Story #1.
Gov Targets Private Bank Accounts:
Seizes Funds Of Innocent Americans Without Charge or Trial
Mac Slavo @
Do you still keep a hefty portion of your savings in a U.S. bank?
If so you may want to reconsider your options. Because if the following report from theInstitute of Justice is any indication, nothing you hold in private bank account is safe anymore.
Can the government use civil forfeiture to take your money when you have done nothing wrong—and then pocket the proceeds?Every year the government of the United States seizes tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer money and redistributes these funds to “black” projects which are often unaccounted for. On September 10th, 2001, for example, Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted that the D.O.D. had lost around $2.3 Trillion. The funds were unaccounted for and any investigation into where they went ended the following day when the office holding the records in question was reportedly destroyed in the Pentagon attack.
The IRS thinks so.
For over 30 years, Terry Dehko has successfully run a grocery store in Fraser, Mich., with his daughter Sandy. In January 2013, without warning,the federal government used civil forfeiture to seize all of the money from the Dehkos’ store bank account (more than $35,000) even though they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.
Their American Dream is now a nightmare.
Federal civil forfeiture law features an appalling lack of due process: It empowers the government to seize private property from Americans without ever charging, let alone convicting, them of a crime. Perversely, the government then pockets the proceeds while providing no prompt way to get a court to review the seizure.
On September 25, 2013, Terry and Sandy teamed up with the Institute for Justice to fight back in federal court. A victory will vindicate not just their right to be free from abusive forfeiture tactics, but the right of every American not to have their property wrongfully seized by government.
Source: Institute of Justice via AEI / The Daily Crux
No one was held to account. No one went to jail. No one was punished.
Make a suspicious transaction or can’t account for your money as a private citizen, however, and they will seize everything you own and treat you like a financial terrorist.
There are no warrants, no charges, no court proceedings. They just take it. And if you don’t comply, they’ll send an IRS SWAT team through your front door and imprison you.
What’s frightening about the experience of Terry and Sandy Dehko is that just months prior to their seizure of their assets the Internal Revenue Service completed an audit indicating that all of their records were legitimate, and their small business was operating within the guidelines of Federal tax law.
No matter.
When surveillance state flagging algorithms spotted them depositing suspicious amounts of money just below the $10,000 required federal reporting limit into their bank account, a necessity for the Dehkos because their insurance only covered up to $10,000 in losses, they were red flagged by automated monitoring systems as possible money launderers.
Their $35,000 was subsequently seized after the IRS filed a secret warrant (a lot of that going around these days) accusing them of “structuring.” Because of the nature of civil forfeiture laws they now have to fight for their own money and prove their activities were legal. The IRS required no proof whatsoever.
An accusation was enough.
These heavy handed practices will not get any better going forward, especially considering the fiscal state of our nation.
The IRS and other government agencies are booming, hiring on thousands of new employees for enforcement, and arming them with assault weapons and ammunitionfor those who reuse to comply.
Last year the government took in over $4 billion in forfeiture money. How much of that was from Americans like the Dehkos, who did nothing wrong?
One day soon, they will come for your money, too – and probably a whole lot more.
Do you need any more reason to get out of the banking system, or will you wait until they take everything you’ve worked for?
Story #2.
Police State Raids Family’s Home:
“The Fight Has Officially Been Brought To My Front Door”

While Moore’s son proudly displaying his semi-automatic personal defense rifle was completely legal, an anonymous tipster contacted New Jersey’s Department of Children and Family Services and declared that the Moore family was neglecting and abusing their child, an unfounded accusation that led to the mobilization of local police who were apparently not at all concerned with the unconstitutionality of their actions which violated numerous protections of the Moore family including their right to bear arms, their right to be secure in their homes, their right to speak freely, and their right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.

“It was all hear say. Just a phone call saying someone saw a pic of a child holding a gun,” reports Moore.
Shawn Moore recounted the incident at the Delaware Open Carry forums:
The fight has officially been brought to my front door.Police and Family Services overstepped their bounds when they illegally entered this man’s home, demanded he open his gun safe, and threatened to take away his children because of an anonymous tip based on absolutely zero evidence.
Last night I was out with a buddy of mine. I got a text from my wife that the cops and DYFS [Division of Youth and Family Services] are at the house and they wanna check out my guns and needed me to open my safe.
I’m instantly on my way. I get in contact with [attorney] Evan Nappen on the way. I explain the situation.
I walk in my house and hand the phone to the first cop I see. Then direct all of them outside. DYFS got a call because of a pic of my son holding a gun.
They wanted to look around and check all my guns out, make sure they were all registered.
Obviously that didn’t go well because I refused.
I had Nappen on speaker phone the entire time so they had to deal with both of us. They kept trying to pressure me to open my safe. They had no warrant, no charges, nothing.
I didn’t budge.
I was told I was being “unreasonable” and that I was acting suspicious because I wouldn’t open my safe. Told me they were gonna get a search warrant. Told em go ahead.
Nappen (my lawyer) asked me for the DYFS workers name. She wouldn’t give it. I asked for credentials and she wouldn’t show them. I tried to take a pic of her and she turned around real fast and walked away.
After a while of them threatening to take my kids, get warrants and intimidation they left. Empty handed and seeing nothing.
People it can happen that fast.
This is the world in which we now find ourselves, where an American exercising his right to bear arms is considered suspicious simply because he refuses to give up his Constitutionally protected rights.
If you resist in any form or fashion you are immediately considered a criminal or terrorist.
The government and its storm troopers will continue to act brazenly, violating the rights of Americans until they are held accountable. As citizens, we are left with no other choice than to resist the tyranny and fight back, just as Shawn Moore did when they came for his guns AND his children. We can do this by understanding the laws of the land, and by documenting every interaction with officials of the government, who will stop at nothing to pursue their agenda and stroke their own egos.
They will come to each of our front doors, and when they do, we must resist. We must fight back with every tool our Founding Fathers afforded us.
Mac Slavo
This just in...I just had to add this one. One of the worst cases I've ever seen! (Added March 4, 2014)