Saturday, August 19, 2023

Have you noticed? This young man has!

See video below:

The young man is certainly observant and obviously passionate for others to take notice.  Well done Laney Walton and if I had to place you into a particular genre, I would somehow fit you into the quotes below the video.  You have a future in this business... who knows, maybe the future Tucker Carlson.  - N.E.H.

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15 seconds

"It's time to fight for justice, to stand against corruption and getting more involved to safeguard future generations from corrupt and unethical people.”

― Guru Z.S. Gill

"We are now in a great civil war of words and you have the honor of participating as a true patriot. The battle has not been won but you will be there when we are victorious. The pen is mightier than the sword and you will inscribe your name in the book of freedom…and that, my friend is an honor." (Norman E. Hooben in response to a writer who complained of not having the honor of serving in the U.S. Military)

What's the difference between being forced into a boxcar or forced into staying no more than 15 minutes from home?

There is no difference!  You're being FORCED...unless you're a Democrat, then you are simply complying to the dictates of the DICTATOR you voted for.

COVID-19 lockdowns was just a trial run.

You haven't seen nothing yet!

Speaking of force...
Some people think different...they're the ones behind the government's take over.  Larry Fink is one of them...and nobody that I know of voted for Larry Fink. 
Larry Fink thinks he's above the common folk and can force behaviors on anyone less than himself.  He is the elite, even if he doesn't say so himself; his money says so. - Norm Hooben 

"You have to force behaviors. If you don't force behaviors, whether it's gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team, you're going to be impacted. That not just recruiting, it's development." - Larry Fink, CEO Black Rock

You should be able to see now the system that's in place that has been restraining humanity for almost a century now. There is a small group of common denominators that have lasted throughout. One is the same group of family names. They've simply passed ownership down to their offspring/bloodlines. These are your enemies and everything and everyone they control. - Ron Arnold 

Friday, August 18, 2023

What the hell are you hiding?


“Bill Gates is the largest funder of trying to find viruses in remote caves and bring them to big cities."


Rand Paul: “Bill Gates Is the Biggest Funder of Manufactured Disease Outbreaks”

Fact checked

Thursday, August 17, 2023

The myth of overpopulation


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

WHO - The elites are at it again!

Not everyone is a Facebook reader; so I thought I'd post this one that I obtained from Facebook with a hat tip to L. Simmons. 

The subject matter of this post should not be taken lightly.  There are those that believe the world is overpopulated and that they should be the deciders of what the numbers should be...and you may want to think about this because you're just a number and they will decide when your number is up. Remember, you are not an elite! -  N.E.H.

The following cross-posted from FB:

According to some globalists, “the world is off track to achieve the health targets by 2030.” And, of course, those targets include “climate change” measures, depopulation, forced injections, surveillance of your every move, and involuntary “quarantine.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) elites claim the world is not adopting its agenda fast enough. To fix that, the WHO is holding three “High Level Meetings” in New York next month to get back on track for world domination.

These meetings will focus on “delivering universal health coverage (UHC) and strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.”

The strong-arm COVID mandates were minimal compared to other parts of the world and will pale in comparison if the WHO has its way!

If Joe Biden signs America on to the 307 amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) or the WHO pandemic treaty, there will be universal health care. And you can kiss your health care good-bye. Medical rationing will become common. You will not be able to get the treatment of your choice.

And you will most assuredly find yourself, your job, and your church on the “nonessential” list.

The WHO knows the time to obtain consensus on the IHR amendments and the treaty is passing quickly. That is why the WHO is frantically racing ahead with its plan for complete control. WE MUST WAKE UP CONGRESS!

Max Staver, LC Action

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15 seconds


Monday, August 14, 2023

Wilson spoke the truth once in awhile, while Johnson (Senator Johnson) spoke the truth often.

Woodrow Wilson

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

― President Woodrow Wilson

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture are now called elites. - N.E.H.

COVID-19 was “pre-planned” by unnamed elites with the goal of taking away human rights. “This is all pre-planned by an elite group of people,” 
- Senator Ron Johnson

What is PAD?

Don't ask me why I  threw this segment in here; I'll just tell you why. 
PAD, as described below is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which has a history, or I dare say, "goal" of depopulation initiatives which by the very nature of their mindsets, are self-proclaimed gods.  Sorry, I don't believe in gods but God is a great alternative. 
You'll probably hear more about PAD as they get ready to release their next Covid-19-like virus which Gates and the WEF have already predicted even though all the world's virologists couldn't make a wild guess.  What concerns me is the number of formerly respected institutions (I'll mention one) such as John Hopkins institute/hospital that associates themselves with the gods.  Such prestigious institutions used to pride themselves on treatments and cures but now seem to be on the list of grants, that is.  Yeah, they'll keep working on the next pandemic whether it's the killer or the cure as long as the money is rolling in.
- Norman E. Hooben 

About the PAD initiative Pandemic 

Antiviral Discovery (PAD) is a global philanthropic initiative launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Open Philanthropy, and the Novo Nordisk Foundation. PAD’s mission is to help researchers worldwide identify and develop phase 2-ready antiviral drug candidates targeting pandemic threat viruses, including coronaviruses, paramyxoviruses, and orthomyxoviruses. With equitable access as a core principle of the initiative, the founding partners are committed to ensuring that discoveries and innovations supported by PAD are accessible to people in low- and middle-income countries.

Bonus video

Sunday, August 13, 2023

How to destroy a GIANT (food store)...Pay less, Rob more.

Only grocery store in a D.C. ward with 85K people might close over theft losses
8:50 AM on August 13, 2023

Inside, the Giant on Alabama Avenue in Ward 8 was abuzz with shoppers loading up on produce, diapers and snacks for the weekend. But outside, the mood was a bit more anxious, as shoppers wandered over to Trayon White Sr.’s pop-up resource fair to hear the Ward 8 D.C. Council member deliver what sounded like a dire plea to save the store.

“This is a message to our community that we stand in solidarity about keeping this grocery option open,” White said to a throng of news cameras.

He had just had a meeting with Giant’s regional leadership, and had come away feeling a need to sound the alarm. The Giant on Alabama Avenue is the only major grocery store in the entire ward, serving more than 85,000 people, and White had the sense its future could be at risk. The management reported an uptick in shoplifting and crime at the Ward 8 location. The managers had, according to White, spent hundreds of thousands on security upgrades and yet, White said, were losing hundreds of thousands of dollars per month because of theft. They didn’t say they were planning on closing the store. But still, White was worried, and now so were some of the residents who relied on it.