Crazy ants are the new fire ants
(and possibly worse)
By Marty Toohey
The jar looked
like it was filled with blackberry jam. But it was actually filled, top to
bottom, with ants, roughly 181,000 of them. More specifically, tawny crazy ants
— a bug causing such a problem that it has supplanted the fire ant atop the
list of pests that researchers say Texas needs to get under control. Several
Houston-area suburbs can attest to crazy ants’ destructive habits: swarming
across the landscape, nesting in virtually every cavity they can find, along
the way ravaging electronics, taking up residence in drywall and disrupting
local ecosystems.
Crazy ants are now
one of the main topics of study at the Brackenridge Field Laboratory, a
University of Texas facility on Lake Austin Boulevard where LeBrun works. His
point with the jar full of crazy ants: All the researchers had to do was leave
nine 50-milliliter tubes on the ground in an area infested with crazy ants,
then collect them a day later. The ants swarm in such vast numbers that the
researchers didn’t even have to bait the tubes.
“An invasion of
these can be so extreme,” LeBrun said, “that it’s hard to call it just a
Houston, we have a
Have you ever
heard anyone talk wistfully about fire ants?
Some people in Pearland do. That was where crazy ants were
first spotted in 2002. Exterminator Mike Foshee found them around the time his
air conditioner stopped working. He fired up the Shop-Vac to clear the vents in
his living room floor and, by the time he had finished, he had sucked out five
gallons of ants. They got inside the television, making the picture go
cattywampus, and streamed frantically across the kitchen floor. He poisoned
them, only to see them come streaming back. The subdivision remains overwhelmed
by crazy ants.
“When you talk to
people who live in the invaded areas, they tell you they want their fire ants
back,” LeBrun said.

Before you panic, crazy
ant populations expand slowly, perhaps a couple of hundred yards a year. It’s
humans who appear to be spreading them across vast distances, LeBrun said –
first by bringing them up from South America, then letting colonies sneak into
potted plants or plywood or hay bales and hitch a ride.
Rock, paper, ants
Telling the story
of the crazy ant requires bringing fire ants into the conversation.
They are natural
rivals in parts of Brazil and Argentina, and both probably came to the
southeastern United States as stowaways on ships. Invasive fire ants arrived in
the 1930s and spread at an alarming rate across the South, in part because
their venom is so potent that most biological rivals have no chance.
Crazy ant venom is
far less toxic, and their bite at most causes “a minute of pain that quickly
fades,” according to A&M’s experts. But crazy ants can wipe out fire ants.
Researchers at UT found crazy ants do this by smearing themselves in a
secretion that neutralizes fire ant venom, essentially rendering them invulnerable
to it. No other Texas ants appear adapted to take on crazy ants, either. They
drive out almost all other bugs, including spiders, through sheer weight of
numbers, LeBrun said. Even nesting songbirds can be overrun by crazy ants,
A&M experts say.
Crazy ants are
also remarkably difficult to drive out. When hurt, they emit a pheromone that,
like a battlefield radio, calls in nearby reinforcements. This means the ants
will swarm into electrical sockets in which their cousins were just fried, or
march across yards that pesticides had just turned into a crazy ant killing
field. LeBrun said such efforts often just create “a tiny little gap in an
ocean of ants.”
Nature does have a
way of keeping crazy ants in check in South America, though. Several other species
of ants tend to kill crazy ants by outcompeting them for food. UT science
writer Marc Airhart compares the situation to a game of
rock-paper-scissors: crazy ants beat fire ants, fire ants beat other ants, and
other ants beat crazy ants.
The big problem in
Texas is that no local species appears to beat crazy ants. Bringing in the
South American ants would only create another problem, LeBrun said, because
many of the ants in that habitat could turn out to be highly invasive.
If fire ants are
rock, and crazy ants are paper, there are no scissors here.
All happy families
are alike
Still, the old
truism about a greatest strength also being a greatest weakness could apply to
crazy ants. Again, a comparison with the rival fire ants is useful.
One type of fire
ant spreads over great distances in part because, when a new queen is born, it
flies off and either dies or establishes its own colony. But that colony
doesn’t generally get along with other colonies. The single-queen fire ants
tend to build their mounds and keep to themselves. That behavior limits
cooperation between colonies, but it also buffers many fire ant populations
against outbreaks of disease.
Crazy ants are
difficult for precisely the opposite reason: Their colonies get along. They’re
like one big, happy family.
Crazy ant queens
don’t fly off to breed or die. Instead, they stay home and breed alongside
other queens. LeBrun said having eight queens isn’t unusual, and researchers
have even found upward of 100 of them in some colonies. The tendency to stay
home slows the spread of crazy ants.
Nature might also
provide relief for the rest of the country. Crazy ants are subtropical and,
though researchers aren’t sure how far they could spread, the best guess is
they won’t get north of Oklahoma or past West Texas, LeBrun said.
But beware: when
crazy ants arrive, they are probably at the leading edge of a “super colony” of
many, many nests – wave upon wave of reinforcements to send in if one nest is
injured. LeBrun said the super colonies he has studied tend to be circular and
can be a kilometer or many kilometers in diameter.
A super colony is
susceptible to contagion, though. The UT lab is now testing a fungus that
appears to spread quickly among crazy ants and, under certain circumstances,
devastate them. The lab is still testing whether the fungus could harm other
The UT lab is also
testing a type of tiny phorid fly that could be lethal to crazy ants. The fly
would swoop in, plant an egg in the head of a crazy ant, then fly away; a few
weeks later, the hatched larva finishes eating the ant’s brain and crawls out
of its skull.
A similar phorid fly helps keep fire ants in check by
disrupting their ability to forage. But LeBrun said the flies’ success in
curbing crazy ants will depend on how effectively the flies disrupt the ants’
foraging pattern.
The work is
promising, LeBrun said. But, he added, until it is proven successful, “There is
no silver bullet.”