“Barack Obama does not hold a single core value or belief consistent with the principles that created this amazing country we call the United States of America... I would vote for the devil himself over Barack Obama...” ~ John Rocker
John Rocker now throws political hardballs
by Michael Thompson @

“Like hopefully a majority of Americans out there, I’ll be voting
against President Obama this year. I won’t necessarily be voting
for the Republican candidate as much as I will be voting
against Obama. America has been the greatest nation this earth has ever known over the last 150 plus years. In my strong opinion Barack Obama does not hold a single core value or belief consistent with the principles that created this amazing country we call the United States of America. His belief system could not be more foreign from those of the ‘Greatest Generation,’ from the beliefs of a Truman, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, or Reagan. This country cannot sustain four more years of his cancerous ideology. I have always been a big fan of Newt Gingrich. He is one of the most brilliant people I have ever listened to. Unfortunately things didn’t work out for him, but such is our democratic process and a large reason America is the great nation it is. It seems that Governor Romney will be getting my vote, although be it somewhat by default. I would vote for the devil himself over Barack Obama which would actually be tough though as he seems to already be a supporter.”
See full article/interview here http://www.wnd.com/2012/05/john-rocker-now-throws-political-hardballs/
In other news... Who really won the 2008 election?
(a must see video)
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