Saturday, October 21, 2023

You gutless worthless cowards You say I must convert or die Well you're gonna have to kill me Least you're gonna have to try

 Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers - The Gospel According To Gatlin

An American With A Remington

You gutless worthless cowards
You say I must convert or die
Well you're gonna have to kill me
Least you're gonna have to try
Do Lexington and Concord
Mean anything to to
How about Bunker Hill, San Juan Hill
Or the island of Palaui
You're not the first whose ever tried to kill me
What makes you think that I would turn and run
I just want to live in peace
But you come after my family
You'll be staring down the barrel of my gun
Cause I'm an American with a Remington
My daddy's Remington help me put food on my table
When he came home from the war disabled
Like him I've heard the call
And I'm willing to give my all
Right here right now I take my stand
You're not the first whose ever tried to kill me
What makes you think that I will turn and run
You underestimate these United States
And the righteous minded people who stand up as one
We exist to fan the flame of freedom
We fought and bled and died we overcome
I just wanna live in peace
But you've come after my family
You'll ve staring down the barrel of my gun
Cause I'm an American
With a Remington
You'll soon meet an American with a Remington

Writer(s): Billy Dean, Larry Gatlin
Lyrics powered by


Wendy Bell and the dumbbell.


Friday, October 20, 2023

Very bad things are happening! The window of opportunity for freedom and the rule of law is quickly closing.

Very bad things are on the verge of happening

October 17, 2023 3:15 pm Robert Zimmerman

Yesterday I wrote about how I thought the public might finally be awakening to the evil that now controls so much of American cultural and political life.

I noted several positive developments, and then added that the window of opportunity for freedom and the rule of law however was quickly closing. Without strong action these positive developments will mean nothing, to be quickly overrun by the immoral actions of the power-hungry, who will not take losing their power kindly.

Today I am far more pessimistic. I sense deeply that very very bad things are about to happen, on all fronts. The right is divided and weak, and too often unwilling to stand up to the worst behavior of the left. It is so divided that it can’t even elect a speaker in the House of Representatives.

The left meanwhile is united and angry, and willing to use that anger forcefully at all times. For example, for the last week decent people on the right found themselves being forced by the left to debate the absurd question of whether Hamas terrorists beheaded babies or merely killed them, as if that distinction mattered.

And in Gaza the destruction of a hospital by a missile is immediately being used as a propaganda weapon against Israel. First the claim by the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry that “500+” people were killed is immediately accepted without question, without evidence. Second, it is immediately accepted that the missile likely came from Israel, though there is evidence otherwise.
You need to read the AP report at the link to grasp the full flavor of this anti-Israeli propaganda. Somehow only Israeli is killing civilians, while Gazans huddle in fear and helplessness against that evil empire throwing bombs and missiles at them.

The bottom line however is that none of these details should matter. Hamas, with the support of the people of Gaza, declared a merciless war of genocide on every Israeli, no matter how old. Why should anyone expect that this declaration should not be met with equal force from the other side? And even if Israel acts within reason, this is still a war, and in a war bad things happen.

Putting aside the rights and wrongs of this latest war in the Middle East, the overall general tone on all sides is mindless emotion fueling mindless action, most of which will only worsen the situation. Right now the global state of affairs truly does appear similar to the opening of World War I, when all sides felt compelled by its emotions to escalate the conflict. For example, in Iran the Gaza war is now being used as justification for widening the war across the entire Middle East. Meanwhile in the west governments are quickly gathering arms and money to back Israel, without thinking about the larger consequences of what they are doing, in the slightest.

Worsening the situation however is the joyous celebration of this mindless anger and madness on the left. Though the left’s values are absolutely the opposite of radical Islam, both see Israel and and free America as the enemy, and thus this conflict is now an opportunity to attack both. There is no sense of reason or thought, only a desire for action and blood.

Under those conditions Israel, and the west can only respond with its own action and blood. The situation must escalate, and it could do so in ways that no one want or even expects.

Meanwhile the political situation in the United States remains very unstable. There is great uncertainty on whether the 2024 elections will be run fairly, or whether the Democrats will use fraud and vote tampering to falsify a victory. The weakness and disunity among the Republicans only reinforces this uncertainty.

Adding to this uncertainty is the violence and barbarism in the streets of most American cities. All political meetings — from school boards to Congress — seem fraught with anger and shouting and chaos, and it seems impossible for any sane and civilized person to make any headway against this madness.

As I say, my dread for the future now is deep and wide. While I think Israel is entirely justified in invading Gaza to wipe our Hamas, I think it equally unwise for the rest of the world to join that war. Like the conflict in the Ukraine, this remains a regional conflict, better settled by the regional players. And if that means Hamas is wiped out, so much the better.

And yet, the world seems eager for war, of the worst kind. Chaos beckons, let loose by those dogs of war.

In the Genesis account, God reveals to Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah are to be destroyed for their grave sins (18:20). Abraham pleads for the lives of any righteous people living there, especially the lives of his nephew, Lot, and his family.

In my account, the mainstream media reveals that Washington, Chicago, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, et. al. are destroyed for their grave sins for there's no righteous people living there.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

HACKING THE ELECTIONS - "As a certified ethical hacker, Parikh's job was not only to think like a criminal but to act like one, too."

Black box voting: Confessions of an elections hacker (Part 1)
Andrea Tice | 10.15.22

Clay Parikh spent nine years hacking elections.

As a hacker, he worked in an election testing lab, dealing with many voting systems, including the ES&S system used in Alabama. As a certified ethical hacker, Parikh's job was not only to think like a criminal but to act like one, too.

"This has been my total career path since retiring from the military," said Parikh. "This is what I do. I know systems; I don't care if it's a cell phone, a laptop, an Xbox or a Roomba. In the group I was in when we played 'bad guy,' we hacked a Roomba just to prove the point that we could do it and control it remotely. That's just good guys doing it - believe me, the bad guys have a lot less reign."

Parikh calls points of entry for hackers "exploitables." He says the average person has no way of knowing where these exploitables are or how to find them; such scrutiny requires a trained computer science expert.

As a successful hacker with a master's degree in cybersecurity, Parikh, who has been subcontracted within major government agencies, knows there is a difference between saying something is secure and it actually being secure.

"There is a saying in the Department of Defense," Parikh explained. "Don't ask if you have been hacked; assume that you have and try to find out how."

That is why Parikh has teamed up with the group Focus on America (FOA) to legally gain access to the ES&S 200 tabulators in Alabama to test the claims of "safe and secure" voting systems. Parikh and FOA want to provide a third-party analysis for voters showing whether this election system is as unhackable as election officials are publicly maintaining.

Following the May primaries of 2022, FOA filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State John Merrill and the Alabama Election Committee to achieve more election transparency, safeguards and accountability. The lawsuit seeks to halt the use of ES&S tabulators until the system has practical checks and balances applied through a hand recount of ballots and access to the machine for forensic analysis.

Exploitable #1: Ballot reading

"We showed the judge a video of photocopied ballots accepted and counted by an electronic voting machine," said FOA's Rebecca Rodgers. "How is that acceptable?

"How can you sit in court and watch a video of fake ballots going through a machine that was used in our primary election and not question it? How can you listen to experts like [Parikh] say that even though the machines are not connected to the internet, they can still be hacked? How can you listen to that and not make a decision to protect the citizens of Alabama?

"This is not about Democrat or Republican parties; this is about voter rights. This is a big deal."

Jason Slye was one of two people who ran the counterfeit ballots through the ES&S machines during a time of public testing done ahead of the primaries. Slye was in Baldwin County at the time.

"[The tabulators] can't distinguish between counterfeit and real ballots," Slye said. "My friend Angela made the best analogy to what this reality indicates. Consider that when a person puts a fake dollar bill into a vending machine, that person gets it spit right back out. The vending machine electronics can distinguish the difference. So what that means now is our ballot tabulators for processing people's votes are less secure than the average snack vending machine. You wouldn't get on your home computer with the security level that it is on these systems."

Angela Shepherd did fake ballot testing in Lee County in conjunction with what Slye did at his precinct. Both sets of photocopied ballots from Shepherd and Slye were not only accepted into the ES&S 200 tabulator but counted as part of the vote total.

Parikh says this event alone demands a complete evaluation of the systems, especially in light of documented contract claims from ES&S. 

"One [fake] ballot going through means it's totally misconfigured," Parikh said. "ES&S claims in their technical documentation that it has to have a certain type of ink, paper, or it won't run through. Got to look at the configuration and figure out why this happened."

Slye pointed out that his concern is the exploitation of absentee ballots and noted a case in New Jersey where criminals were paid to hijack absentee ballots in the mail to sway tight elections in that state.

Exploitable #2: Built-in Potential Wifi connectivity

Parikh reviewed a publicly available purchase order from the office of the Secretary of State to ES&S and found a descriptor for wifi and internet connectivity relating to computers in each county that hold all of the election data.

"I saw the purchase order," Parikh added. "It stood right out. It even jumped out at our lawyer when she looked at the purchase order. The internet capability is right there within the machines." 

State leadership presents the ES&S tabulators as safe because they are not connected to the internet when used to count votes. However, the ES&S tabulator vote totals go into the probate judge's computer for transmission to the Secretary of State's office at the end of an election. As a reminder, cybersecurity specialists say that if it a device has internet connectivity, it's hackable.

"The [connectivity component] has to be physically removed [from the electronic board] in order to be fully disabled," explained Parikh. "You can say it's disabled in one spot, and it can still run. The only way to stop it is to remove it. And there is no proof that [the Secretary of State's office has] done that."

Exploitable #3: Physical hacking

No group of voters or taxpayers is ever given access to the machines to conduct counter-checking because the equipment is off-limits to the public. The leased machines are held in storage, which immediately waves red flags to Parikh.

"For 67 counties in Alabama to rely solely on their physical security to protect the election systems - as a hacker, if I had access to the physical system, I would have been able to hack it within five minutes," Parikh claimed.

Parikh explains that malware can be inserted into these tabulators while in storage or during program updates conducted by ES&S technicians.

Neither the Secretary of State nor probate judges have access to the machines' coding or electronic components, and they likely don't have the technical knowledge to know if it has been compromised.

"The ES&S 200 is designed so that the normal things to bypass it cannot be done, but anyone who is halfway skilled at hacking can get past the system easily," Parikh said. "I wanted to do that in the voting systems test lab, but they would not allow me to do that. I was prohibited from messing with the configuration of the system.

"Here's the thing, I can hack that tabulator before it comes out of storage and sealed right before the election. I can put malware there in the ES&S, and it can hack the votes before they ever get printed out. I can change the counts before they ever hit the tapes and show up on the USB stick. The only way to ever catch this is to look at the actual printed ballots cast in a precinct and compare that to each image created by the tabulator system used in that precinct."

1819 News contacted probate judges' offices and the Secretary of State's office to ask if voters could request a hand counting of ballots to compare totals with the machine readout. The Director of External Affairs, Cameron Mixon, wrote that "there is no legal mechanism for an audit outside of the pilot audit program in a limited number of counties."

Counting the paper ballots, either within a precinct or a county, is the simplest and fastest way to confirm that no hacking occurred. Yet there appears to be no mechanism to call for this basic accountability; it seems that it would require ongoing legal and legislative action by voters or else county leadership and a probate judge implementing extra measures outside of secretary of state procedures.

Parikh also mentioned updating the drivers and programs of these tabulators before each election is farmed out to ES&S employees in Nebraska. He says Alabama voters need to know that those they voted into office to perform the duties of state elections and vote security are essentially deferring this responsibility to companies and persons outside of the state.

"Alabama has deferred all of its election authority to these third-party companies," said Slye. "Everything intertwines together. You cannot dismiss this Marxist, liberal, communist push in America and to think these organizations and media outlets are not hiring activists to do certain jobs. If you deny that, then you have just buried your head in the sand. So that is my concern, that we are giving control of our elections and the programming of these machines to a third party. In the leasing contract, it says no one is allowed to physically access the machines, can't open it up and look. So ES&S is programming the election, but we cannot see the computer coding due to proprietary rights. The citizens of Alabama pay for all this equipment but cannot even look at it. That is a big issue."

Part two is coming tomorrow

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Voter Roll Management in Alabama

Alabama Secretary of State unveils new voter roll management system after ERIC withdrawal
Called AVID, the system applies many of the tools that ERIC uses


Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen delivers his inaugural address during inauguration ceremonies at the Alabama State Capitol on Jan. 16, 2023 in Montgomery, Alabama. (Photo/Stew Milne)

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen Monday said the state would launch its own database of registered voters after withdrawing from a national one earlier this year.

Allen unveiled the Alabama Voter Integrity Database (AVID) to manage the state’s registered voter rolls, completing a goal to replace the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) system that the Secretary of State withdrew from at the beginning of the year.

“This is going to be an Alabama-based system,” Allen said. “This is not going to be something that we send to some private nonprofit, third party vendor, out of state. It is going to be something that we control, that we have access to at all times.”


Observers said Monday that Allen seemed to simply be creating a newer version of the system he left behind.

“The thing that struck me was that he is trying to recreate the ERIC system,” said Kathy Jones, president of the League of Women Voters of Alabama, referring to Allen. “That system is owned and operated by the secretaries of states of the member states. It is not a third-party nonprofit that he mentioned.”

According to a handout provided by the office, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency will identify registered voters in Alabama who have moved and obtained a driver’s license or a non-driver identification in another state. Thus far, the secretary of state’s office found more than 8,000 people who received driver’s licenses from other states, making them ineligible to vote in Alabama’s elections.

The system will also use the National Change of Address File to compare it against the Alabama voter rolls to identify people who should be removed from the registry after

moving out of state. In comparing the state’s voter registration list against those change of address list maintained by the U.S. Postal Service, Allen said that his office has found more than 30,000 active registered voters who have moved out of Alabama.

It will use the Social Security Death Index to remove people who have passed away from the state’s voter rolls.

Finally, the state will reach out to other states for a memorandum of understanding for access to their voter rolls to identify those who have registered to vote in other states but are also registered to vote in Alabama. By comparing the respective lists, the state can isolate the individuals who are registered to vote in multiple states.

Allen said Monday that Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida and Tennessee, have signed memoranda of understanding with Alabama.

During Monday’s news conference, Allen announced that he has an agreement with those bordering Alabama, finding more than 8,500 voters who have registered to vote in those states, in addition to the people that ALEA has identified. It will also serve as a tool to identify people who voted in Alabama but voted in other states at the same time.

“This will be an incredible tool in detecting voter fraud and protecting our elections,” Allen said.

People found in the Social Security Death Index will be automatically removed from the state’s voter rolls, but those found using the other three methods will be designated as inactive on the state’s voter rolls and will be kept there for four years in keeping with the rules of the National Voter Registration Act.

Those individuals will also be sent a postcard to the address that is on file with the secretary of state’s office, asking them to update their voter registration information or withdraw their registration if they have moved to another state or out of the country.

Voters who show up at a polling place to vote must update their voter registration information before they will be allowed to vote.

ERIC was established in 2012 and uses motor vehicle information to locate those who have moved with a state or to different states, information that states can use to update their voter rolls. It also uses many of the systems that AVID will incorporate, such as the National Change of Address report, as well as track those who have died using their social security information.

ERIC also provides reports on voter participation which states can use to identify potential voter fraud.“The more states sign on to ERIC, potentially, the better information exchanges there are so we can have cleaner voter rolls at the state level. ERIC is a very positive thing,” said Mitchell Brown, a professor of political science at Auburn University.*

Allen made ERIC, and removing Alabama from the ERIC system, a cornerstone of his priorities for the office during his campaign last yet. On a conservative radio talk show, he made a false claim that ERIC was launched with funding from George Soros, the liberal billionaire and frequent target of the right.

“The implementation of AVID to help maintain our voter rolls is incredibly important,” Allen said Monday. “We are the first state in the nation to implement a system like this, and I am confident that we, as a result of AVID, will have the cleanest voter rolls that we have ever had.”

Jones said AVID was redundant.

“There is nothing unique about the system he is creating, except for the fact that he has got only five states and it is now just being created,” Jones said.

Brown said it made sense that Alabama would start the agreements with states that are closer in proximity than others, but she wasn’t sure how much interest they would get.

“I would imagine the ERIC states are happy to be part of ERIC,” she said.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Bill Clinton never went to jail. Why is that?

The most troubling thing I have with this, is that many of us knew about these going ons before the end of  Clinton's first term.  And if unknowns like myself knew, then it stands that all Democrat voters knew for they all claim to know everything about the guy they vote for.  Conclusion...Democrat voters enjoy voting for crooks. 


* * Investigations into alleged criminal activities of Arkansas former Governor President Bill Clinton. Many people involved in the research and investigations reported by this film have been murdered or died under questionable circumstances.

War is imminent! Recruitment underway!

We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

Barack Obama

We cannot rely on our own military, so we will recruit those who we can rely on. 

More to come...until we're just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

America's Fall From Supremacy

America's Fall from Supremacy: The Global Assault to Dethrone and Kill the Dollar. The Enemy's Locked and Loaded.

The quest to de-crown the dollar is resolute, and countries are tabling their tensions to join forces against the United States.

My Fellow American Patriot,

The United States has long been the reigning superpower of the global economy, with its currency -the U.S. dollar- as the world's primary reserve.

However, in recent years, emerging nations such as Brazil, Russia, India and China (collectively known as BRICS) have begun to challenge that supremacy.

In 2019 at a summit meeting in Brazil, the BRICS nations announced their plans to launch a Gold-Backed Digital Currency, which is designed with the intention of dethroning and replacing the U.S. dollar.

The goal of this new currency is to provide an alternative to the current system that isn't subject to being manipulated by economic sanctions or other geopolitical conflicts.

Foreign governments wanting to liberate themselves from reliance on the U.S. dollar can throw the U.S Dollar overboard.

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Diversification in Gold is critical for retirees. As BRICS currency gains influence, the purchasing power of the U.S. citizen plummets—meaning a fixed amount of savings will have far less purchasing power down the road.

China has already developed its digital currency, known as the "Digital Yuan". This project could potentially set a precedent for other BRICS member countries to follow—a move that would only further destabilize the U.S. dollar's hegemony over global finance.

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Why is this bad for the U.S.?

BRICS is backed by Gold. The Dollar and soon coming Digital Dollar is backed by Debt. We are now up from $28 Trillion to $32 Trillion in Debt.

Janet Yellen told the Senate Bank and Finance Committee she and Biden plan to take the national Debt to $50 Trillion in the next ten years. We are now up to $32 Trillion. What do you think inflation will be like in ten years?

The silver lining for investors.
If countries switch away from the U.S. dollar and to a gold-backed currency, it could drive up the price of Gold—already at record highs—even further.

This would lead to increased demand for physical Gold, resulting in higher prices and potential shortages. In short, BRICS' adoption of a digital gold-backed currency will spell trouble for the U.S. economy.

What you do next:

If you are in cash or paper assets, it's time to seriously consider getting out. Only Gold and other metals will maintain their value, while paper and paper assets will plummet in value.

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Find out how to use gold as a strategic safe haven from Biden’s cash-crazed Congressional Democrats.


As many as 19 other countries—including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates—are aspiring to join the ranks of BRICS and catalyze a shift in the world economic order.

A new BRICS currency would not only deteriorate the value of the Dollar as a global reserve currency but also undercut the influence of the United States on a global stage.

Countries are also dropping the Dollar because Biden's inflation is wreaking havoc on their economies. Inflation erodes the value of fiat currencies, and countries that heavily depend on U.S. dollar reserves are already feeling the heat.

Call Our IRA Experts

Thomas Homan's speech...wait for it!

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Monday, October 16, 2023

It's no longer, "We the people." It's, "We the elite."


"Nobody’s giving me any answers, and you know what? I’m over it,”

The Daily Beast

Epstein Victim Who Testified Against Ghislaine Maxwell Has Died—and Her Family Wants Answers
Story by Kate Briquelet • 1d

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty/Courtesy of Dorothy Groenert© Provided by The Daily Beast

Carolyn Andriano, a victim of sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein whose testimony was crucial to putting away his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell, has died.

There was no obituary or funeral service after she passed away earlier this year, and police in West Palm Beach, Florida, opened an investigation into her death. After The Daily Beast reached out for comment, police spokesman Mike Jachles told us that the investigation was concluding and that Carolyn died of an accidental overdose.

The 36-year-old mother-of-five had planned to start a new chapter in North Carolina, at a new house with a fireplace and half-acre lot with a chicken coop. Carolyn and her husband, John Pitts, had purchased the property just weeks before she was found unresponsive in a West Palm Beach hotel room on May 23.

Before her death, “she was ecstatic,” Carolyn’s mother, Dorothy Groenert, told The Daily Beast. “She was all set up for a whole new lifestyle.”

Groenert says Carolyn’s death came as a shock because she was working on building a new life and texted her recently about being free of drugs and alcohol.

The way Groenert sees it, some things about her daughter’s overdose don’t make sense and she wants cops to investigate further.

Jachles, however, said that Carolyn’s case would officially be closed this week. Officers on scene took a statement from Pitts, who told them that Carolyn had been using drugs, and Carolyn’s brother, who rushed to the hotel after Pitts texted Groenert that Carolyn had died. Pitts tried to administer CPR and “was given directions over the phone with 911,” Jachles said.

“It shouldn’t be closed,” Groenert said of the police investigation. “I begged them, I sent them numerous messages. I’ve asked for them to make meetings, contact me, and to no avail.”

Now Groenert is in a legal battle with Pitts over Carolyn’s will, which was filed in 2010 before she married him and which left her estate to her mother and two oldest sons. Because the will hadn’t been updated, Pitts and his three kids with Carolyn were left out of her estate. Carolyn had received millions from Epstein-related settlements, though probate court documents indicate she had $183,000 in a bank account. The filings also listed unknown assets as the JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank class action settlements—which, as The Daily Beast reported, amount to $290 million and $75 million, respectively, and will result in big payouts to victims.

Pitts did not return messages seeking comment. When reached by a Daily Beast reporter, he warned, “Don’t call me again. You got the wrong John.”

Since Carolyn died, he’s posted tributes to her on Facebook and mourned his family’s loss.

Carolyn Andriano and her mother Courtesy of Dorothy Groenert© Provided by The Daily Beast

“you showed me what love really is and i will never forget how big your heart is,” Pitts wrote in June, adding, “i know our souls will always be attached together.”

“i will do right by you because i know what u really wanted in life a to give our kids the life we never had ... i miss u so much no words can say just know i will give our kids the best life that i can…”

While Pitts could not be reached, his sister Serena told The Daily Beast that Groenert’s and her family’s suggestion that Carolyn’s death was suspicious is “ridiculous.”

“Right now our family is grieving the loss of Carolyn and prioritizing the care of her children. At this time we kindly appreciate space and privacy,” she added in a text.

The Daily Beast has submitted requests for information to both the medical examiner and police department. While a cause and manner of death hasn’t been released, a toxicology report indicates Carolyn had methadone, fentanyl, and alprazolam (the generic name for Xanax) in her system when she died.

Lewis Nelson, professor and chair of the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School’s Department of Emergency Medicine and Director of the Division of Medical Toxicology, said alprazolam and fentanyl can be a dangerous combination, as both drugs suppress breathing.

“Her fentanyl use was very recent,” said Nelson, who is not involved in Carolyn’s case but independently reviewed her toxicology report. “My postulation is she is on methadone, takes a high dose, she took fentanyl, and she died quickly.” The low levels of a metabolite of fentanyl, Nelson added, suggest that Carolyn died before her body had time to metabolize the drug. Bloodwork, however, doesn’t usually paint a picture of how often someone uses a substance.

Carolyn was one of four victims to testify at the Maxwell trial in December 2021, telling the jury that the British socialite had groped her and routinely scheduled her “massages” with Epstein, who molested her up to three times until she was “too old” for him at age 18.

At the start, a Manhattan federal prosecutor asked Carolyn if she’d ever been addicted to drugs, and she replied, “Pain pills and cocaine.” Carolyn also testified about her home life when she was 14 and had first visited Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion in 2001. “I was allowed to do whatever I wanted,” she said, adding, “Because my mom was an alcoholic and a drug addict.” (Asked about Carolyn’s testimony, Groenert denied this. “No, I was working. I was working to pay for my children. I didn’t get any supplements. I had to work,” she said. “That’s inaccurate.”)

Carolyn, who said she dropped out in seventh grade and never returned to school, later testified that she became addicted to drugs while visiting Epstein’s lair: “Marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, anything that could block out for me to go to the appointment.”

She had confided in Maxwell and Epstein about her history of being sexually abused as a young child (by a relative at age 4) and of her family’s struggles with addiction. This emboldened the sick high-society couple to groom her and even attempt to bring her to Epstein’s U.S. Virgin Islands compound. “I told him I was only 15 and I couldn’t leave,” Carolyn said of Epstein.

The prosecutor also asked Carolyn about her medications, and she answered that she took methadone, an antidepressant, Xanax, and a drug for schizophrenia because “I am scared that my kids are going to get kidnapped.”

When Maxwell’s lawyer cross-examined Carolyn, he noted the Epstein victim compensation fund awarded her $3.25 million but had subtracted $446,000 because she’d received that amount in 2009 from a lawsuit against Epstein and his assistant Sarah Kellen.

“Yes, but no money will ever fix what’s happened to me,” Carolyn responded.

Carolyn testified using only her first name but came forward to the Daily Mail after Maxwell’s conviction. During this interview, she spoke of Pitts’ support.

Carolyn Andriano with her mother and two brothers Courtesy of Dorothy Groenert© Provided by The Daily Beast

“I had rosary beads in my hands for the entire time and my husband was in the courtroom and every time I felt like I was getting weak, he would give me a little thumbs up or I’d clench the beads,” Carolyn told the tabloid. “I was determined to have the strength to have this woman put away for what she did to me and other young women.”

“Sure, they accused me of lying, but I knew that was coming and I stood up to it because I was telling the God’s honest truth.”

At another point in the interview, Carolyn suggested that Virginia Giuffre, a victim who allegedly recruited her into Epstein’s sex ring, deserved to face similar consequences as Maxwell because, she claimed, Giuffre “trafficked me into a world of spiraling downward slopes and it has taken my husband John 12 long years to get me to love myself again.”

“I’m very happy being a wife and a mother and I want to show people how the tragedies in my life did not stop me,” she added. “I’m overcoming them. I’m not going to let Maxwell and Epstein ruin my life any more. I’m grateful every day when I wake up.”

In the spring before the high-profile trial, Carolyn and Pitts purchased a $570,000 home in Wellington, Florida. Public records show they sold it for the same price in April of this year and bought their North Carolina home soon after for $265,000. Pitts sold that home in July for $260,000.

In August, Pitts asked a court in Onslow County, North Carolina to vacate Carolyn’s 2010 will. The motion alleges Carolyn had “requested said will be revoked.” According to Pitts, the couple purchased the new home “with the plan to possibly relocate to the area after the conclusion of the academic school year.”

The filing added that the family visited the property “for the first time after the purchase and immediately determined they would not be moving to said residence” and “camped out” for one night before returning to Florida. They intended, the document said, to buy another home in the West Palm Beach area. Pitts’ motion said that he, Carolyn, and the kids lived in a hotel after they sold the Wellington house.

In the court record, Pitts accused Carolyn’s executor, Michael Danchuk, of falsely claiming that Carolyn was not married and had no children after the 2010 will. He’s also trying to move the probate case from North Carolina to Palm Beach County, Florida, where Groenert and Carolyn’s oldest son filed a motion to dismiss Pitts’ petition for administration.

According to Pitts’ petition for administration filed in Palm Beach County, Carolyn “parted ways” with Danchuk “during her lifetime and is believed to have instructed him to revoke the Purported Will.” The document accused Danchuk of handling Carolyn’s “previous substantial settlement funds under unknown pretenses” and claimed he “may have received substantial fees or otherwise diverted funds.”

Carolyn’s estate is expected to receive at least two “substantial settlement payouts from Jeffrey Epstein funds in the near future,” the petition stated, “and it is anticipated that additional class-action lawsuits paid to [her] estate will be forthcoming.”

Reached by The Daily Beast, Danchuk denied the claims in Pitts’ filing but declined to comment at length, citing the litigation. He said he is a consultant for a law firm and has known Carolyn since she sued Epstein in 2008; hers was the first in a string of Florida lawsuits that victims filed against the wealthy sex-trafficker as he brokered a secret deal with the feds.

“I feel more likely that it’s his attorneys that are telling him what to say,” Danchuk said. “I’m actually the person that Carolyn asked to stand in for her father when she got married to John, so obviously, it [John’s claims] does not make me very happy. There were no funds diverted. That’s obviously ridiculous.”

“I’m simply the administrator, executor, and I intend to pursue this as Carolyn asked me to do this a long time ago,” he added. “I never expected her to pass away before me.”

A document from the Palm Beach County Medical Examiner noted that cops said that Carolyn, Pitts and their children had been staying in the Florida hotel since May 18. “They came from North Carolina after they tried to relocate to that area. They returned to Palm Beach County, because their methadone clinic was not providing the amount of methadone, they were asking,” the document stated.

Groenert shared texts from her daughter where she seemed to glow about her new life in North Carolina, where she planned to swap spandex leggings for jeans.

“It’s Jean sneakers and a T-shirt type of girl and I like that and I just want to be a good wife to my husband because me. And him are Hitched for life,” Carolyn wrote.

Her 10-year-old son, she added, enjoyed lighting up their new fireplace. “We have a chicken co-op so we’re gonna go get chickens and [he] made me by. Himself a fireplace fire last night for Mother’s Day … we did it old school and it was great.”

Carolyn wrote that because of their proximity to the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, many of her neighbors were military wives. “I enjoy living a very structured life of no drugs or alcohol because I want to be a great mom and the kids are so happy to be in. A new home,” she wrote.

Three days before Carolyn died, Groenert messaged Pitts trying to reach her. “When Carolyn wakes up maybe send more but she is asleep so I don’t wanna get into a argument k love you,” he wrote.

“TY, it is appreciated,” Groenert texted. “Love u guys too.”

Groenert would soon learn her daughter was dead via text message.

“What hotel are you in and where are you where are the kids I’m going to get a flight out of here,” Groenert wrote her son-in-law on May 23 at 8:11 a.m.

“I gotta call u back,” he replied. “Carolyn died last night.”

A record related to the 911 call obtained from West Palm Beach police reveals that authorities were contacted on May 23 at 7:45 a.m., and they arrived at the DoubleTree by Hilton about 10 minutes later. The document lists the nature of the call as “dead person.”

Notes from the call reveal someone reported Carolyn wasn’t “waking up” and “has been sick.” The person added that they’d started CPR but said, “She is ice cold now.”

“Father is hysterical,” the call document continued, adding, “Now sayig [sic] the female is puking.” Someone had also called back referring to “a female difficulty breathing.”

The medical examiner document adds more details about Carolyn’s death, saying that the couple went to sleep around 11 p.m. on May 22 and when the husband woke up around 7:45 a.m., after the kids asked for breakfast, Carolyn was naked and unresponsive in bed. Pitts began to start CPR and called police.

The officer told the medical examiner that Carolyn’s purse inside the bathroom contained crack pipes, a small baggie with white powdery residue, and a needle cap. “In the bathroom, beside the drug paraphernalia described above, there were six empty small plastic containers that, according to the husband, were methadone in syrup that they received from the methadone clinic,” the medical examiner narrative said.

Groenert said that police also told her that they found “an enormous amount of vodka bottles” in the hotel room but that Carolyn had no alcohol in her system when she died.

Carolyn’s brother told The Daily Beast that he has questions about what he observed at the hotel just after emergency responders arrived—and that he’s repeatedly tried to contact the detective on the case.

Joey Andriano said that when Carolyn and Pitts first got back to Florida, he and his girlfriend met them at a McDonald’s. “She was real happy … the happiest I ever seen her,” Joey said of Carolyn. “She sent me a little bit of money, just to help, because that’s how she is.”

But a day later, he tried reaching Carolyn and Pitts told him she wasn’t feeling well. Carolyn briefly answered and said the same.

“I said, ‘If she’s so sick why don’t you call the ambulance, bro? Do something. You gotta take her to the hospital.’ He said, ‘Oh, no, she’s alright.’”

During another call, he said, Carolyn’s voice was nearly inaudible.

“A couple times I talked to her on the phone, she just sounded real out of it, like, groggy, and he was doing most of the talking for her. She was never like that.”

Groenert says she’s unable to grieve her daughter until authorities further investigate what happened.

She’s also heartbroken that Pitts and his family refuse to let her see her younger grandkids, whom she says she cared for after Pitts temporarily lost custody following a car accident.

Groenert said she learned through her lawyers that Pitts’ sister is now caring for her grandchildren, who in recent months have been featured on the woman’s social media. “Aunts have super powers!” she wrote in July. “My turn to heal the mom wound in the next generation.”

According to Joey, Pitts’ sibling picked up the kids from the hotel after police arrived and took them away. “I see her pulling out and I tried to stop her. I went through the back door where the kids were, I said, ‘Roll down the windows.’ I was at least gonna tell them bye,” Joey said. “And she just sped off.”

“Carolyn and his sister hated each other,” Groenert said. “There was no love there.”

After Pitts was arrested over the wreck in June 2021, the court issued a “no contact” order with his children unless through Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF).

A police report said that cops found fentanyl, cocaine, and alprazolam on him, and he told emergency responders he’d taken methadone and Xanax earlier in the day. His children were admitted to the hospital, where staff contacted DCF because of the children’s injuries and because they appeared “very unkempt.”

He was found guilty of possession of cocaine and fentanyl and driving under the influence; a prosecutor didn’t take action on a child neglect charge. In April 2022, the court docket reveals, Pitts was placed on 12 months of probation, served 45 days in jail, received $2,047 in fines, and saw his license revoked for one year.

Meanwhile, court records show that in 2016, Groenert was arrested on a charge of battery on a pregnant woman, whose name was redacted from a police report but who she says was Carolyn. The state attorney ultimately declined to file charges.

The police report says that after the woman asked Groenert to leave the residence and dragged her belongings to the front lawn, Groenert grabbed her arms to stop her.

Groenert said that before the incident, she and Carolyn’s older son from another relationship had temporarily moved in with Carolyn to avoid a hurricane. There had been an escalation of issues, she said, and Pitts was “egging Carolyn on that I should leave.”

“When the cops got there, somebody had to go to jail,” Groenert said.

Groenert’s record also includes a charge of possession of narcotic paraphernalia in 2004, though a prosecutor declined to pursue the case. And in 2002, she was charged with cocaine possession though her adjudication was withheld—meaning she wasn’t formally convicted.

“Those are old charges,” she told The Daily Beast when asked about them, “and it had to do with me helping somebody out with their kids and their wife got mad.”

Groenert said she and Carolyn “were more like sisters.”

“We were partners in crime,” she added. “We did a lot of stuff together, we hung out, went to concerts, we did everything.”

“My daughter was wonderful,” Groenert said. “My daughter was the most loving, kindhearted person. She trusted everybody. And anybody could say anything negative about anybody but my daughter: she was taught to always find a positive.”

“Nobody’s giving me any answers, and you know what? I’m over it,” the mother added. “Because this is my daughter, and she deserves justice. She got to a point where she was turning her whole life around.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.