Saturday, November 14, 2015
The Winning Lottery Numbers...the only way to win!
Ok, so you played the lottery and need just one particular number to win that dream of a lifetime... Well this is how you do it. Get to know that guy who is controlling the machine. Lets say you needed the number 21 to complete your winning combination... yeah, this is how it's done. Watch the machine spew out the numbers 4, 33, 12, 21, 27 hey, wait a minute, 21 hasn't come out of the machine yet. Oh well, we'll just leave it there because you needed it to win. How'd ya do that? (LOL)
Obama's Mercenaries Arrive...and you think Paris was bad...these people are not here to visit Disney World
Breaking! They’re heeeeeere!
First load of 10,000 Syrian refugees has arrived in New Orleans, being resettled into 180 unsuspecting US communities
Source: Powdered Wig Society
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Muslim refugees arriving in New Orleans. See any women and children in this group?
Did you notice that some are already waving the victory sign? |
By Thomas Madison
President Barack Hussein promised that he would be sending thousands of Syrian refugees to the US. Well, he is keeping that promise!
The first transport of refugees arrived in New Orleans recently and will be resettled in Louisiana and 180 other American communities. See the list below to find a town close to you.
So, it costs $16,000 a copy to resettle these Islamists into the United States. What the hell, we can afford it, right? NOT! We are rapidly approaching $20 trillion in federal debt. Stop the bleeding!
The first transport of refugees arrived in New Orleans recently and will be resettled in Louisiana and 180 other American communities. See the list below to find a town close to you.
So, it costs $16,000 a copy to resettle these Islamists into the United States. What the hell, we can afford it, right? NOT! We are rapidly approaching $20 trillion in federal debt. Stop the bleeding!
The following from John Binder, The Hayride
After the Hayride broke the exclusive story on 10,000 Syrian refugees possibly resettling in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie, it has now come to light that refugees are already coming into the New Orleans area.
Catholic Charities, which receive federal grants from U.S. Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, have apparently taken in two Syrian refugee families already and are expecting many more.
There are approximately 180 cities in the country that are eligible to accept the 10,000 Syrian refugees. Here is the full list of those cities, which includes Baton Rouge, Matairie and Lafayette:
US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory by zerohedge
There are approximately 180 cities in the country that are eligible to accept the 10,000 Syrian refugees. Here is the full list of those cities, which includes Baton Rouge, Matairie and Lafayette:
US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory by zerohedge
Send this to Obama...he might get the message...then again, he might not, he's one of them!
Friday, November 13, 2015
TPP... Do you even know what it stands for? Wake up America...
I know that I get very few readers here...not enough to effect policy by any means, but I do attempt to let those that do happen to stop by know what is important here and now. Today, most Americans are caught up with everything that does not matter...they're too busy texting or who's dancing with the stars. They have no idea that there are forces out there determined to destroy the United States of America and will attempt by any means whatsoever to accomplish their goals. One such item that will set the seeds for our ultimate destruction is called the Trans-Pacific-Partnership...TPP for short. They have attempted similar destructive measures in the past (i.e., The Law of the Sea Treaty aka "LOST") and when they're not successful, they come right back with another anti-American idea. One means they have discovered is to change the wording of their schemes to facilitate passage by an unsuspecting and naïve Congress. They could not get LOST passed because it was a treaty and all treaties have to be ratified by the U.S. Senate; the Senate never ratified (Note: If LOST was ratified you would most likely be saluting that blue and white rag that flies over the United Nations, your red, white, and blue banner of freedom would be in the trash bin of history). To get by that obstacle they changed the wording in future would be treaties by calling it an agreement or partnership.
On November 5, 2015, the United States government released the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) official website. And our initial warnings of it ultimately leading toward the formation of a new regional economic union akin to the European Union (EU) have been confirmed.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), in an official news release posted on his Senate website, does not mince words as he calls to "shut off fast-track" for the TPP:
The text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership runs 5,554 pages. This is, by definition, anti-democratic. No individual American has the resources to ensure his or her economic and political interests are safeguarded within this vast global regulatory structure. The predictable and surely desired result of the TPP is to put greater distance between the governed and those who govern. It puts those who make the rules out of reach of those who live under them, empowering unelected regulators who cannot be recalled or voted out of office. In turn, it diminishes the power of the people's bulwark: their constitutionally-formed Congress.
Sessions was referring to chapter 27 of the TPP, entitled "Administrative and Institutional Provisions," which establishes and outlines the functions of its administrative and executive body - the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission. "This new structure is known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission - a Pacific Union - which meets, appoints unelected bureaucrats, adopts rules, and changes the agreement after adoption," Sessions states.
Article 27, section 1, of the TPP plainly states: "The Parties hereby establish a Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission (Commission) which shall meet at the level of Ministers or senior officials, as mutually determined by the Parties. Each Party shall be responsible for the composition of its delegation."
Article 27, section 2, outlines the functions of the TPP Commission:
Sessions calls the TPP Commission's powers "open-ended," citing its broad authority over the creation of new rules and procedures, global migration, and global environmental standards; Sessions states:
Further on in his news release, Sessions rightly likens the TPP Commission to the European Union. "At bottom, this is not a mere trade agreement. It bears the hallmarks of a nascent European Union."
On November 10, 2015, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Senator Sessions reiterated that the goal of the TPP is the creation of an EU-like "Pacific Union." Sessions said, "The TPP is about the goal of creating a new global regulatory structure - what I have called a Pacific Union - transferring power from individual Americans and Congress, eroding Congress, to an unaccountable, unelected, international bureaucratic committee." Towards the end of his remarks Sessions further said of the TPP, "This agreement is not just about promoting trade; it is about creating a framework for a transnational union which supersedes the authority of Congress."
With the full text of the TPP now unveiled we see that both our suspicions and Senator Sessions' warnings are correct. In order to safeguard our nation's economic and political sovereignty from this new Pacific Union it is imperative that you contact your U.S. representative and senators, urging them to oppose and vote Nay on the TPP or any legislation advancing its passage. This has very little to do with trade, but everything to do with the continuity of America's independence.
Please phone your representative (202-225-3121) and senators (202-224-3121) in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which would subordinate U.S. national sovereignty and independence to a supranational EU-style Pacific Union.
(Note: Attempting to by-pass Senate ratification is not restricted to one political may remember President George Bush's SPP: In March of 2005, the leaders of Canada (Paul Martin), the U.S. (George W. Bush), and Mexico (Vicente Fox) signed an agreement called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). The SPP is about securing prosperity for a rich elite, while taking what remaining power the people have, through democratic sovereign institutions, and placing that power in a few hands of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats whose strings are pulled by global corporations and banks.) This update entered on 27 November 2015Right now we have TPP awaiting Congressional approval and most of them are as naïve as a blind chicken (whatever that portrays LOL). Hopefully my readers will call their elected officials and tell them point blank not to support the TPP else their term in office will be history...then forward this to the rest of the naïve public...or maybe send them a text message. ~ Norman E. Hooben
With the full text of the TPP now unveiled we see that both our suspicions and Senator Sessions' warnings are correct. In order to safeguard our nation's economic and political sovereignty from this new Pacific Union it is imperative that you contact your U.S. representative and senators, urging them to oppose and vote Nay on the TPP or any legislation advancing its passage. This has very little to do with trade, but everything to do with the continuity of America's independence.Source
Protect American Sovereignty, Stop the "Pacific Union"
On November 5, 2015, the United States government released the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) official website. And our initial warnings of it ultimately leading toward the formation of a new regional economic union akin to the European Union (EU) have been confirmed.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), in an official news release posted on his Senate website, does not mince words as he calls to "shut off fast-track" for the TPP:
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TPP runs 5,554 pages... Who has the time to read all the 'shall and shall-nots'? |
Sessions was referring to chapter 27 of the TPP, entitled "Administrative and Institutional Provisions," which establishes and outlines the functions of its administrative and executive body - the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission. "This new structure is known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission - a Pacific Union - which meets, appoints unelected bureaucrats, adopts rules, and changes the agreement after adoption," Sessions states.
Article 27, section 1, of the TPP plainly states: "The Parties hereby establish a Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission (Commission) which shall meet at the level of Ministers or senior officials, as mutually determined by the Parties. Each Party shall be responsible for the composition of its delegation."
Article 27, section 2, outlines the functions of the TPP Commission:
The Commission shall:
(a) consider any matter relating to the implementation or operation of this Agreement;
(b) review within 3 years of entry into force of this Agreement and at least every 5 years thereafter the economic relationship and partnership among the Parties;
(c) consider any proposal to amend or modify this Agreement;
(d) supervise the work of all committees and working groups established under this Agreement;
(e) establish the Model Rules of Procedure for Arbitral Tribunals referred to in Article 28.11.2 and Article 28.12, and, where appropriate, amend such Model Rules of Procedure for Arbitral Tribunals;
(f) consider ways to further enhance trade and investment between the Parties;
(g) review the roster of panel chairs established under Article 28.10 every 3 years, and when appropriate, constitute a new roster; and
(h) determine whether the Agreement may enter into force for an original signatory notifying pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 30.5.1 (Entry into Force).
(a) consider any matter relating to the implementation or operation of this Agreement;
(b) review within 3 years of entry into force of this Agreement and at least every 5 years thereafter the economic relationship and partnership among the Parties;
(c) consider any proposal to amend or modify this Agreement;
(d) supervise the work of all committees and working groups established under this Agreement;
(e) establish the Model Rules of Procedure for Arbitral Tribunals referred to in Article 28.11.2 and Article 28.12, and, where appropriate, amend such Model Rules of Procedure for Arbitral Tribunals;
(f) consider ways to further enhance trade and investment between the Parties;
(g) review the roster of panel chairs established under Article 28.10 every 3 years, and when appropriate, constitute a new roster; and
(h) determine whether the Agreement may enter into force for an original signatory notifying pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 30.5.1 (Entry into Force).
Sessions calls the TPP Commission's powers "open-ended," citing its broad authority over the creation of new rules and procedures, global migration, and global environmental standards; Sessions states:
This global governance authority is open-ended: 'The Commission and any subsidiary body established under this Agreement may establish rules of procedures for the conduct of its work.' It covers everything from the movement of foreign nationals: 'No Party shall adopt or maintain ... measures that impose limitations on the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular service sector ... in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test'; to climate regulation: 'The Parties acknowledge that transition to a low emissions economy requires collective action.'
Further on in his news release, Sessions rightly likens the TPP Commission to the European Union. "At bottom, this is not a mere trade agreement. It bears the hallmarks of a nascent European Union."
On November 10, 2015, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Senator Sessions reiterated that the goal of the TPP is the creation of an EU-like "Pacific Union." Sessions said, "The TPP is about the goal of creating a new global regulatory structure - what I have called a Pacific Union - transferring power from individual Americans and Congress, eroding Congress, to an unaccountable, unelected, international bureaucratic committee." Towards the end of his remarks Sessions further said of the TPP, "This agreement is not just about promoting trade; it is about creating a framework for a transnational union which supersedes the authority of Congress."
With the full text of the TPP now unveiled we see that both our suspicions and Senator Sessions' warnings are correct. In order to safeguard our nation's economic and political sovereignty from this new Pacific Union it is imperative that you contact your U.S. representative and senators, urging them to oppose and vote Nay on the TPP or any legislation advancing its passage. This has very little to do with trade, but everything to do with the continuity of America's independence.
Please phone your representative (202-225-3121) and senators (202-224-3121) in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which would subordinate U.S. national sovereignty and independence to a supranational EU-style Pacific Union.
Obama...Is he the real-life “Manchurian Candidate?”
Ghost of Columbia – Part II: Legendary Columbia Professor Never Heard of Obama
Wayne Allyn Root
Is he the real-life “Manchurian Candidate?” What explains Obama having just enough skeletal proof that he was there (one photo, one roommate, one professor, one friend)…but never seen in a class, never on anyone’s radar screen, almost invisible. A total 2-year blackout. It’s like a story straight out of a novel about the CIA or KGB. He graduated Columbia, but it’s almost as if he never went there.
To make matters more mysterious, Obama’s college records are sealed. He’s had plenty of opportunities to authorize the release, to clear the air. He has never chosen to do so. But why? What has he got to hide? Funny enough Obama has never had a problem ripping open the sealed records of his political opponents. Every step of his career Obama has beaten his opponents by having sealed documents just happen to be publicly exposed by anonymous sources. But not Obama. His records are always unavailable (and never leaked). Obama always seems to have powerful forces on his side.
Did he attend Columbia as a foreign student? That was the educated guess I made in my appearance on “Hannity” on Fox News a year ago. The only photo of Obama from his Columbia days was in his off-campus apartment with a roommate described by USA Today as a Pakistani national, pot smoker, and cocaine abuser. If you’re a foreign student, you live in housing off-campus with other foreign students.
That would also explain how he transferred to Columbia. Transferring into an Ivy League school is all but impossible. I did a little digging and found out only 3 transfer students in all of America were accepted into Columbia in the past academic year. Three students out of 315 million Americans. Yet those who knew Obama at Occidental called him a pot smoker and partier who rarely attended class. You’re telling me that a poor student, with that record, at an average college, was accepted for transfer into prestigious Columbia University? Only if he was an exotic Indonesian foreign student transferring into a college that desperately wanted to claim an ethnically and globally diverse student body.
Still that might explain how Obama got into Columbia. But where was he for those two years? My gut instincts say something is wrong with “the Obama at Columbia story.” Very wrong. Rancid.
But until now, I was the only one publicly voicing my suspicions. That just changed in a big way. Meet Professor Henry Graff, perhaps the most legendary and honored professor ever at Columbia University. He was THE American History and Diplomatic History professor at Columbia for 46 years. And he is more emphatic than yours truly that there are no Obama footprints at Columbia.
I was put on Professor Graff’s trail by another Columbia classmate, skeptical about Obama’s story. He told me that Professor Graff had been the speaker for the Class of ’53 last weekend at Columbia. My friend was watching Graff answer questions from the crowd when he was asked about Obama at Columbia. Graff said, “I have my doubts he ever went here.”
I did some digging and located Graff’s home phone number. I called him yesterday. Now retired, he was delighted to hear from me. He agreed to go on the record about Obama. Unlike Obama, Professor Graff clearly remembered me. He was thrilled to hear from his former student. I was in several of Graff’s classes and he remembered me like it was yesterday. He sounded great- like he hasn’t lost any of his trademark sharpness in 30 years since we last met.
I was honored to learn that this legendary historian has been following my political career for many years. But he had no such cheery things to say about the President. Graff said, “I taught at Columbia for 46 years. I taught every significant American politician that ever studied at Columbia. I know them all. I’m proud of them all. Between American History and Diplomatic History, one way or another, they all had to come through my classes. Not Obama. I never had a student with that name in any of my classes. I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.”
Even more importantly, Professor Graff knew the other history and political science professors. “None of the other Columbia professors knew him either” said Graff.
Graff concluded our interview by saying, “I’m very upset by the whole story. I am angry when I hear Obama called ‘the first President of the United States from Columbia University.’ I don’t consider him a Columbia student. I have no idea what he did on the Columbia campus. No one knows him.”
There is something wrong with Obama’s story- I know that. Many of my classmates at last weekend’s 30th reunion knew that. Now the most beloved Professor ever at Columbia joins us in publicly questioning the story. Obama is either the ghost of Columbia, or the perfect Manchurian candidate. But something smells rotten at Columbia.
Editor’s note: Wayne Allyn Root joined us on the June 4, 2013 edition of the BlazeCast. He discusses his experience at his 30th class reunion at Columbia and answers extensive questions about his theories about Barack Obama at Columbia.
Wayne Allyn Root
Wayne Allyn Root is the author of "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide". |
Wayne Allyn Root is a bestselling author. His latest book is: “The Power of RELENTLESS!” Dubbed by the media as “the Capitalist Evangelist,” Wayne is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, international business speaker, serial entrepreneur and conservative media personality – appearing on over 5,000 interviews in the past five years. Wayne’s web site:
But something about “the Obama at Columbia story” has always bothered me. Earlier in the week right here at The Blaze I wrote about having just returned from New York, where I attended my 30th Columbia University reunion. I celebrated with my esteemed classmates. Everyone except Barack Obama. As usual- he wasn’t there. Not a trace. Not a video greeting. Not a letter. I could not find any classmates who knew him.
I called Obama “the Ghost of Columbia University.” I pointed out (as I’ve said in the media for many years now) that Obama may have been registered at Columbia, may have graduated from Columbia, but he was rarely (if ever) seen for the two years in-between. It’s a strange, mysterious and frightening story.Is he the real-life “Manchurian Candidate?” What explains Obama having just enough skeletal proof that he was there (one photo, one roommate, one professor, one friend)…but never seen in a class, never on anyone’s radar screen, almost invisible. A total 2-year blackout. It’s like a story straight out of a novel about the CIA or KGB. He graduated Columbia, but it’s almost as if he never went there.
To make matters more mysterious, Obama’s college records are sealed. He’s had plenty of opportunities to authorize the release, to clear the air. He has never chosen to do so. But why? What has he got to hide? Funny enough Obama has never had a problem ripping open the sealed records of his political opponents. Every step of his career Obama has beaten his opponents by having sealed documents just happen to be publicly exposed by anonymous sources. But not Obama. His records are always unavailable (and never leaked). Obama always seems to have powerful forces on his side.
Did he attend Columbia as a foreign student? That was the educated guess I made in my appearance on “Hannity” on Fox News a year ago. The only photo of Obama from his Columbia days was in his off-campus apartment with a roommate described by USA Today as a Pakistani national, pot smoker, and cocaine abuser. If you’re a foreign student, you live in housing off-campus with other foreign students.
That would also explain how he transferred to Columbia. Transferring into an Ivy League school is all but impossible. I did a little digging and found out only 3 transfer students in all of America were accepted into Columbia in the past academic year. Three students out of 315 million Americans. Yet those who knew Obama at Occidental called him a pot smoker and partier who rarely attended class. You’re telling me that a poor student, with that record, at an average college, was accepted for transfer into prestigious Columbia University? Only if he was an exotic Indonesian foreign student transferring into a college that desperately wanted to claim an ethnically and globally diverse student body.
Still that might explain how Obama got into Columbia. But where was he for those two years? My gut instincts say something is wrong with “the Obama at Columbia story.” Very wrong. Rancid.
But until now, I was the only one publicly voicing my suspicions. That just changed in a big way. Meet Professor Henry Graff, perhaps the most legendary and honored professor ever at Columbia University. He was THE American History and Diplomatic History professor at Columbia for 46 years. And he is more emphatic than yours truly that there are no Obama footprints at Columbia.
I was put on Professor Graff’s trail by another Columbia classmate, skeptical about Obama’s story. He told me that Professor Graff had been the speaker for the Class of ’53 last weekend at Columbia. My friend was watching Graff answer questions from the crowd when he was asked about Obama at Columbia. Graff said, “I have my doubts he ever went here.”
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Professor Henry Graff
(Photo: Columbia University)
I was honored to learn that this legendary historian has been following my political career for many years. But he had no such cheery things to say about the President. Graff said, “I taught at Columbia for 46 years. I taught every significant American politician that ever studied at Columbia. I know them all. I’m proud of them all. Between American History and Diplomatic History, one way or another, they all had to come through my classes. Not Obama. I never had a student with that name in any of my classes. I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.”
Even more importantly, Professor Graff knew the other history and political science professors. “None of the other Columbia professors knew him either” said Graff.
Graff concluded our interview by saying, “I’m very upset by the whole story. I am angry when I hear Obama called ‘the first President of the United States from Columbia University.’ I don’t consider him a Columbia student. I have no idea what he did on the Columbia campus. No one knows him.”
There is something wrong with Obama’s story- I know that. Many of my classmates at last weekend’s 30th reunion knew that. Now the most beloved Professor ever at Columbia joins us in publicly questioning the story. Obama is either the ghost of Columbia, or the perfect Manchurian candidate. But something smells rotten at Columbia.
Editor’s note: Wayne Allyn Root joined us on the June 4, 2013 edition of the BlazeCast. He discusses his experience at his 30th class reunion at Columbia and answers extensive questions about his theories about Barack Obama at Columbia.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Money...something 99.99% of voters know nothing about!
Also... There's the probability of 99.99% accuracy that if you happened upon this page and refused to watch the video(s) that I would be 100% correct that you fall into the 99.99%.
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