Saturday, May 20, 2023

From the land down under: Patriotism Versus Nationalism (Thought provoking.)

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Patriotism Versus Nationalism

Today is National Flag Day in Australia, if you've never heard of it don't feel too bad, practically no one has. Australia had a public competition to choose it's national flag and on the 3rd of September 1901 the winning flag from the national flag competition was flown for the first time. It seems a fitting day to talk about Patriotism and Nationalism.

Often these two ideas are used interchangeably, as if the difference between them are slight or non existent. However when you look into it you find that the two are quite different. One is a feeling, the other a belief. One is ancient, even timeless, the other is modern. One is about love, the other more conflicted.

Patriotism is ancient, both Greeks and Persian were patriotic and many others besides, they had a love of country and of their own people. Patriotism is exactly that, a love of your own country. It is a higher emotion because it is selfless, your country cannot love you back, the love is all one way. It may be critical or uncritical, but it is never selfish because all Patriots understand that true love of country involves sacrifice. Because at all times Patriotism is a duty, a duty to a higher cause, the cause of your own people. Not just your family and friends but all of those who are your people. The greater and more diverse your people are the less Patriotic feeling is aroused. The more homogeneous the people the easier it is to generate patriotic feeling. Patriotism may or may not be about love of Government, but it is always the love of the people. Of their customs, of their culture, of their history and of their survival.

You can still be a Patriot and betray the Government, but you cannot be a Patriot if you betray the people. Legally Treason can only be committed against a Government. But all true Patriots know that the Government exists for the benefit of the people, not the other way around.

Nationalism however is different, it is not ancient, instead it is a by production of the French Revolution. During the Enlightenment, many sort a way of limiting the influence of religion upon society. One great power that the Catholic Church had was it's wide reach, It crossed borders and was outside of many laws, as were it's members. Many resented this, they wanted the Church to not be a Supranational institution, but to be a national institution. One that was both controllable by national laws and at the same time a symbol of the nation, like the Church of England was in England. For others Religion was wrong, Popes, Cardinals and Priests shouldn't exist, But both believed that spiritual life wasn't as important as this life. And in this life nations are important, very important.

Patriotism and Religion have rarely clashed as they saw each other as complementary, dealing with different but related areas of life. Nationalism however saw Religion as a rival because it sort to replace Religion, to make the Nation-State the object of worship and dedication. Nationalism was in it's beginning a Liberal philosophy. It was about freedom, the freedom of the nation from any outside authority. Especially that of the Catholic Church!

Nationalism was about freeing the nation from it's own feudal past, freeing it from foreign rulers, which included freedom from religious authority. Sadly Nationalism was as much about hate as it was about love. About rejecting the nations heritage, about rejecting it's traditional bonds and obligations. Instead all of those things were to be cut away to make room for the new and improved nation. It fed on resentments and fears. I will give you two examples from my lifetime. The Irish Republican Army is Nationalist, I have never heard it talk about how much it loves Ireland, I have however heard it talk about how much it hates England. In a similar vane are the various Palestinian groups, never have I heard them shout "Life to Palestine", but I have heard them yell "Death to Israel". You might argue that their causes are just and that they are right to feel angry, hatred and bitterness. But you would find it much harder to argue that they hold these positions because they love their own people.Any love they feel is more than overshadowed by the hate that they feel.

I know a fair number of Nationalists and most of them are good people. Most of the time we share similar views. But the truth is I am not a Nationalist, I am a Conservative, I am a Patriot.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Posted by Mark Moncrieff at 18:16
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Anonymous1 November 2015 at 15:02

Modern nationalism is new because the structure of the nation state is new. Modern European nations are rather new entities. There was a German nation, Italian nation, Greek nation, but these did not have state entities which represented the nation in the entirety.

Greeks for example have always known they were Greek, but there was no singular state to represent Greeks until 1821. This does not mean there was no Greek nation prior, there was, they just didn't have a state. Greeks were prior part of an empire, or divided into city states, but even back then, they acknowledged they were Greeks.

The modern nation state is a political development, we simply didn't realise the concept prior.

Nationalism, in its most basic sense, is the idea that this national identity is the primary form of identity, not the state. Consider Germans which may soon be a minority. Is the German nation the German people, or the assortment of people that Merkel gives passports too?

A patriot without a sense of nationalism would have their allegiance to the state, which means to the government and whatever arbitrary collection of people that the government (which in the West is internationalist) has permitted to reside within its jurisdiction. In my opinion, an allegiance based on no specific people, with no specific identity, who's only ties is (rather recent) geographic proximity and papers issued by the same state administration doesn't make sense, and goes against natural human organisation.

We Nationalists want our state to stop being hostile to our nations, and have our government, economy, political apparatus represent our nation, and not consider our nations as merely an asset, which they are entitled to degrade and replace.


Unknown21 June 2018 at 23:21

Another enjoyable read, cheers.Reply

Thursday, May 18, 2023

THIS IS COMMUNISM: wake up america (Small 'a' intentional because this is what we are about to become.)

Watch the video below...we are now at the crossroads where the wrong turn leads to a dead end. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The American Sovereignty Declaration

The following from South Alabama Liberty:

The American Sovereignty Declaration

It’s Time for America to Exit the W.H.O.


MAY 9, 2023

As a Founding (working) Member of the The Sovereignty Coalition, I am proud of the work we are accomplishing.

The Sovereignty Coalition asks everyone who agrees with us to sign the #ExittheWho petition - the words of which are as follows:

Sign the Petition

“The World Health Organization (WHO) is a supranational United Nations agency that is effectively controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as evidenced, among other things, by the manner in which the WHO’s Director-General, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, has relentlessly accomplished Beijing’s bidding. That includes advancing the CCP’s interest in bringing about a post-Constitutional-America and “global governance” dominated by the Party. The CCP’s hegemonic ambitions have no place for a powerful United States of America, human freedom or personal sovereignty.

The WHO is, moreover, underwritten and malignly influenced by other hostile special interests, including Bill Gates and Big Pharma. Their efforts to expand the WHO’s supranational control align with Beijing’s. If they are no more concerned than the CCP with actually advancing public health, Gates and his fellow corporate globalists exploit their roles with the World Health Organization to generate profits.

These factors make it hardly surprising that, in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO lied about the nature, origins and effective responses to the Wuhan Virus. The “China Model” of lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates and digital enforcement mechanisms was endorsed. And the WHO approved the use of expensive and inadequately tested gene therapies as “vaccinations” and the suppression of readily available, effective and inexpensive treatments. Thanks in part to such misconduct, the pandemic has resulted in the deaths of over a million Americans and many more elsewhere around the world, an untold number of whom perished needlessly.

Given the WHO’s appalling record, it is outrageous that the Biden administration is working to give the WHO and its Director-General more power over sovereign nations, including the United States. Yet, U.S. government officials are actively negotiating amendments to existing International Health Regulations and a new treaty governing future pandemics. These accords would effectively repose in Dr. Tedros the authority unilaterally to dictate what constitutes an actual or potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and to order how affected nations must respond.

The Biden administration has no intention of honoring the U.S. Senate’s constitutional role in treaty-making by submitting such assaults on our sovereignty for its advice and consent. Moreover, the Senate has voted not to require such treatment for these agreements.

In the hands of the CCP and its friends, that authority would allow enemies of this country, foreign and domestic, to deprive Americans of their constitutional rights and other statutory protections. The WHO’s Director-General may deem, for example, gun violence, climate change, problems afflicting plants or animals and so-called “disinformation” to be causing so-called public health emergencies.

Such a surrender of national sovereignty over public health would be bad enough. In practice, however, it will translate into a loss of personal sovereignty, as well, notably as a result of WHO directives that may interfere with individual patients’ treatment by their physician. That has already occurred as a result of mere advisories issued by the World Health Organization. Much worse is surely in store if such a malevolent organization could in the future order governments and medical practitioners to administer problematic “vaccinations” and other drugs or withhold less risky and more efficacious treatments.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Kyle American Hero

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15 seconds

THE UN WINS THE WAR ON AMERICA...while Americans watch idly by.

Monday, May 15, 2023



Sunday, May 14, 2023

INVASION USA...this may be your final warning.

War is enevitable. 
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15 seconds