Saturday, September 14, 2024





Friday, September 13, 2024

Your children are your dependents. Kamala Harris wants you to be dependent upon the government. That's Marxism!

Captilism is what made America great by individuals hard work, ingenuity, and the following:

Capitalism has been a successful economic system for a number of reasons, including: 
  • Competition: Competition encourages businesses to improve their products and services, and to be more efficient. This leads to lower prices for consumers. 
  • Consumer choice: Individuals can choose what to buy, which leads to more competition and better products. 
  • Personal freedom: Capitalism allows people to pursue their own goals and dreams. 
  • Private property rights: Capitalism allows for flexibility in private property rights. 
  • Innovation: Capitalism produces innovation because of the competition between private businesses. 
  • Efficiency: Goods and services are produced based on demand, which encourages businesses to cut costs and avoid waste. 
Capitalism's success has been attributed to the emergence of new technologies* and discoveries, particularly in agriculture and exploration. 
Let's call that "inventions".  Without the invention of the pencil ✏️ we could be still scratching pictures onto cavemen's walls.  And without the many other inventions, we would not be here discussing it over the Internet.  Remember, the government did not invent the pencil. 

But the government did invent deadly virus.