Following this rather elementary explanation of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of United States of America is a very disturbing article such that if the American people remain silent or complacent...there will be no America...and that's a fact! It is time now for all Americans to come together and save this once great country from the tyrannical and facists dictators that have infiltrated our homeland. - Norman E. HoobenAmendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Right –
1. | a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral: You have a right to say what you please. |
2. | Sometimes, rights. that which is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.: women's rights; Freedom of speech is a right of all Americans. To keep and bear arms is a right of all Americans. |
3. | adherence or obedience to moral and legal principles and authority. |
4. | that which is morally, legally, or ethically proper: to know right from wrong. |
5. | a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth, justice, morality, or ethics. |
1. | persons indefinitely or collectively; persons in general: to find it easy to talk to people; What will people think? |
2. | persons, whether men, women, or children, considered as numerable individuals forming a group: Twenty people volunteered to help. |
3. | human beings, as distinguished from animals or other beings. |
4. | the entire body of persons who constitute a community, tribe, nation, or other group by virtue of a common culture, history, religion, or the like: the people of Australia; the Jewish people. THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA |
5. | the persons of any particular group, company, or number (sometimes used in combination): the people of a parish; educated people; salespeople. |
6. | the ordinary persons, as distinguished from those who have wealth, rank, influence, etc.: a man of the people. |
7. | the subjects, followers, or subordinates of a ruler, leader, employer, etc.: the king and his people. |
8. | the body of enfranchised citizens of a state: representatives chosen by the people.
verb, kept, keep⋅ing, noun
–verb (used with object) The object is arms !
1. | to hold or retain in one's possession; hold as one's own: If you like it, keep it. Keep the arms. |
2. | to hold or have the use of for a period of time: You can keep it for the rest of your life. |
3. | to hold in a given place; store: You can keep your arms in here. |
4. | to maintain (some action), esp. in accordance with specific requirements, a promise (as in the 2nd Amendment), etc.: to keep watch; to keep step. |
5. | to cause to continue in a given position, state, course, or action: to keep a light burning; to keep a child happy. |
6. | to maintain in condition or order, as by care and labor: He keeps his car in good condition. He keeps his arms ready. |
7. | to maintain in usable or edible condition; preserve: If you want to keep meat for a long time, freeze it. If you want to keep your arms you must enforce the 2nd Amendment. |
8. | to hold in custody or under guard, as a prisoner: They kept him in jail. They kept custody of their arms…they kept their arms at home. |
9. | to cause to stay in a particular place; prevent or restrain from departure: The work kept her at the office. |
10. | to have regularly in stock and for sale: to keep a large supply of machine parts. To keep a supply of arms (be on the ready!). |
11. | to maintain in one's service or for one's use or enjoyment: to keep a car and chauffeur. To enjoy a pistol or rifle. |
12. | to associate with: She keeps bad company. He keeps his powder dry! |
13. | to have the care, charge, or custody of: She keeps my dog when I travel. He keeps his gun when he travels. |
14. | to hold back or restrain: They kept the child from talking. Nothing can keep him from doing it. |
15. | to maintain control of; regulate: to keep the peace; to keep your temper. To keep your guns under your control. |
16. | to observe; pay obedient regard to (a law, rule, promise, etc.). |
17. | to take care of; tend: to keep a vegetable garden. To keep arms in working condition.
bear –
verb, bore or (Archaic
) bare; borne or born; bear⋅ing.
–verb (used with object) The object is arms!
1. | to hold or carry (oneself, one's body, one's head, etc.): to bear oneself erectly. To hold or carry arms. |
2. | to carry; bring: to bear gifts. To bear arms. |
3. | to have and be entitled to: to bear title. To bear arms |
arms –
1. | Usually, arms. weapons, esp. firearms. (pistols, rifles, shotguns, knives, swords, slingshots, spears, bow & arrows, …arms is arms!) |
2. | arms, Heraldry. the escutcheon, with its divisions, charges, and tinctures, and the other components forming an achievement that symbolizes and is reserved for a person, family, or corporate body; armorial bearings; coat of arms. |
–verb (used without object)
3. | to enter into a state of hostility or of readiness for war. |
–verb (used with object)
4. | to equip with weapons: to arm the troops. to arm the people. |
5. | to activate (a fuze) so that it will explode the charge at the time desired. |
7. | to provide with whatever will add strength, force, or security; support; fortify: He was armed with statistics and facts. The 2nd Amendment provides and adds security for the people. |
8. | to equip or prepare for any specific purpose or effective use: to arm a security system; to arm oneself with persuasive arguments. to arm oneself for self-protection. protection of life and property. |
9. | to prepare for action; make fit; ready. |
10. | bear arms,
b. | to serve as a member of the military or of contending forces: His religious convictions kept him from bearing arms, but he served as an ambulance driver with the Red Cross. |
11. | take up arms, to prepare for war; go to war: to take up arms against the enemy. |
12. | under arms, ready for battle; trained and equipped: The number of men under arms is no longer the decisive factor in warfare. |
13. | up in arms, ready to take action; indignant; outraged: There is no need to get up in arms over such a trifle. |
1200–50 for v.; 1300–50 for n.; (v.) ME armen <>armer <>armāre to arm, v. deriv. of arma (pl.) tools, weapons (not akin to arm 1 ); (n.) ME armes (pl.) ≪ L arma, as above
shall –
–auxiliary verb, present singular 1st person shall, 2nd shall or (Archaic
) shalt, 3rd shall, present plural shall; past singular 1st person should, 2nd should or (Archaic
) shouldst or should⋅est, 3rd should, past plural should; imperative, infinitive, and participles lacking.
1. | plan to, intend to, or expect to: I shall go later. He intends to bear arms. He expects to bear arms. |
2. | will have to, is determined to, or definitely will: You shall do it. He shall do it. He definitely will bear arms! He will have to bear arms. |
3. | (in laws, directives, etc.) must; is or are obliged to: The meetings of the council shall be public. The people must and are obliged to bear arms…it’s the law! It is directed by the 2nd Amendment! |
4. | (used interrogatively in questions, often in invitations): Shall we go? |
bef. 900; ME shal, OE sceal; c. OS skal, OHG scal, ON skal; cf. G soll, D zal
not –
1. | (used to express negation, denial, refusal, or prohibition): You must not do that. It's not far from here. It is not illegal to keep and bear arms. |
2. adv. In no way; to no degree. Used to express negation, denial, refusal, or prohibition: I will not go. You may not have any.
shall not –
don’t do it, … don’t plan on it, …no!, nada!, no way Jose!
infringed -
verb, -fringed, -fring⋅ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. | to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress: to infringe a copyright; to infringe a rule. Do not infringe upon the rule of law…the 2nd Amendment is THE LAW of the land! The politic elite (Obama and Company) are committing a breach of the law in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States of America. |
–verb (used without object)
2. | to encroach or trespass (usually fol. by on or upon): Don't infringe on his privacy. Don’t infringe on my 2nd Amendment right! Any attempt (i.e., H.R. 45) to hamper with the 2nd Amendment is trespassing on your rights…it is an encroachment on your freedom… |
The Gungrabbers Are Coming For Your Guns Just As We Warned They Would!
Is The New Government In Washington A Rogue Government?
Now that the Socialists have taken over the government of the United States, they need to insure they can maintain their control and they cannot be sure of that as long as we citizens are armed. So they MUST relieve you and I of our firearms. Enter “Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009”.
There’s a better than even chance that you haven’t heard about it. With the Mainstream Media in the United States comfortably ensconced in the pockets of the Democrats very little is being said, if anything, about the Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. Rest assured, dear reader, it is pending federal legislation in Congress today! (H.R. 45) Representative Bobby Rush of Illinois, a Democrat, introduced the bill on January 6, 2009.
“The main objective of the bill is to provide for stricter
gun control. A person would be prohibited by law from possessing a firearm unless approved by a state run system or been issued a license that would have to be renewed every five years within thirty days of the expiration date.
Attorney General would set up a tracking system of all sales with dealers having to be licensed. Production figures of each licensed manufacturer would be made public.
All those current licensed gun owners would have two years to become certified by the Attorney General or risk losing private property or becoming a criminal.” (From Wikipedia:
When you read the bill you quickly realize it targets all gun owners in the U.S.A.
This bill is an outrage! It seeks nothing less than to strip you and me of our 2nd Amendment constitutional right to keep and bear arms. When you read the bill you will also learn that two years after the passage of the bill, ALL FIREARMS in a citizen’s possession must be registered, not just those purchased after the bill passes, and this apparently applies to antique firearms as well. Further… every five years, if you own a firearm, you must go through a complete renewal process for each weapon you own! If you don’t do it, for whatever reason, there will be stiff penalties, which include the confiscation of your firearms and jail time with sentences as high as ten years in some cases.
And that is not even the worst of it. Nosiree! The bill also authorizes government searches without warrant, the creation of a federal bureaucracy to monitor firearm possession, etc.
There is an excellent summary of the bill
HERE.Is it time for the next Boston Tea Party? There is an excellent article on that
HERE.With Democrats in control of the US Government, American citizens always need to guard such liberties as gun ownership even more closely. THIS is what happens when you trade freedom for security!
Back in September of 2007, we wrote the following: “What’s happening, all of a sudden, to bring on these “gun stories?” Well, the Left is feeling it’s oats right now. They have reason to believe they will win the 2008 Presidential election and… if they do… and if they retain control of the two houses of Congress, you can “bet the farm” that gun control legislation will be among the first items on the New Congress’ agenda of things to pass.”
I’m not a prophet, but I AM an ole country boy, with a smidgen of common sense, and THAT is all it took to divine where a government run by democrats would take us.
Why is gun control so popular among the Leftists of the world? Simple. As long as we citizens are armed we can shut down the Left any time we feel they have stepped too far over the line to be tolerated. They know that. They also know that they have come very close to that line on a number of occasions. They got the message. So now the socialists in charge of the US government feel they have to power to disarm us and secure their grasp on the throats of the American citizen and they’re going for it. What they fail to grasp is the fact that those of us on the Right understand that Obama, and his fellow socialists in the Congress, are on the point of the spear of the movement to transform America from a democratic republic to a socialist hellhole. It’s not going to happen without a fight.
Some of the democrats also understand that they cannot depend upon the US Military to back them up in this move to solidify their hold on America by shredding the Constitution and stripping their fellow Americans of their Second Amendment rights. The US Military are American citizens, too, and they have their own private collection of weapons. Plus, the vast majority of them favor the right to keep and bear arms… and… they took an oath to protect this country from all enemies, whether foreign or domestic. The democrats cannot trust them to back the government’s move on it’s own citizens.
Look, it’s very simple: For the Democrat’s socialist dream to be successful American citizens must give up their guns. We’re not going to do that. So, the current socialist government of the United States is going to try to take them.
The gun won this country from the Mother Country. The gun secured the remainder of the country between the two oceans and the gun has made us a free people and the gun has kept us free. So far, we have not forgotten that.
Congress had better understand. Americans are not going to give up their guns. If they pass this hellish bill into law, it will make criminals out of well over 85% of all Americans. I still have faith that my fellow Americans are willing to fight to protect their constitutional rights and their country even if that means opposing what millions of Americans consider as a rogue government in Washington.
As the US Navy Chaplain said during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor while he helped load the anti aircraft weapons firing at the Japanese warplanes slaughtering our service men and decimating out fleet: “Pass the Ammunition boys, and we’ll stay free.”
Get ready, my fellow Americans. It gives me a great deal of pain to warn you that all hell is about to break out within America.
