Saturday, August 23, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
The Return Of The Post Turtle ~ You got what you voted for America!
Some of you may remember when the following story circulated the Internet through blog-posts and emails:
One could easily say, "It went viral." ...and it's still making the rounds on some of the social media websites. The reason I'm bringing it up again is that I would like to focus on the last sentence.
Certainly he didn't get there by himself. We knew that he had the backing of most Muslim countries and that in and of itself should have been a warning but the low-information voters of America are the ones that should take the blame and hang their heads in shame.
"He doesn't belong up there." Well according to those same low-information voters, he does belong up there. And it goes without saying that Obama's ego knows he should be up there
"He doesn't know what to do while he is up there." This is where I part company with such an inaccurate statement. He knows exactly what to do and he's doing it! He's destroying the country from within and he's enjoyng every minute of it.
"You just wonder what kind of dumb fool put him up there." Here again we have nobody to blame but those low-information voters. Oh but they're so smart they voted for the same guy twice. Apparently the low-information voters got what they deserved... But why should we all suffer for some dumb fools mistake? In case you haven't noticed, the tide has changed and the low-information voters now cover more of the landscape than people with rational thought. If you don't think that last statement is true ask yourself, "Who won the last election?" Certainly not rational thinkers!
Let me leave you with a few choice words by Mark Levin and David Horowitz :
One could easily say, "It went viral." ...and it's still making the rounds on some of the social media websites. The reason I'm bringing it up again is that I would like to focus on the last sentence.
Certainly he didn't get there by himself. We knew that he had the backing of most Muslim countries and that in and of itself should have been a warning but the low-information voters of America are the ones that should take the blame and hang their heads in shame.
"He doesn't belong up there." Well according to those same low-information voters, he does belong up there. And it goes without saying that Obama's ego knows he should be up there
"He doesn't know what to do while he is up there." This is where I part company with such an inaccurate statement. He knows exactly what to do and he's doing it! He's destroying the country from within and he's enjoyng every minute of it.
"You just wonder what kind of dumb fool put him up there." Here again we have nobody to blame but those low-information voters. Oh but they're so smart they voted for the same guy twice. Apparently the low-information voters got what they deserved... But why should we all suffer for some dumb fools mistake? In case you haven't noticed, the tide has changed and the low-information voters now cover more of the landscape than people with rational thought. If you don't think that last statement is true ask yourself, "Who won the last election?" Certainly not rational thinkers!
Let me leave you with a few choice words by Mark Levin and David Horowitz :
Good lord, I tell you what. Two bad elections and look it's happened to us as a people. Look what's happened to us. Look what's happened in the country. Look what's been done to the presidency. Look what's been done to our government. Look what's been done to our military. Look what's been done to our border. Look what's been done to our economy. Two freaking elections. ~ From Former pot- and coke-head is hooked on golf like drug addicts are hooked on drugs. by Mark Levin
What this unfeeling and cold response to the slaughter of Christians tells us is that Obama is a pretend Christian just the way he is a pretend American. What he is instead is a world class liar. That is because his real agendas are anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-Jewish, and obviously and consistently pro America’s third world adversaries to whom he is always apologizing and whom he is always appeasing. Obama lies about his intentions and policies because he couldn’t survive politically if he told the truth,
The socialist plot against individual freedom called Obamacare was sold as a charitable attempt to cover the uninsured (which it doesn’t), to lower health insurance costs (which it doesn’t) and to allow patients to keep their doctor and their plan (which it doesn’t). What it actually does is to take away a major piece of the freedom that Americans once enjoyed – the freedom to choose their plan and their doctor, and not to have the government control their health care or have easy access to all their financial information.
This devious, deceitful, power hungry administration is just as James Woods described it. But it is also a mounting danger for all Americans. Thanks to his global retreat, the terrorists Obama falsely claims are “on the run” are in fact gathering their strength and their weapons of mass destruction until a day will come when they will cross our porous borders and show us what the years of perfidy not only by Obama but by the whole Democratic Party have wrought. From The Hell That is the Obama White House by David Horowitzby Norman E. Hooben
Today's Quote
Sometimes this presidency feels like a bad science fiction movie. Only problem is I can't leave the theater. ~ Lawrence Brown
Obama's Pizza Diplomacy
Excerpted from:The Sheldon Cooper Presidency @ Ace of Spades HQ
No matter what happens in the world, Obama is sticking to Pizza On Thursdays.
Because that's what we do on Thursdays. Thursdays are for Pizza.
They're slaughtering Christians in Iraq? Thursdays are for Pizza.
They're slaughtering Yazidis in Iraq? Pizza is what we have on Thursdays.
Ferguson is burning? It's Thursday. Thursday night is pizza night.
James Foley was beheaded by the New Caliphate in Iraq? Well, unless James Foley is our Pizza delivery guy, I don't really see how this alters our Thursday plans...
I really do not know what it could possibly take to get Obama to acknowledge that while Thursdays are often for Pizza, sometimes momentous events occur which require delaying Pizza until later. ...Read full story here
No matter what happens in the world, Obama is sticking to Pizza On Thursdays.
Because that's what we do on Thursdays. Thursdays are for Pizza.
They're slaughtering Christians in Iraq? Thursdays are for Pizza.
They're slaughtering Yazidis in Iraq? Pizza is what we have on Thursdays.
Ferguson is burning? It's Thursday. Thursday night is pizza night.
James Foley was beheaded by the New Caliphate in Iraq? Well, unless James Foley is our Pizza delivery guy, I don't really see how this alters our Thursday plans...
I really do not know what it could possibly take to get Obama to acknowledge that while Thursdays are often for Pizza, sometimes momentous events occur which require delaying Pizza until later. ...Read full story here
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Not since Pearl Harbor...
As Obama Golfs and
Fundraises, China Unveils First-Strike Nuclear Missile Targeting U.S. Cities
By Investor's Business Daily via Doug Ross Journal
Nuclear Threat: Beijing's strategic military buildup continues with the unveiling of a road-mobile missile capable of delivering up to 10 atomic warheads anywhere in America. Time to show some flexibility, Mr. President?
While President Obama was playing the back nine, and as it was confirmed that
the Russians had developed a cruise missile, the R500, which violates 1987's
Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty, the Chinese were busy as well. They now have
a mobile intercontinental nuclear missile with no other purpose than to make war
against the U.S.
The announcement of the DF-41's existence was not exactly approved by the
Chinese government. As the Telegraph reports, the inadvertent original
government Web post appeared to have been deleted on Friday, but the Chinese
newspaper Global Times, which seems to have a penchant for revealing Chinese
military developments, posted a screen capture.
The Telegraph account notes that the DF-41 is designed to have a range of 7,500 miles, according to a report by Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems, putting it among the world's longest-range missiles.
The Pentagon said in a June report the new missile is "capable of carrying multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles," as many as 10.
One of the Pentagon's annual reports to Congress on China's military several years ago said Beijing had halted development of the DF-41. But after flight tests in 2012 and last December, the Pentagon revised its assessment.
"China also is developing a new road-mobile ICBM known as the Dong Feng-41 (DF-41), possibly capable of carrying multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRV)," according to the latest report.
U.S. intelligence authorities, Bill Gertz reports in the Washington Free Beacon, regard the DF-41 as a first-strike weapon designed as a counter to existing U.S. missile defenses intended to deal only with missile threats from rogue North Korea and Iran.
"The emergence of the most recent image indicates that the DF-41 may now be in production," says Rick Fisher, a Chinese military expert with the International Assessment and Strategy Center.
"If this is the case, then it is also likely that the first DF-41 unit is now building up."
Each Chinese ICBM unit, Fisher told the Beacon, operates with six or 12 launchers, and it is likely that all units include one reload missile for each launcher.
"The math is not comforting: Three DF-41 units could account for up to between 360 to720 new warheads," Fisher said, adding that China is quickly gathering the potential to achieve nuclear parity with the U.S.
Last fall, as we have noted, the Global Times published a report on how China's strategic missile submarines would attack the Western U.S.
What was chilling about the report is that it included photos and graphics detailing damage projections for Seattle and Los Angeles after they had been hit by Chinese nuclear warheads and the deadly radiation that would spread all the way to Chicago.
"The 12 JL-2 nuclear warheads carried by one single Type 094 SBYN can kill and wound 5 million to 12 million Americans," the Global Times reported. "If we launch our DF 31A ICBMs over the North Pole, we can easily destroy a whole list of metropolises on the East Coast and the New England region of the U.S., including Annapolis, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, Baltimore and Norfolk, whose population accounts for about one-eighth of America's total residents."
While we deactivate entire ICBM squadrons to ensure compliance with the New Start Treaty with Russia, Moscow violates such agreements with impunity as its neighbor prepares to fight and win a nuclear war with the U.S.
We would suggest something bigger than a nine iron, Mr. President.
Read more at Investor's Business Daily
Aug. 7, China conducted a second test of its hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV),
known as the WU-14, yet another example of its relentless pursuit of high-tech
weaponry as the United States abandons what the administration dismisses as Cold
War weaponry.
The first test, conducted in January, saw China's HGV reach speeds in the
vicinity of Mach 10, about 10 times the speed of sound. In the latest test,
according to Internet reports, the WU-14 was the upper stage of a missile
launched from the Jiuquan satellite launch facility in China's western Gobi
China seems to be in a hurry. "The decision to conduct a second WU-14 test only a few months after its first test shows China's commitment to fast-tracking this program," said Lora Saalman, specialist on Beijing's HGV development at the Carnegie Foundation.
"China's test of a hypersonic glide vehicle proves that America's reticence about China's high-tech military developments diminishes American security by detracting from a needed political debate about real American defense requirements," Fisher has warned. "We are in effect disarming ourselves."
Certainly administration budget cuts and the effects of sequestration have done little to enhance America's military capabilities. In contrast, the New York Times reports, China in March announced a 12.2% rise in this year's military budget over 2013, which itself was 10.3% over the year before that.
These are the actions of an ascending power intent on challenging the U.S., first in the western Pacific and then globally. It is building a blue-water navy complete with its own carrier battle groups.
Last fall, the Chinese newspaper Global Times boasted, "The 12 JL-2 nuclear warheads carried by one Type 094 SSBN (ship, submersible, ballistic, nuclear — i.e., a ballistic missile-carrying nuclear submarine) can kill and wound 5 to 12 million Americans." This announcement came complete with target maps.
As we've also noted, China recently unveiled a new road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, the DF-41, that can deliver 10 nuclear warheads to any target in the U.S. We have moved in the opposite direction, recently deactivating an entire ICBM missile squadron.
China has begun throwing its weight around, recently establishing an air defense identification zone over the Senkaku Islands near Okinawa, claimed by Japan. It has also laid claim to the Spratly and Paracel Island chains in the South China Sea, the entirety of which it treats as Chinese territorial waters.
Beijing's goal is to push the U.S. out of the western Pacific, establish regional dominance along the Pacific Rim and then push outward from there. It is not preparing for more constructive dialogue with the United States.
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Storm'n Norm'n |
By Investor's Business Daily via Doug Ross Journal
Nuclear Threat: Beijing's strategic military buildup continues with the unveiling of a road-mobile missile capable of delivering up to 10 atomic warheads anywhere in America. Time to show some flexibility, Mr. President?

The Telegraph account notes that the DF-41 is designed to have a range of 7,500 miles, according to a report by Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems, putting it among the world's longest-range missiles.
The Pentagon said in a June report the new missile is "capable of carrying multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles," as many as 10.
One of the Pentagon's annual reports to Congress on China's military several years ago said Beijing had halted development of the DF-41. But after flight tests in 2012 and last December, the Pentagon revised its assessment.
"China also is developing a new road-mobile ICBM known as the Dong Feng-41 (DF-41), possibly capable of carrying multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRV)," according to the latest report.
U.S. intelligence authorities, Bill Gertz reports in the Washington Free Beacon, regard the DF-41 as a first-strike weapon designed as a counter to existing U.S. missile defenses intended to deal only with missile threats from rogue North Korea and Iran.
"The emergence of the most recent image indicates that the DF-41 may now be in production," says Rick Fisher, a Chinese military expert with the International Assessment and Strategy Center.
"If this is the case, then it is also likely that the first DF-41 unit is now building up."
Each Chinese ICBM unit, Fisher told the Beacon, operates with six or 12 launchers, and it is likely that all units include one reload missile for each launcher.
"The math is not comforting: Three DF-41 units could account for up to between 360 to720 new warheads," Fisher said, adding that China is quickly gathering the potential to achieve nuclear parity with the U.S.
Last fall, as we have noted, the Global Times published a report on how China's strategic missile submarines would attack the Western U.S.
What was chilling about the report is that it included photos and graphics detailing damage projections for Seattle and Los Angeles after they had been hit by Chinese nuclear warheads and the deadly radiation that would spread all the way to Chicago.
"The 12 JL-2 nuclear warheads carried by one single Type 094 SBYN can kill and wound 5 million to 12 million Americans," the Global Times reported. "If we launch our DF 31A ICBMs over the North Pole, we can easily destroy a whole list of metropolises on the East Coast and the New England region of the U.S., including Annapolis, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, Baltimore and Norfolk, whose population accounts for about one-eighth of America's total residents."
While we deactivate entire ICBM squadrons to ensure compliance with the New Start Treaty with Russia, Moscow violates such agreements with impunity as its neighbor prepares to fight and win a nuclear war with the U.S.
We would suggest something bigger than a nine iron, Mr. President.
Read more at Investor's Business Daily
As Obama Disarms America, China Unveils Another New, Hypersonic "Carrier Killer"
Weapon System
Source: Doug Ross Journal
National Security: Beijing is moving fast on a maneuverable,
hypersonic glide vehicle designed to evade America's defenses, including the
Aegis ballistic missile system guarding our carrier battle groups.
Strategic experts say that the importance of this weapons program cannot be
understated. The Washington
Free Beacon quotes Rick Fisher, senior fellow at the International
Assessment and Strategy Center, as saying:
"Accelerated HGV testing could potentially allow China to develop a
second-generation antiship ballistic missile (ASBM) warhead that is more
maneuverable and more difficult to counter."
As we noted after the January test, development of the WU-14 comes on the
heels of China's deployment of a "carrier-killer," the DF-21D, a road-mobile
ASBM. This land-based missile is designed to track and target our carrier battle
groups in the western Pacific with the help of satellites and unmanned aerial
vehicles similar to our drones, as well as over-the-horizon radar.
While the DF-21D is a traditional ballistic missile, the WU-14 operates in
near-space and functions more like a plane, albeit on steroids. "The beauty of
the HGV," Fisher told the Free Beacon, "is that it can perform hypersonic
precision strikes while maintaining a relatively low altitude and flat
trajectory, making it far less vulnerable to missile defenses."China seems to be in a hurry. "The decision to conduct a second WU-14 test only a few months after its first test shows China's commitment to fast-tracking this program," said Lora Saalman, specialist on Beijing's HGV development at the Carnegie Foundation.
"China's test of a hypersonic glide vehicle proves that America's reticence about China's high-tech military developments diminishes American security by detracting from a needed political debate about real American defense requirements," Fisher has warned. "We are in effect disarming ourselves."
Certainly administration budget cuts and the effects of sequestration have done little to enhance America's military capabilities. In contrast, the New York Times reports, China in March announced a 12.2% rise in this year's military budget over 2013, which itself was 10.3% over the year before that.
These are the actions of an ascending power intent on challenging the U.S., first in the western Pacific and then globally. It is building a blue-water navy complete with its own carrier battle groups.
Last fall, the Chinese newspaper Global Times boasted, "The 12 JL-2 nuclear warheads carried by one Type 094 SSBN (ship, submersible, ballistic, nuclear — i.e., a ballistic missile-carrying nuclear submarine) can kill and wound 5 to 12 million Americans." This announcement came complete with target maps.
As we've also noted, China recently unveiled a new road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, the DF-41, that can deliver 10 nuclear warheads to any target in the U.S. We have moved in the opposite direction, recently deactivating an entire ICBM missile squadron.
China has begun throwing its weight around, recently establishing an air defense identification zone over the Senkaku Islands near Okinawa, claimed by Japan. It has also laid claim to the Spratly and Paracel Island chains in the South China Sea, the entirety of which it treats as Chinese territorial waters.
Beijing's goal is to push the U.S. out of the western Pacific, establish regional dominance along the Pacific Rim and then push outward from there. It is not preparing for more constructive dialogue with the United States.
Monday, August 18, 2014
How to get the message out... Will it take a brain pounding?
On a previous post I asked,
"How many
times do I have to post this ↓ before the message sinks in?"
And if you're a regular reader to this site you probably noticed that I have posted this on numerous occasions along with other posts. The reason I keep posting this is I'm hoping America will wake up and realize that the message herein reveals the major problem besetting America not only today but for the last several years...maybe the last twenty years would be more accurate. And the Wake-up America phrase has been used more often than I can remember...not only here but on numerous websites across the Internet. Many of us who post such messages have the desire that one day America will wake up but we have a difficult time reaching the masses or the masses refuse to comprehend out of some irrational fear that this new world order is something that will never happen. Well it is happening and I think I've found a way to get it into all those complacent hard heads...if this method does not work just say goodbye to your freedoms and succumb to the new world order.
If this ↓ doesn't do it, nothing will! (video meant to be funny)
Are you a member of the "Multitude of Fools"
Think before you answer...
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president.The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” ~ Author Unknown
Also... Here's an example of Americans missing the message ↓ :
Wild Bill was 100% right but Americans missed it...
And the message Americans missed most can be found here
UFO's ~ Are they real?
I never did quite understand about UFO's... I want to remain neutral or open minded about these unsolved mysteries and yet I know they occur. I know because I've seen strange lights in the sky on at least two occasions during my lifetime. The first time I was about eight or nine years of age while lying in bed and recall staring at the light and then covering my face with the sheet and blanket when the oval shaped light began to move. The light was still there when I peeked out from under the blankets and after about five minutes sped off out of view from my window.
The second time I saw the lights...that's right, lights! They were three of them equi-distance apart almost forming a triangle while the moved in unison in the late afternoon sky. This time several friends were with me and all can attest to what I am trying to explain. We were all in high school at the time so we can dismiss any childhood dreams of strange lights. The movement of these lights defied any logical explanation because they changed direction with remarkable speed and without any noticeable they were suddenly thrust into reverse and then forward again.
The only opinion I have of the object in the video below is that it has to be extremely large based on the distance from the camera. ~ Norman E. Hooben
Source WND
An unidentified flying object over the skies of Canada has caught the attention of several UFO-watch websites. The object was spotted in local news footage covering a fire in the West Kelowna area of British Columbia, roughly two hours north of the U.S. border.
According to Canada’s, the author of the initial report on the sighting claimed, “Thirty-seven seconds into the video the UFO comes shooting out from a cloud right above the mountain and passes through a clear spot back into the next cloud. I was quite startled and surprised when I saw it. ...continued reading here
The second time I saw the lights...that's right, lights! They were three of them equi-distance apart almost forming a triangle while the moved in unison in the late afternoon sky. This time several friends were with me and all can attest to what I am trying to explain. We were all in high school at the time so we can dismiss any childhood dreams of strange lights. The movement of these lights defied any logical explanation because they changed direction with remarkable speed and without any noticeable they were suddenly thrust into reverse and then forward again.
The only opinion I have of the object in the video below is that it has to be extremely large based on the distance from the camera. ~ Norman E. Hooben
Source WND
An unidentified flying object over the skies of Canada has caught the attention of several UFO-watch websites. The object was spotted in local news footage covering a fire in the West Kelowna area of British Columbia, roughly two hours north of the U.S. border.
According to Canada’s, the author of the initial report on the sighting claimed, “Thirty-seven seconds into the video the UFO comes shooting out from a cloud right above the mountain and passes through a clear spot back into the next cloud. I was quite startled and surprised when I saw it. ...continued reading here
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