Special diets, iPads, life coaches, and more.

Here’s the list of free benefits the state provides for the thousands of illegal aliens in the “migrant shelters.”
This all comes from sources, because the state refuses to provide information as mandated under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
If we’ve missed any additional freebies, and we probably have, let us know.
Democrats are claiming that this catastrophic black hole in the state budget is costing $75 million a month – it’s likely at least double that.
Also false: the claim that “half” the people in these motels-turned-flophouses are Americans. That is utter nonsense. They are overwhelmingly illegal aliens seeking “asylum” – from work.
Free hotel rooms at $150+ a day.
Three meals a day at $64 per person per diem.
Free on-site medical & dental services (including condoms).
Special diet for Ramadan.
Free same-day dry cleaning w/free pick up & delivery.
Free housekeeping twice a week.
Free cell phones, chargers/charging ports.
Free tablets, IPads.
Free clothing, new & used.
Everyone got new free winter coat, gloves and shoes.
Free toiletries (tooth paste, deodorant, special “ethnic” shampoos, skin cream, aspirin, tooth brushes, feminine products).
Free diapers, wipes, diaper pails, cribs, bassinets, playpens, baby bottles, baby formulas, free car seats, free new mother bags, playrooms for young illegals w/free toys & books which must be replaced often because of destruction.
Free tax preparation at $350 per family. Even though next to none work, all will get big returns via “child tax credit.”
Free work-permit attorney.
Free asylum attorney.
Free MassHealth (Medicaid) coverage.
Free vaccination clinics.
Free WIC (Women, infants, children) cards, $400-800 a month on top of 3 free meals a day.
Free DTA (Dept. of Transitional Assistance) welfare checks… “family” of 4 pockets $2880 a month.
Free Uber/Lyft to schools, grocery stores, doctors’ appts., hospital, job interviews, entertainment.
Free public transportation, but nobody takes a bus when they can get a free Uber.
Free transportation to church, via either Uber or church provided.
Holiday parties.
Movie nights in hotel.
Free postage stamps, envelopes.
Free Notary service.
Free English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.
24/7 security.
School choice transportation via Uber or buses, big $$$, plus overwhelmed local school systems.
Flood of 911 calls, first responders overwhelmed answering domestic disturbances, drugs, alcohol and general entitled Third World nonsense calls.
$30,000 in “rental assistance” over 2 years from state’s HomeBase program.
Free UHaul & boxes.
Free luggage on moving day.
Free new beds for all “family” that moved into new flophouse. Delivered free of charge.
Free furniture up to 10 items (couch, tables, end tables, rugs, etc.).
A free move-in package (plates, towels, cutlery, etc.) Up to $900. Delivered free.
A free assigned case manager to find the freeloader a free place to stay & negotiate rent/lease.
Case managers to make sure the welfare keeps coming (DTA, WIC, MassHealth & SSI for the “disabled”).
“Stabilization manager” – case worker for 2 years after leaving the flophouse.
Free case workers for “early childhood intervention.”
DCF (Dept. of Children & Families) for those “struggling with parenting.”
Free “life coaches” from DCF.
Hotels charge for function rooms used for meals, to provide welfare services for the illegals etc.
Hotels charge for internet & office supplies for case workers.
Next to no follow up from any state agencies & the hacks have no idea how bad it is.
Massachusetts is ringing a dinner bell for every criminal & grifter in the Third World.
Hotel staff cannot evict for offenses that would get US citizens tossed – illegals stash drugs, alcohol, knives, guns, air fryers etc. in their rooms all in violation of “Right to Shelter” regulations.
Haitians complain about lack of “Haitian cuisine” even though most fled their Third World bleephole years ago & have just moved here from South America looking for a free ride.
In 2022, Massachusetts picked a very bad year to become a one-party state.
18 responses to “FREEBIES FOR ILLEGALS: a Comprehensive List”
- vinnie v
My mother 80 years old cancer survivor then a year later broke her hip now she has alzheimer they won’t give her mass health food stamps or even long term care. she lives off of Social Security check she is broke and gets nothing from the government I’m paying out of my pocket to support her while I’m going broke trying to take care of my wife and I who have health issues also. I have to work at least 60 hours a week just so I can afford her food and med buy her cloths. My mother paid her taxes her whole life never broken the law and what is she getting NOTHING NO HAND OUTS FROM THE GOVERNEMNT after her Social Security check she gets and pay her bills she broke I need to buy her food cloths Meds and these illegals who are breaking the law are getting everything free while I leaving pay check to pay check in credit card debt I eat 1 meal a day me and my wife thats how are living.
- Kim B.
I am almost in tears, my dear friend is a marine and served the people of these United States for several years in the Persian Gulf. He is experiencing major tooth pain and cannot get basic care. The VA makes him jump through hoops and is unresponsive. He has been forwarded to 7 people on the phone and being told he is not covered for dental care. The government makes it so hard for those who actually scarified for our Americans. The illegals are getting FREE, convenient – come to them – dental care? How can this be happening??
- Mike hanlon
Howie what else should we expect from Maura Healey running this state. Just look at the comic book characters we have for politicians. Liz Warren, Markey , Pressley,Lynch just to name a few. You have an idiot for Mayor who has white only Xmas party and nothing happens. Unfortunately Massachusetts is a disgrace its just a matter of time before we’ve all had enough and move somewhere that values mean something.
- L Henry
The Dems want a welfare state where citizens are dependent and therefore have to keep voting for them to get the grift. They are destroying our country. People no matter your political persuasion better wake up. This is the transformation Obama and other liberals have been talking about. Of course, they will be the ruling class and separated from the serfs.
- beachmom
Maine is doing the same stuff. Except in Maine the illegals are having entire apartment buildings put up just for them.
- Mashole74
I grew up in Massachusetts and was born and raised there. Massachusetts has become a failed state. I don’t think people realize how bad this is going to get. This will spread to suburbia but by then it will be too late. Without handouts from the GOV, the state will completely collapse. Get out now and move to America.
- Coley
I was an old style Democrat, went to work every day, the Republicans were anti union, the Democrats were Brian Donnelly,Joe Moakley. But then the Dukakis,Kennedy,Kerry wing took over, the old line Dems went full corrupt under Bulger,Flaherty,Rouse. Now their mutated offspring of Healy,Yu, Markey,Warren,Pressley,Clark,Curtatone rule,the Democrats ignore blue-collar unions except at election time and the Republicans don’t exist in Massachusetts. I’m independent status now and moved to Texas.
- peter magraw
Thank You Howie, For All You Do To Keep The Concerned Informed. Love Your radio Show.
- Patty O’Neill
I just moved out of Massachusetts after 35 years and went south. So glad I don’t have to pay for this and other assorted insanity anymore. I miss New England but I don’t miss this crap.
- OJ
Are recall elections permitted in Massachusetts? Sadly enough, we’re not at that point yet for the liberal stooges. That’ll change once this insanity starts to infiltrate the backyards of these affluent communities. Hopefully Gov. DeSantis waits a few months and loads up a few triple 7’s with hundreds of immigrants during the summer months and sends them to Marthas Vineyard, Nantucket, and the Cape.
- Gigi
Selling my business by the end of the summer. I hate it here. I grew up in Boston in the North End. And went back when my husband passed.. was still very young. Living in Woburn. NOw…the hotels, the market basket, the streets, the complexions have changed.
Complete and total disregard for me and everyone else who works in this disgusting state. - Ken Kowalik
Howie- This is outrageous!!! We have to stop this immediately, Trump has to get back in and retain the House & “steal” the Senate back NOW.
Ken Kowalik
- Michael Kustra
All 4 of my grandparents came here from Poland legally around 1900. What do you think that they got besides a job in the cotton mill ?
This is just unbelievable, I was intentionally struck by a car 26 months ago and still can’t return to work and there’s nothing for me, 68 year old lifelong Massachusetts resident… shocking huh
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Howie Carr is the New York Times best-selling author of The Brothers Bulger and Hitman, in addition to several other Boston organized-crime books and two novels. He is the host of a New England-wide radio talk-show syndicated to more than 20 stations, and is a member of the Radio Hall of Fame in Chicago.
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