trip, Waters allegedly told Spell the drug 'brought the devil out in him' and began talking about kidnapping and killing a female, AP reports.
After they spotted Arnold, Spell claims that Waters told him to 'grab the lady' and pull her into their Ford Explorer as she jogged by.
Many of these crimes are completely and totally senseless.
But they keep on happening with increasing frequency.
Sexual predators have become so common on Facebook that Facebook is actually using software to track "suspicious behavior and keywords". So what happens if the software finds something? A recent article by Paul Joseph Watson described what comes next....
Words or phrases considered vulgar or an attempt to exchange personal information are red flagged and brought to the attention of Facebook employees, who then decide whether the content is worthy of being brought to the attention of law enforcement.#7 Horrifying Abuse Of Animals
Is it just me, or does it seem like the abuse of animals is reaching horrifying new levels?
The way we treat our animals says a lot about where we are as a society.
And right now, our treatment of animals says that we are very sick.
For example, one man down in Florida has been charged with biting the lips off of a kitten.
In Waco, Texas police say that a 22-year-old man recently strangled and ate the family dog while he was high on drugs.
Down in Arizona, authorities recently removed dozens of cats from the home of an elderly woman. This was the third time that they had removed cats from her home. This time they discovered that she had 64 cats living in her house. In the past, authorities say that the elderly woman would make a "feline stew concoction" with any of the cats that ended up dying.
#8 Rampant Theft All Over The United States
As the economy has crumbled and unemployment has soared, millions of Americans have started to become very desperate.
All over America we are starting to see desperate criminals steal anything that they think that they can sell for money.
For example, down in Bristol, Tennessee authorities say that there has been an epidemic of lawn equipment theft lately.
Over in California, criminals will even steal the gold right out of your mouth....
Robbers targeted a 17-year-old who had his grill of gold mouth jewelry taken in South Sacramento.Down in Fresno, California thieves are stealing so much copper wire from city street lights that it is costing the city about $50,000 a month. So far, approximately 2,500 street lights have been stripped of their wiring by thieves.
The Sheriff's Department said three men, at least one armed with a gun, beat the teen who was sitting in a car early Sunday morning. Besides taking cash, they took his gold grill, the mouth jewelry worn by many hip-hop fans.
With robbers going wild, stealing gold chains from victims in Stockton, it stands to reason that a grill would be stolen. An average set covering the upper and lower teeth can cost between $600 and $1,600. More if they are embedded with diamonds.
#9 America's Meth Epidemic
As mentioned earlier, America has the biggest drug problem in the world and one of America's favorite drugs is meth.
According to PBS, there are approximately 1.4 million meth users in the United States right now.
Meth can destroy your life faster than just about any other drug. If you doubt this, just check out these before and after pictures.
Unfortunately, there are lots of signs that meth use is rising again.
According to the DEA, meth seizures increased from 2,839 in 2007 to 6,168 in 2010.
That is very, very bad news. When people become meth addicts they do absolutely crazy things. The following examples are from a recent USA Today article....
A mother in Bakersfield, California, was sentenced Tuesday for stabbing her newborn while in a meth rage. An Oklahoma woman drowned her baby in a washing machine in November. A New Mexico woman claiming to be God stabbed her son with a screwdriver last month, saying, "God wants him dead."
And meth is so addictive that addicts will do just about anything to get more of it.
One woman in St. Louis was recently charged with cooking meth inside her purse while she was inside a Wal-Mart store. When an addict wants more meth, not much else really matters at that point.
#10 Mob Robberies
Groups of young people are banding together in "flash mobs" and are robbing retail stores all over the country. During a "mob robbery", dozens of people will storm into a store and grab whatever they want and then storm right back out. The following is one recent example that happened in Baltimore....
“They went in, they started going everywhere in the store, grabbing things and then they just run out. And I knew that they didn’t buy it because they just run out,” Kendra Mellerson said. “They ran that way and they ran that way. And the guy was trying to come out and stop them but they couldn’t because there was so many.”Mob robberies are kind of like shoplifting on steroids.
After some kids ran away, a store manager blocked the door to keep the rest of the kids from leaving. But those kids got so mad that the door was blocked, they started punching the store manager.
“Yes, they really started hitting that guy and he couldn’t keep getting beat on so he eventually let them out. And then they just ran,” Mellerson said.
You can see video of one very disturbing mob robbery that happened over in Detroit recently right here.
When we start to see groups of young people banding together to commit crimes like this that is a sign that our society has decayed really, really badly.
#11 Police Are Becoming More Corrupt And More Abusive
When bad things do happen, most people respond by calling the police.
That is who we are supposed to call, right?
Unfortunately, it appears that the police in America have become more corrupt and more abusive than ever.
Up in Seattle, police recently tasered a pregnant woman three times after she refused to sign a ticket for a traffic violation.
Who would do such a thing to a pregnant woman?
That little baby could have been easily killed.
Down in Georgia, one police officer recently kicked a woman who was nine months pregnant directly in the stomach. Amazingly, his superiors in the local police department defended his actions.
If that is how police will treat pregnant women, then how are they going to treat you?
Sadly, police all over the country continue to get caught breaking the very laws that they are supposed to be enforcing. For example, just check out what one police officer has been charged with doing in Philadelphia....
A Philadelphia cop was arrested over allegations that he abducted a 14-year-old girl, sexually assaulted her and made her watch him have sex with a prostitute.#12 Human Trafficking
Police found Anthony Dattilo, 36, at a motel in the Bensalem area of the city Wednesday while responding to a possible abduction, according to the Bucks County Courier Times.
Dattilo, a 12-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, is reportedly in custody at the Bucks County prison on $500,000 bail.
Human trafficking is big business. It is a 32 billion dollar industry worldwide, and it is an industry that is rapidly growing in America.
Most of those that are abducted and forced into sex slavery are women. A very large percentage of them are under 18 years of age.
This is one reason why it is a really, really, really bad idea for girls to run away from home.
All over America tonight, "pimps" will force young girls to have sex with strange men at hotels, truck stops and in back alleys.
The following is what one CNN reporter witnessed at a truck stop down in North Carolina recently....
The woman sports baggy shorts, a white T-shirt and frizzy hair. Her fat middle-aged pimp sits in a beat up red Honda, watching as his “lot lizard” moves from truck to truck, in broad daylight. If this pimp has a cane it is for substance, not style.
She moves through the parking lot, occasionally opening a cab’s passenger-side door and climbing in.
The trucker and hooker disappear in the back for 10 minutes.
Danielle Mitchell watches from the other end of the parking lot and shakes her head.
“We know from talking to other victims and other agencies that girls are taken to truck stops and they’re actually traded,” she says, sitting in her car, a shiny silver sport utility vehicle, keeping a healthy 50-yard distance from the pimp.
Sadly, this is rapidly becoming an out of control epidemic in the United States.
According to the Daily Mail, the FBI recently rescued 79 sex slaves all across America in just one three day period....
The FBI has rescued 79 teens held against their will and forced into prostitution from hotels, truck stops and stores during a three-day swoop on sex-trafficking rings across the country.
The sex slaves were aged between 13 and 17, although one said she had been involved in prostitution since she was just 11, authorities said.
During the sting operations across 57 U.S. cities - including Atlanta, Sacramento and Toledo, Ohio - 104 alleged pimps were arrested.
Unfortunately, getting those 79 sex slaves off the street barely made a dent in the overall problem.
America is very sick, and our cities continue to get even worse with each passing day.
You can find even more evidence that our society is collapsing right here.
This article is already over 3000 words long, and I feel as though I have barely scratched the surface.
Sadly, most Americans don't think about these kinds of things very much.
Instead, most of them spend their time obsessed with entertainment and celebrities and other things that don't mean a whole lot in the long run.
That is why the fact that Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez are leaving American Idol is causing so much trauma all over America right now.
Our priorities are seriously messed up.
So what do all of you think?
Are the streets of America turning into a living hell?
Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below....
Note from Norm: Please leave comments at
Long-term jobless soars more than 100 percent under Obama's policies.
Long Term Unemployment More Than Doubles Under Obama By Susan Duclos @ Wake Up America
A must-read Forbes piece which focuses not on Obama's unemployment problem of unemployment being over 8 percent for more than 41 months, but instead on the fact that long term unemployment, people out of a job for over six months, has more than doubled under Obama and addresses the reasons why.
Yet that directive by the Obama administration is even more evidence of what the Forbes piece was explaining.
A must-read Forbes piece which focuses not on Obama's unemployment problem of unemployment being over 8 percent for more than 41 months, but instead on the fact that long term unemployment, people out of a job for over six months, has more than doubled under Obama and addresses the reasons why.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, back in January 2009 when Barack Obama was sworn in, there were 2.6 million people unemployed for more than 6 months. By June 2012, the ranks of the long-term jobless soared more than 100 percent to 5.3 million.This piece was published on 7/10/12, before the Obama administration's announcement that they were gutting Bill Clinton's 1996 welfare reform law by "directive" and offering waivers to bypass the work requirement which were the foundation of the welfare reform law.
President Obama has promoted long-term unemployment by adopting policies that make it harder and more expensive for employers to hire people. He has relentlessly pushed for higher taxes, higher energy costs, compulsory unionism and, of course, Obamacare. One doesn’t need a Harvard degree to figure out that when government makes hiring more difficult and expensive, there’s likely to be less of it.
Obama’s policy of extending and re-extending unemployment benefits is another culprit. Many academic studies show how unemployment benefits undermine the urgency of finding a job. People can afford to be more picky, and as a result they’re out of work longer. But the longer they’re out of work, the more out of touch they’re likely to be and the harder to find a another job.
Yet that directive by the Obama administration is even more evidence of what the Forbes piece was explaining.
Posted by
Susan Duclos
Full Forbes article can be read here: Why Long-Term Unemployment Has Doubled Under President Obama
A lame duck Obama...scary! ...and another civil war is coming, with the 2012 election as its Gettysburg.
About 95% of Obama voters will not heed this...about 95%
of them won't even listen this!...and about 95% of them can care less about the future of our country
America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” 
Call it America’s coming civil war between the Makers and the Takers.
On one side are those who create wealth, America’s private sector–the very ones targeted by President Obama’s tax hikes announced Monday.
On the other are the public employee unions; left-leaning intelligentsia who see the growth of government as index of progress; and the millions of Americans now dependent on government through a growing network of government transfer payments, from Medicaid and Social Security to college loans and corporate bailouts and handouts (think GM and Solyndra).
Over the past century America’s private sector has been the source of productivity, innovation, creativity, and growth–and gave us the iPhone and iPad. The public sector has been the engine of entitlement, stagnation, and decline -- and gave us Detroit and the South Bronx.
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.
In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.
That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.
That public sector–state, local, and federal -- now consumes 40% of GDP
So we know which side Obama and the Democratic party are on. Like John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry, ObamaCare has been a wakeup call to what’s at stake–just as the turbulent events in Wisconsin showed how far Democrats are willing to go to win.
We’re not Greece yet -- or on the brink of Bull Run. But it’s time for Romney and Republicans to make clear which side they’re on -- and to make it clear there can’t be government transfer payments, from Medicaid to Social Security, without a strong vibrant private sector to pay for them.
They don’t have to stoop to the Democrats’ tactics. They just have to give our free market, private sector economy the robust defense it deserves.
A country where more Americans go on Social Security disability than get jobs
Lincoln hoped in 1861 that the “angels of our better nature” would pull us back from catastrophe. He was wrong. Let’s hope in 2012 those angels still hover -- and can make a house divided whole once more.
Historian is the author of the just released "Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II" (Random House May 2012) and the Pulitzer Prize finalist book "Gandhi and Churchill: The Epic Rivalry That Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age" (Bantam, 2008).
Related (Must reads):
1. War: The attack will come from the north and the south and will be directed from the White House
2. Gun Sales Skyrocket as D-Day for Gun Control Looms; No Coincidence?
Thursday, July 12, 2012
War: The attack will come from the north and the south and will be directed from the White House
I gave up predicting the actual date for war to break out here in the United States but I have not given up on the idea that it is bound to happen in our lifetime...and maybe sooner than later! At the present time there are a number of factions that would like to see the end of this republic as we know it. Among the more aggressive are the Iranians who not only threaten us from our southern borders (see 40,000 Iran agents in Western Hemisphere below.) but there is a concentrated effort to recruit Iranians living in Canada:
ps: The Iranians have been planning this for a long, long time...don't forget that they supported top Democrat politicians...don't want to mention any names but one of them currently has the initials V.P. in front of his name. When Joe Biden was running for U.S. Senator he was funded by the Iranians. And lets not forget Obama's sweet-talk message to Iran in 2009: "...In a major turning point in the United State's approach to Iran, President Barack Obama released a taped message to the Iranian people late Thursday evening, urging a "new beginning" in diplomatic relations and stressing respect and political engagement.
The address, which was released on, reflects a continued effort by the Obama administration to move away from the confrontation and brinksmanship that marked U.S.-Iranian relations during the Bush years."
40,000 Iran agents in Western Hemisphere
Now hidden in Latin America, awaiting 'operations' against U.S.
Iran has expanded its terror network and now has tens of thousands of agents in Latin America, according to a former Iranian official who has witnessed the regime’s crimes against humanity inside Iran and has knowledge of its terror network targeting the West.
In interviews with the opposition outside Iran, the official revealed that more than 40,000 of the regime’s security, intelligence and propaganda forces successfully have been placed over time in Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela.
Azghodi, in a lecture last September aired on Iranian state-owned television, stated, “We must get ready for global operation. … Our fellow fighters are present in all five continents of the world. … An international jihad must be provoked; we must fear no one.”
According to the source, many of these forces have flown directly from Tehran to Caracas, Venezuela, whose president, Hugo Chavez, is an ally of Tehran. Many also have been placed in Bolivia. Their duties are to expand the regime’s ideology, gather intelligence and be ready for operations against the West.
As reported in May through a source who served in Iranian intelligence and had recently defected to a country in Europe, the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence division runs operations out of mosques.
This source also verified then that all Imam Ali Mosques are controlled by regime intelligence operatives and that the cells are well placed in Europe and America for terrorist acts.
“The Quds Force has established a command and control center in both Bolivia and Venezuela. Though it has presence in Europe and other parts of the world, it has focused on Latin America,” the former official said. “They have forces in Guatemala but mostly for training on torture methods – though not modern but very effective – as Guatemala is one of the best in the world and training for torture is one of its resources for income.”
Many of the forces are also trained in Iran for suicide bombings. They are brainwashed and go through a ritual in which they are naked but for their shorts and are washed on a stone where verses of the Quran are read to them. Then they are taken to the supreme leader for final approval.
According to the source, members also include Palestinians and Iraqis, and many were behind suicide bombings against American forces in Iraq. Should war break out, these forces are to conduct terrorist acts in Europe and America.
The source warned that the regime is active in recruiting and training for terrorist activities and assassinations of the opposition in Canada and America. Recently, Hamid Mohammadi, the Iranian cultural affairs counselor at the Islamic regime’s embassy in Ottawa, in an interview with an Iran-based website, urged those loyal to the regime to be ready to advance the Islamic regime’s interests.
The source, also revealing atrocities inside Iran, said that as a reward, the Islamic regime’s judicial officials offered virgin girls to the torturers to rape, calling it permissible in the Quran. Virgins will end up in heaven even if they have sinned, according to the Quran, so they wanted to deny them this entry.
Thousands of girls, some as young as 13, were rounded up and taken to prisons, at times in secret locations, and raped before execution. The interrogators and torturers were even rewarded for cruelty and the number of executions conducted, the source said.
The former Guards’ intelligence officer also verified that rape of girls and women in prisons across Iran is routine and mass executions and burials still occur for those who dare to challenge the regime. At times the families never know what happened to their loved ones.
Reza Kahlili translated this Iranian video about Islamic prophecies of a coming messiah and the destruction of Israel:
1. President Obama said Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez poses no "serious" national security threat to the United States, drawing rebukes from South Florida Republicans and Mitt Romney's campaign.
2. "We're always concerned about Iran engaging in destabilizing activity around
the globe," Obama told a Spanish language television station based in
Miami. "But overall, my sense is that what Mr. Chavez has done over the last
several years has not had a serious national security impact on us.
3. "We have to vigilant," Obama said in the interview broadcast Tuesday. "My main concern when it comes to Venezuela is having the Venezuelan people have a voice in their affairs and that you end up ultimately having fair and free elections, which we don't always see."
4. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla ., said Obama "has been living under a rock" when it comes to the threat from Chavez, citing Chavez's dealings with Iran.
6. Romney campaign sent out a statement from former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, who said: "After nearly four years of ignoring our friends in Latin America, it is no wonder that President Obama fails to understand the disruptive activities of Hugo Chavez's Venezuela.
7. Working hand in glove with the Castro brothers, Chavez has been working to fund and to foment anti-American hatred across Latin America, Sununu said.
8. In the interview, Obama also spoke about U.S. relations with Cuba:
To make matters worse we have a guy in the White House that caters to the instigaors from South America and Iran such that we can be assured the traitor from within will be looking out for our best interests...which is complete domination! ~ Norman E. HoobenUNITED NATIONS – The prospect of Iran using its embassy in Canada to mobilize Islamic Republic loyalists to attack the U.S. is raising alarm among terrorism experts after an official there issued a call to arms for expatriates to infiltrate the Canadian government and be ready to advance the interests of their homeland. ... ...Details of the Iranian recruitment program came to light in a chilling interview Hamid Mohammadi, the Iranian cultural affairs counselor at the embassy in Ottawa. ... Mohammadi said recent immigrants among the estimated 500,000 Iranians in Canada have “preserved their strong attachments and bonds to their homeland,” while second-generation Iranians are already in “influential government positions.” He urged all Iranian-Canadians to “resist being melted into the dominant Canadian culture” to aspire to “occupy high-level key positions” and said the embassy plans to extend its reach by offering “cultural programs” to Iranian immigrants and their descendants, who can then “be of service to our beloved Iran.”
The Iranian activity comes amid rising tension between the United States and Iran as toughening sanctions over Iran’s nuclear defiance impose additional hardships on the Islamic Republic, which Washington lists as a state sponsor of terrorism. Terrorism experts, noting Iran's recent failed plot to assassinate a Saudi official in the U.S., said Mohammadi's message is a not-so-subtle bid to recruit operatives. ~ Full story @ FOX News
ps: The Iranians have been planning this for a long, long time...don't forget that they supported top Democrat politicians...don't want to mention any names but one of them currently has the initials V.P. in front of his name. When Joe Biden was running for U.S. Senator he was funded by the Iranians. And lets not forget Obama's sweet-talk message to Iran in 2009: "...In a major turning point in the United State's approach to Iran, President Barack Obama released a taped message to the Iranian people late Thursday evening, urging a "new beginning" in diplomatic relations and stressing respect and political engagement.
The address, which was released on, reflects a continued effort by the Obama administration to move away from the confrontation and brinksmanship that marked U.S.-Iranian relations during the Bush years."
"President Obama continues to display an alarmingly naive understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face in the Western Hemisphere." ~ see USA Today article below.
40,000 Iran agents in Western Hemisphere
Now hidden in Latin America, awaiting 'operations' against U.S.
Iran has expanded its terror network and now has tens of thousands of agents in Latin America, according to a former Iranian official who has witnessed the regime’s crimes against humanity inside Iran and has knowledge of its terror network targeting the West.
In interviews with the opposition outside Iran, the official revealed that more than 40,000 of the regime’s security, intelligence and propaganda forces successfully have been placed over time in Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela.
These forces consist mostly
of former interrogators, torturers and security forces along with the members
of the Quds Forces.
Many of them, according to the
source, are other nationalities, such as Afghans, Lebanese, Iraqis and Somalis.
Hassan Rahim Pour Azghodi, a member
of The Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution in Iran and a noted ideologist
and theorist of the Islamic regime who visited Ecuador, Venezuela and several
other Latin American countries last year, is a former interrogator and a
torturer who is now a close adviser of Ghassem Soliemani, the chief commander
of the Quds Forces, the source said.
Azghodi, in a lecture last September aired on Iranian state-owned television, stated, “We must get ready for global operation. … Our fellow fighters are present in all five continents of the world. … An international jihad must be provoked; we must fear no one.”
According to the source, many of these forces have flown directly from Tehran to Caracas, Venezuela, whose president, Hugo Chavez, is an ally of Tehran. Many also have been placed in Bolivia. Their duties are to expand the regime’s ideology, gather intelligence and be ready for operations against the West.
“We have Imam Ali Mosques in Bolivia,
in Venezuela Imam Ali centers, as well as in Brazil and other countries of the
region,” the source said. “Many of the forces are a front involved in projects
to help the host country such as building homes, roads and others. These forces
always get together and share information in the mosques.”
As reported in May through a source who served in Iranian intelligence and had recently defected to a country in Europe, the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence division runs operations out of mosques.
Those operations include recruitment,
reconnaissance and transfer of arms and cash.
This source also verified then that all Imam Ali Mosques are controlled by regime intelligence operatives and that the cells are well placed in Europe and America for terrorist acts.
“The Quds Force has established a command and control center in both Bolivia and Venezuela. Though it has presence in Europe and other parts of the world, it has focused on Latin America,” the former official said. “They have forces in Guatemala but mostly for training on torture methods – though not modern but very effective – as Guatemala is one of the best in the world and training for torture is one of its resources for income.”
Many of the forces are also trained in Iran for suicide bombings. They are brainwashed and go through a ritual in which they are naked but for their shorts and are washed on a stone where verses of the Quran are read to them. Then they are taken to the supreme leader for final approval.
According to the source, members also include Palestinians and Iraqis, and many were behind suicide bombings against American forces in Iraq. Should war break out, these forces are to conduct terrorist acts in Europe and America.
The source warned that the regime is active in recruiting and training for terrorist activities and assassinations of the opposition in Canada and America. Recently, Hamid Mohammadi, the Iranian cultural affairs counselor at the Islamic regime’s embassy in Ottawa, in an interview with an Iran-based website, urged those loyal to the regime to be ready to advance the Islamic regime’s interests.
The source, also revealing atrocities inside Iran, said that as a reward, the Islamic regime’s judicial officials offered virgin girls to the torturers to rape, calling it permissible in the Quran. Virgins will end up in heaven even if they have sinned, according to the Quran, so they wanted to deny them this entry.
Thousands of girls, some as young as 13, were rounded up and taken to prisons, at times in secret locations, and raped before execution. The interrogators and torturers were even rewarded for cruelty and the number of executions conducted, the source said.
The former Guards’ intelligence officer also verified that rape of girls and women in prisons across Iran is routine and mass executions and burials still occur for those who dare to challenge the regime. At times the families never know what happened to their loved ones.
Reza Kahlili translated this Iranian video about Islamic prophecies of a coming messiah and the destruction of Israel:
Jul 11, 2012 USA Today
Obama: Chavez doesn't pose serious threat to U.S. (see my note below paragraph 4 ~ N.E.H.)
1. President Obama said Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez poses no "serious" national security threat to the United States, drawing rebukes from South Florida Republicans and Mitt Romney's campaign.
3. "We have to vigilant," Obama said in the interview broadcast Tuesday. "My main concern when it comes to Venezuela is having the Venezuelan people have a voice in their affairs and that you end up ultimately having fair and free elections, which we don't always see."
4. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla ., said Obama "has been living under a rock" when it comes to the threat from Chavez, citing Chavez's dealings with Iran.
Note: Obama says, "But overall, my sense is that what Mr. Chavez has done over the last several years has not had a serious national security impact on us."
Obama seems to think we are a bunch of fools for he knows damn well Chavez has invited our adversary's navy into the waters of the western hemisphere:
Mocking U.S., Chávez invites Russian Navy for exercises
5. Hugo Chavez is not only a threat to the Venezuelan people's freedom and democratic aspirations, he has also supported Iran's regime in its attempts to expand its intelligence network throughout the hemisphere, facilitated money-laundering activities that finance state sponsors of terrorism and provided a safe haven for FARC narco-terrorists, among many other actions," Rubio said in a statement. He said, "President Obama continues to display an alarmingly naive understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face in the Western Hemisphere."CARACAS — Chafing at the reactivation in recent weeks of a U.S. naval fleet in Latin American waters, President Hugo Chávez has confirmed that Venezuela could engage in naval exercises with Russian ships in the Caribbean before the end of the year.
"Go ahead and squeal, Yanquis," Chávez said in a mocking tone on his Sunday television program, adding, "Russia's naval fleet is welcome here."
Chávez's words echoed news reports that four warships with as many as 1,000 sailors from Russia's Pacific Fleet could take part in a training exercise in November off Venezuela's coast. Salvatore Cammarata Bastidas, Venezuela's chief of naval intelligence, said the exercises were aimed at strengthening military ties. ...coninued @ New York Times
6. Romney campaign sent out a statement from former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, who said: "After nearly four years of ignoring our friends in Latin America, it is no wonder that President Obama fails to understand the disruptive activities of Hugo Chavez's Venezuela.
7. Working hand in glove with the Castro brothers, Chavez has been working to fund and to foment anti-American hatred across Latin America, Sununu said.
8. In the interview, Obama also spoke about U.S. relations with Cuba:
"I believe that there should be a way for us to resolve this 50-year conflict with Cuba, but it involves recognizing liberty and, you know, releasing political prisoners and showing movement inside of Cuba.
We've shown flexibility in remittances and lifting parts of the travel ban for family members, and I think that was the right thing to do. And my hope is that the Cuban government begins to recognize that their system is no longer working."
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Is this for real? Tom Brady gets cuffed and hauled away!
Source: Boston Herald
Patriots quarterback Tom Brady [stats] has taken his staredown skills from the gridiron to a CVS Pharmacy store as part of a new commercial promoting local healthy candy company, Unreal Brands.
In the minute-and-a-half ad, shoppers take a seat as a curtain opens, revealing a cool, confident Brady, causing them to immediately lose their concentration.
“Who are you? You look familiar,” one woman says, to which Brady replies, “Really?”
Another eager participant in the staring contest proclaims, “This is unreal. You got my candy right here.”
Yet even the three-time Super Bowl champion can’t keep his eyes open for too long.
“This is harder than I thought. Oh, my god,” Brady says. “It’s like the Super Bowl of staring contests.”
Brady then spreads the word of Unreal outside of CVS, eventually getting into some hot water with local police after giving a kid some Unreal candy.
“I didn’t know giving candy to kids was illegal,” says Brady, who goes from collected to sheepish as he gets cuffed and loaded into the back of a police car and places a bag of Unreal candy up to the window.
Unreal Brands is the brainchild of Hub entreprenuer Michael Bronner and his now 15-year-old son, Nicky. Along with Brady and his wife Gisele Bundchen, film superstar Matt Damon has been wooed by the company to promote its healthy treats on social media.
Unreal’s treats skip the corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils and other questionable ingredients other commercial sweets contain. The Herald previously reported CVS is stocking Unreal candies at 7,300 U.S. stores, with BJ’s Wholesale Clubs, Target and other chains soon to follow.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
A call for the demolition of Egypt's Great Pyramids
Obama’s anthem, “Change We Can Believe In”
Source for the following: Atlas Shrugs
Muslim Clerics Calling for Destruction of Egypt's Pyramids
According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt's Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi'i, those "symbols of paganism," which Egypt's Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain's "Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs" and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt's new president, Muhammad Morsi, to "destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what Amr bin al-As could not."... (more here)There are only two reasons why the Pyramids have survived through centuries of Muslim domination in Egypt: because the Egyptians have lacked the technology to destroy them, and because they bring in tourist money. The Islamic supremacists who have just come to power in Egypt view the Pyramids the way the Taliban viewed the Buddhas of Bamiyan: as idolatrous leftovers from the time of jahiliyya, the pre-Islamic period of ignorance. Pre-Islamic archaelogical artifacts in Muslim countries all over the world are treated with contempt and allowed to fall into decay and disrepair, because Islam places no value upon any human achievement that is outside Islam's purview.
Now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in power in Egypt, you better book your ticket fast if you want to go see the Pyramids -- and the Sphinx, too, for that matter.
See also:
1. Egyptian Secular Parties Blast Obama Administration for Supporting Muslim Brotherhood
2. Muslim Brotherhood Wants to Re-Elect Barack Hussein Obama
3. Why is Obama in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood?
Monday, July 9, 2012
Our Freedom Is On The Line (Congress: An act of War, and they do nothing!)
"Our freedom and our identity as a free and able people is on the line..." See Four More Years Will Spell The End To The Republic below.When one accuses another of a wrong, one should have some bona-fide evidence to substantiate the claim. It doesn't take rocket science to claim that the Obama administration is purposely allowing terrorists to enter the United States across our southern border. In absolutely all questionable security violations the Obama administration either lies about the situation and/or makes some lame excuse to placate the news media. Do not forget that Obama promised to fundamentally change America. In some cases Obama actually aids the terrorists easy entry for those not able to transit the Mexican
" honest assessment of all the components related to the Presidential Determination, when considered in unison, present, not only the reality that there exists an opportunity for Hamas operatives to immigrate/re-settle to the West and United States, but the stark reality that the West – and the taxpayers of the United States in particular – are providing financial aid to an organization that supports the efforts of Hamas. To deny these realities and the possibilities that they conjure is to be perilously naïve."In any event I accuse the Obama administration intentionally allowing terrorists into the United States for the purpose of overthrowing the republic... Will somebody prove this accusation wrong? I don't think so! ~ Norman E. Hooben
Proof That Terrorists Are Entering U.S. From Mexican Border
From The Western Center For Journalism
By Joel Valenzuela
Evidence has been discovered that terrorists are crossing into the U.S. from the Mexican border. The Federal Government is trying to to keep this alarming discovery secret.
Four More Years Will Spell The End To The Republic
by Alan P. Halbert The Western Center For Journalism

Many of our citizens, thanks to
the dummying-down of the education system, do not know that Adolf Hitler was
democratically elected, and his being made a dictator was through an act of
their legislature. Would it be any different here?
Congress has stood by while he
has appointed secretaries and federal agency personnel without
the consent of the Senate, and they did nothing. Congress again stood by while
Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, and himself engaged in an
illegal operation to send arms across an international border to arm narco-terrorists, and caused the deaths of countless
Mexican and United States citizens. An act of War, and they do nothing.
Congress has not intervened when Obama unilaterally amended the nation’s immigrations
laws by implementing the “Dream Act” without any vote of congress by a sweep of his
pen; it has not even merited a symbolic act of condemnation from them.
Congress has stood by while
Obama claimed “executive privilege” just prior to congress having a
meaningless vote against Eric Holder for “Contempt of Congress,” which is only
a symbolic gesture that has no teeth, at least with this Congress!
The headline for the article
referenced above from the New York Times for executive privilege is telling in
itself as the deaths of hundreds of Mexican Nationals is somehow “partisan,”
and the fault of the Republicans for bringing up this illegal operation in an
election year. All of this is forecasting the demise of our Republic when a
nationally known newspaper slants a story where the innocent deaths of hundreds
of another nation’s citizens is framed as a political stunt; we are definitely
sliding downhill fast, at hypersonic speed.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." ~ Author Unknown
You cannot be too careFREE in New York can go to jail for simply enjoying the moment. (The police state commeth.)
Source: Daily Mail On Line
Couple, 54 and 55, arrested and spent 23 hours in jail for DANCING at train platform
By Daily Mail Reporter
A two-stepping couple in their 50s say were
trotted off to jail after police in New York City arrested them for dancing on a
subway platform.
Caroline Stern, a dentist, and George Hess, a movie prop master, were waiting for a train at the Columbus Circle station after a late evening at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Midsummer Night’s Swing last year when they began dancing the Charleston to a musician playing the steel drums.
Ms Stern says she and her boyfriend were feeling the beat and there were very few people on the platform so they started moving to the rhythm. That's when police came in and spoiled the fun, they told the New York Post.
'They said, "What are you doing?" and we said, "We’re dancing,"' she recalled.
'And they said, "You can’t do that on the platform."'
The officers demanded their ID. When Ms Stern only had a credit car, the police ordered the couple to go with them.
When Mr Hess pulled out a camera to start recording the incident, the officers called for backup and the situation turned nasty, the couple says.
They claim more police ran to the subway platform and tackled Mr Hess, 54, to the floor and handcuffed him. Ms Stern, 55, was also cuffed and arrested.
Officers charged them with resiting arrested and disorderly conduct for 'impeding the flow of traffic.'
Ms Stern told the Post the subway station was nearly empty at the time.
'It was absolutely ridiculous that this happened,' she said.
Prosecutors dropped all charges against the couple, though not before they spent 23 hours in jail.
As a result of the arrested, Ms Stern and Mr Hess are now suing the city of New York for the arrest.
Couple, 54 and 55, arrested and spent 23 hours in jail for DANCING at train platform
By Daily Mail Reporter
Caroline Stern, a dentist, and George Hess, a movie prop master, were waiting for a train at the Columbus Circle station after a late evening at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Midsummer Night’s Swing last year when they began dancing the Charleston to a musician playing the steel drums.
Ms Stern says she and her boyfriend were feeling the beat and there were very few people on the platform so they started moving to the rhythm. That's when police came in and spoiled the fun, they told the New York Post.
'They said, "What are you doing?" and we said, "We’re dancing,"' she recalled.
'And they said, "You can’t do that on the platform."'
The officers demanded their ID. When Ms Stern only had a credit car, the police ordered the couple to go with them.
When Mr Hess pulled out a camera to start recording the incident, the officers called for backup and the situation turned nasty, the couple says.
They claim more police ran to the subway platform and tackled Mr Hess, 54, to the floor and handcuffed him. Ms Stern, 55, was also cuffed and arrested.
Officers charged them with resiting arrested and disorderly conduct for 'impeding the flow of traffic.'
Ms Stern told the Post the subway station was nearly empty at the time.
'It was absolutely ridiculous that this happened,' she said.
Prosecutors dropped all charges against the couple, though not before they spent 23 hours in jail.
As a result of the arrested, Ms Stern and Mr Hess are now suing the city of New York for the arrest.
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