Saturday, July 2, 2022

Marxism: Where the middle class, the working class, and the lower class become one class...they use to call it slavery.

 “The working class has become the enemy of Marxists.”

Critical race theory is a new form of Marxism based not on class, but on identity and race, says James Lindsay, founder of New Discourses and author of the new book, “Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis.”

In this two-part deep-dive interview, James Lindsay breaks down the roots of critical race theory, the logic of Herbert Marcuse’s “repressive tolerance,” why powerful elites appear to have bought into woke ideology, the rise of a social credit scoring system in America, and the strange fusion he now sees between fascism and communism.

Friday, July 1, 2022

How would you measure when America is no longer America

Will it be years, months, weeks, or days?

I think it will soon be measured in hours and minutes...or perhaps she's already reached the point of no return. 

Dr. Zelenko’s Deathbed Message: Resist The WHO’s Fear Campaigns

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Looking for alternative solutions... Maybe the Mercenaries should go to Washington DC


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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Brookings Institute? Oh no, not them too!

See video below. 

Jack Posobiec takes a look into the foreign blood money flooding Washington D.C. after the President of the Brookings Institute, General John Allen, resigns amid an FBI probe into illegal foreign lobbying for the government of Qatar. Three black men were arrested by the U.S. Marshals for beating a 17-year-old white boy to death outside of a Lebron James funded school in Ohio. Poso challenges Lebron James to stand up for human rights. Ten Republican Senators side with the Democrats on red flag laws and other sweeping gun reform bills. Jack Posobiec breaks down Katherine Dee’s article “Mass Shootings and the World Liberalism Made” and analyzes how nihilism has destroyed the moral core of the country.

Here’s your Daily dose of Human Events with @JackPosobiec

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Aren't there enough decent citizens in Fairfax to run the School Board members out of town?

Fairfax Schools Pass Plan to Punish Students for 'Malicious Misgendering'

June 17, 2022 by Breccan F. Thies

Virginia’s Fairfax County School Board amended its student code of conduct to give schools more power to punish students who “misgender” or “deadname” students who identify as transgender.

Students who violate the new policy could be punished with suspension and referrals to local law enforcement.

In an 8-4 decision, the board changed the Students Rights and Responsibilities to include “discriminatory harassment” on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation as “behaviors of safety concern.”

The school district has had a similar policy for over a year, but this change will allow administrators to punish students under Title IX protections. Such a rule preempts an expected Title IX rule change from that Biden administration that is set to expand the definition of discrimination on the basis of sex to include gender identity — something Breitbart News reported 63 percent of Americans disagree with.

Parents rallied outside the school board meeting in opposition to the policy change.


“There’s an overreach happening with the school board with these policies because this isn’t coming in an organic fashion from the parents,” Fairfax County mother of six Stacy Langton told the Epoch Times. “If there’s no demand for it, then that means [school board members] are deliberately pushing a particular agenda. So I’m very bothered by that.”

Langton contended that the rule amounts to “indoctrinating the kids into a place where it all seems normal and desensitizing them to any kind of normal reaction, which would be revulsion, or to acknowledge that, hey, that’s not normal to call a boy a girl or a girl a boy.”

Former adviser to former President Donald Trump Dr. Sebastian Gorka also attended the rally in opposition to the rule change, calling it “communist.”

“Controlling language is wrong for adults; it’s especially wrong for children,” he told the Epoch Times. “This should be about education. It should be about bettering the minds of children, not punishing them because there is some language that administrators prefer.”

Gorka believes the gender ideology being pushed in America’s schools is part of an “agenda to dismantle Western civilization by driving a wedge between children and their parents and blindsiding parents from their children’s gender transition,” according to the Times.

There was also a counter rally of parents who support the rule change, some of whom argue that misgendering is tantamount to using racial slurs.

Breccan F. Thies is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @BreccanFThies

X-22 Report



Sunday, June 26, 2022

This was manufactured for the wipe them out.

Also (this is personal): Did Phil get the Pfizer shot before he died?

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This is apocalyptic and is truly sickening considering the revised increased push to jab small children.

The intellectual elite...
If you are reading this, believe me, you are not one of them. 

 Note the words, "our plan for the world"

 "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." - DAVID ROCKEFELLER