Friday, December 2, 2022

Is the house of cards about to fall? (Updated) (Updated)

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Initial reaction...

Let me be the first (or one of the first) to guess or predict what's going to happen after the bombshell release of information by Elon Musk  regarding Twitter's interference in the 2020 one Congressman has already stated, "This is a monster story!"  Is the house of cards about to fall?  I hope so!  But that is not going to happen...  What they're planning to divert your attention will most likely be earth shattering and I wouldn't rule out World War III.  Everyone from Biden on down to Adam Schiff is a participant and they will contrive anything to avoid jail time so War is not out of the question.

Don't miss this extraordinary interview. 

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Sunday, November 27, 2022

It's all about control. (Updated)

Central Bankster Admits They Plan To Control Us With Central Bank Digital Currencies...

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Statement from Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla
In order to reduce the population by fifty percent in five years you would have to have a sudden die-off.  Bill Gates said we could reduce the population with a vaccine.  Pfizer makes vaccines. 

Conclusion?   I'll leave that up to you.