Norman E. Hooben
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Obama Rips Off The Military...again (Air Force One...Did you know we have two?)
Norman E. Hooben
Friday, September 4, 2015
Iran Threatens IAEA Director General With Physical Harm
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Picture composite courtesy of Ray Felitto III |
Source: Investor's Business Daily
Iran Pact's Secret Side Deals: A National Security Fraud
And even if Iran will be inspecting itself, the side deals are a separate arrangement and not part of the nuclear deal, and the issue they're intended to address — past Iranian nuclear weapons work — doesn't matter.
What's going on here?
First, we know there are secret side deals that were not mentioned in the Obama administration's rollout of the Iran nuclear agreement. The administration provided classified (that is, secret) briefings on the side deals to Congress during the week of July 20, in which it claimed that U.S. diplomats have been briefed on the side deal documents but have not seen them.
Obama officials told Congress that the side deals are routine International Atomic Energy Agency arrangements that were being briefed in a classified setting because they are confidential agreements between the IAEA and Iran.
So if the side deals are secret, from whom are they being kept secret? The U.S. Congress, apparently. According to an Aug. 18 Washington Free Beacon story, Iran sent a letter to IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano threatening him with physical harm if he revealed information about the side deals in meetings with members of Congress during a visit to Washington.
Why are these agreements secret?, you may ask. The reason appears to be that they are not routine IAEA agreements but an unprecedented scheme under which Iran will inspect itself to collect evidence of the "possible military dimensions" (PMD) of its nuclear program.
Resolving the PMD issue is crucial for verification of the Iran deal by establishing a baseline of Iran's nuclear weapons-related activities.
The Obama administration and its supporters are trying to deflect the side deals story by downplaying these agreements as irrelevant and unimportant. These are telling arguments, since they go to the heart of why the secret side deals came about.
The appearance of secret side deals on the PMD issue was surprising, since Secretary of State John Kerry said in April that this issue would be addressed in the final nuclear agreement. He reportedly tried and failed to resolve this issue with an offer to Iranian officials in late May or early June.
After Iran rejected this offer, Kerry started saying that resolving the PMD issue was unimportant because it involved issues of the past. Kerry also made the following incredible statement on June 16: "We have absolute knowledge with respect to the certain military activities they (Iran) were engaged in."
Former U.S. intelligence officials strongly disputed this claim.
It's too coincidental that, after Kerry could not resolve the PMD issue during the nuclear talks, they appeared in secret side deals between the IAEA and Iran as part of a bizarre plan barring the IAEA access to PMD-related nuclear sites and using Iranians to collect nuclear samples.
What's even more suspicious is that a first draft of a side deal document shown to the Associated Press had several peculiarities suggesting that it was not drafted by the IAEA or Iran.
Because the AP says two officials assured that the draft is genuine and almost identical to the final version, I believe the peculiarities indicate that the document was written by a third party who is a foreign policy amateur, possibly an aide to Kerry or someone in the Obama National Security Council.
This makes sense because the side deals are almost certainly a U.S. initiative to quietly drop the PMD issue by separating it from the nuclear agreement and placing it in a secret IAEA-Iran agreement that the American people and Congress cannot see.
As such, the side deals violate the requirements of the Corker-Cardin bill (the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act), which requires that the administration provide to Congress all documents associated with the Iran nuclear agreement — including all side agreements.
The secret side deals amount to national security fraud by the Obama administration. There are many reasons for members of Congress to vote against the Iran deal, but it's hard to see how anyone in Congress can vote for it in light of this deliberate attempt by the Obama administration to conceal from Congress its effort to drop a crucial benchmark needed to verify Iran's compliance with the agreement.
• Fleitz is senior vice president for policy and programs for the Center for Security Policy. He followed the Iranian nuclear issue for the CIA, the State Department and the House Intelligence Committee during his 25-year government career.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
True Stories by Norm
By Norman E. Hooben
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Torpedo Headed For Ship |
Thank you very much for introducing us to Stirling...
Stirling thanks you too...
If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you will do what must be done,
For this--the last battle--can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief stay your hand,
For on this day, more than rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
And they are reflected in your tears.
You wouldn't want me to suffer so,
When the time comes, please let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend
Only stay with me till the end.
And hold me firm and speak to me,
Until me eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree,
It is a kindness you do for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you,
Who has to decide this thing to do...
We've been so close - we two - these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
~Author Unknown~
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: RV: OBERAMMERGAU (Alemania)
Thanks for the memories...
After spending nine months in Sicily I was fortunate to get a transfer to Germany arriving there in May of 1979. Knowing that the Passion Play would be held in Oberammergau in the summer of 1980 (its performed once every 10 years by the villagers of Oberammergau in thanks for being spared during the great plague that killed thousands upon thousands throughout Europe), I ordered tickets (actually there was only one left through the special services office) and I was also fortunate to have received the last one.
With a wink of the eye he said, "Yes indeed, it’s one of our products and at this time of year it’s our only product...and a good one at that!" Getting back to my line, a monk of sorts..., the robe and sandals gave him away but the blue jeans sticking out below the robe was another story.
The play was extremely well orchestrated and the audience was very attentive...I don't know how else to describe it for the solemn respect for the theme was highly noticeable; there was never any applause until the very end. I might point out that the theatre was unique in that the stage was separated from the audience by a roofless area that allowed some natural lighting in the forefront. Whether that observation was correct or not I will never know but what appeared to me to be a natural occurring event was the thunder and lightning that came through that roofless space at the highlight of the play...the crucifixion!
Short Story...hard to believe but its true...
While stationed with the Air Force in Germany in the early 80's I took the opportunity to visit the infamous Berlin Wall along with some friends. While touring Berlin and East Berlin (The East was occupied by the Soviets at that time) I took numerous pictures of, among other things, the wall. As we walked along one segment of the wall my daughter Terrye asked, "Dad, why are you taking so many pictures of this wall?" My immediate response was, "This wall got your daddy into this uniform." as I pointed at my Air Force blues (I should note that I originally got my military draft notice during the Berlin Crisis of 1961 while the wall was under construction).
So now, long story short... Without looking at the wall I asked my two children to stop for a moment while I took their picture. You also have to realize this was in the old days when you had to buy film to put in the camera and then bring the film somewhere to be developed. It was about a week or so later while back in Frankfurt that I got the picture(s) back from the developer and the first thing I noticed was the graffiti on the wall (I swear on a stack of bibles I did not notice the graffiti at the time I took the picture). I mentioned that my daughter's name is Terrye...but did you know that my son's name is Mark! Now look at the picture…
Photo by N. Hooben |
George Weekes had lived in Boston, but in 1714 removed to Harwich. He was dismissed from the Old South Church in Boston March 27, 1720, and joined the church at Harwich (north side) under the care of Rev. Nathaniel Stone. He afterwards removed to the south part of the town, where many of his descendants now live, and where he carried on a farm. George Weekes was not "liberally" educated, but was well versed in the theological books of the day, and was familiar with the scriptures. In 1730, though not ordained by human hands, he commenced preaching to the Indians, who were located toward the south and far removed from the meeting house, which was on the north side of the parish of 23 square miles. Mr. Weekes built a house of worship for the Indians at his own expense. Notwithstanding these facts, the pastor, Mr. Stone, objected, but does not appear to have insisted on a discontinuance. Learning, however, the Mr. Weekes on one or more occasions preached to some of his white neighbors, who, no doubt, were glad to assemble occasionally on a weekday or stormy Sunday for religious instruction and conference, being as they were so far removed from their regular place of worship. Mr. Stone vigorously protested and complained to the church in regard to the matter. His grounds of complaint were that Mr. Weekes had "no more if so much as an early common education," that he "had thrust himself into the meeting," that he "had preached to a people of whom I have the pastoral charge, without my leave and against my declared mind." There does not appear to have been any charge of want of orthodoxy. Some years later, Mr. Weekes seems to have taken pity upon an unfortunate woman and taken her with her child into his house. Some took offense at this and would not come to the Lord's table with him, in view of which state of feeling he absented himself from the communion. On being called to account for his absence, he made explanations which were accepted by the church as in a measure satisfactory, but at the same time he was advised to dismiss the woman from his house and to avoid "her conversations as much as convenient. "There seems to have been no charge against him of impropriety. [CI:1236:?4:CI]
In the later years of his life, his mind was clouded, which led to aimless wanderings about the country. He died from exposure to the cold in the low ground south of Harwich Academy, known from the circumstance as "Weekes' Hollow" to the present day -- being more than 80 years old.[CI:1235:?4:CI]
A short distance beyond the new cemetery in Harwich, in an open field where there are a few ancient graves, is one with this inscription: "George Weekes, born in Dorchester, Mass., A.D. 1683, came to Harwich, married Deborah Wing Oct. 15, 1714, preached to the Indians, and perished in a snow storm in the hollow one hundred rods south of this spot. he was a grandson of George Weekes, a Huegenot, who fled to England, and came to America in 1630."[CI:242:?4:
A Look Back In Time
By Norman E. Hooben
The Medic
A war story by Norman E. Hooben
Not everyone who goes to war is caught up in the shoot-‘em-up scenes depicted in war movies. Some of us are content to doing our jobs behind the lines…psychologically it had a sense of safety. But it wasn’t always that way.
There were occasions where we were sitting up on the Sentry Dog’s kennel roof watching fire fights on the horizon while drinking beer and smoking cigarettes in the middle of the night. This happened on more than one occasion, and we could not tell who the enemy was. Tracers (a bullet coated with wax that would burn in flight) could be seen going from left to right, and right to left. Who were the VC (Viet Cong) and who were the Americans; we didn’t know. That is, until one night the tracers were clearly coming from the right…kicking up dirt where we played horseshoes during daylight. Thinking we were on the ground was probably the reason they were aiming low, but that gave us time to get off the roof to retrieve our M16’s which we kept by our bunks. So that was about as close to seeing some real action and that sense of safety was lost momentarily.
Then there was the time we got two rockets which presumably were aimed at the flight line…we were between the flight line and where the rockets landed. Both duds! Just how lucky can this guy be? When you heard the whistling of incoming rockets and the warning radioed to us by the army, the thought of this being my last day on earth was definitely right up there with my family and a lifetime of thoughts that whisked by in a flash. (By the way, “duds” means nothing happened.)
We worked 12-hour days 7 days a week even though there was not enough work to fill a 12-hour shift…sometimes we played horseshoes.
While doing my job that I was trained to do there was one other exciting moment that I guess qualified me for combat pay…maybe being shot at also counts? Describing it as an exciting moment may be an understatement…the whole ordeal lasted about 2 seconds.
While treating an injured military dog the entire concrete floor of our small clinic rolled in a wave-like motion as if you were shaking out the crumbs from a tablecloth and the walls buckled inwards, yet everything fell back into place as if nothing happened. We were caught in the shock wave of a 500 pounder (that’s a bomb) dropped into a nearby field from and A1E (aircraft) that avoided the runway due to having only one landing wheel.
So that’s the extent of my war stories except for the time spent off duty. We had a country and western band that played throughout the Saigon area NCO and Officers’ clubs. There were several U.S. Army clubs, one Air Force, and one Marine club. We also played at the general’s promotion party (that would be the 3rd Army Field Hospital next to MACV Qtrs.) Probably the highlight gig was the time I was contacted by the State Department to have the band play on Armed Forces television…great show!
Now the time frame this story takes place would include all the country artist’s songs of the day…including some oldies. Hank Williams, Charlie Pride, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, and several others were just a number of songs our lead singer, Hank Dauphin, knew by heart and he belted them out flawlessly in a two hour show with a break halfway in between. Did we have a favorite? Yes, but it was none of the above. It was a song sung twice, once during the first half of the show and when we closed for the night…with a round of applause from about one-hundred or more war-weary G.I.’s waiting for those “Silver Wings” to take them back state-side (That’s what we called home.).
Now this favorite song of ours was truly ours, for it was a collaboration of several people including the name mentioned above, Hank Dauphin, and there was Jim Kay, myself and others whose names I’ve forgotten over the years.
Yes, we wrote the most popular song in Saigon…it was even more popular than a hit song back state-side called the “Green Beret” …here it is, The Medic!
Medic Song
A young G.I. soldier on leave in SaigonWas stopped by two MP's, they said pardon young man,
There's blood on your cap n’ there's blood on your sleeve,
And we may have to cancel your seven-day leave.
The young G.I. said, Sir, now don't take me wrong
For I've just returned from a place call Khe-Sahn.
Where the hardships are many and the comforts are few
And brave men are dying for me and for you.
Don't have much money 'cause I don't draw much pay
Just came into Saigon to spend a few days.
Won't bother your women or drink up your wine
Just writing a few letters for a friend of mine
You see, last week my best buddy got shot in the chest
And, as I held him, he told me with his last dying breath
Please write to my mother, please write to my girl,
And tell them I loved them as I left this world.
He left those two MPs with tears in their eyes,
Stayed there three days and went back to his guys.
For he was a medic, and his future was made
The dying and wounded would need his first aid.
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Southern Playboys U.S. Forces Television Studio Saigon, Vietnam circa 1971 |
By the way, I’m a Medic
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Some stories are worth repeating... This one seems to be very authentic (I think a former friend of Hillary Clinton may have wrote it.)
"Dad," he says, "You won't believe what modern education is developing! They actually have a program here at Hendrix that will teach our dog, Ole' Blue how to talk!"
"That's amazing," his Dad says. "How do I get Ole' Blue in that program?"
"Just send him over here with $1,000" the young Arkie says "and I'll get him in the course."
So, his Father sends the dog and $1,000.
About two-thirds of the way through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home.
"So how's Ole' Blue doing son?" his Father asks.
"Awesome, Dad, he's talking up a storm," he says, "but you just won't believe this -- they've had such good results they have started to teach the animals how to read!"
"Read!?" says his Father, "No kidding! How do we get Blue in that program?"
"Just send $2,500, I'll get him in the class."
The money promptly arrives. The Arkie and his girlfriend are able to buy enough marijuana to last the whole semester. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year, his Father will find out the dog can neither talk, nor read. Even though he was always pretty much able to lie his way out of trouble, the Arkie asked his girlfriend to help him think of a really good lie to tell his Dad. She very quickly came up with a plan for him.
So she has him shoot the dog
When he arrives home at the end of the year, his Father is all excited.
"Where's Ole' Blue? I just can't wait to see him read something and talk!"
"Dad," the boy says, "I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Ole' Blue was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading the Wall Street Journal, like he usually does".
"Then Ole' Blue turned to me and asked, so, is your Daddy still messing around with that little redhead who lives down the street?"
The Father went white and exclaimed, "I hope you shot that lying dog before he talks to your Mother!"
"I sure did, Dad!"
"That's my boy!"
The kid married his girlfriend, they both went on to law school in Fayetteville, he became Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States, then she was appointed Secretary of State and is now running for President.