Saturday, March 1, 2025

Roosevelt's Policies

In 1936 no one recognized what was revealed in the quote...and apparently no one today gives a damn. 

A Look Back In Time

By Norman E. Hooben 

It was once said by an author who's name escapes me at the moment (I think it was Ann Coulter but it doesn't really matter because others have implied the same.) that Franklin Roosevelt was the Father of the Democratic party or some other god-like inspirational figurehead that saved us from German occupation and/or from speaking Japanese if we lost the war on both sides of the that I mean WW II. 
In realty Roosevelt was a racist like Adolf Hitler; he hated blacks as much as Hitler hated Jews...he also hated Japanese, it's why he round them all up at the outset of the war (American citizenship be damned!).  
Like all Alinskyites Roosevelt was able to indoctrinate black families into turning into Democrats (previously they voted Republican) by the New Deal promises.  We could say he literally bought their vote and it would be accurate.  
Let's  get back to that word above; Alinskyite.  That's someone who promises one thing but does the opposite.  So the blacks, and a whole bunch of other people,  were hoodwinked into the party of corruption without even mentioning the party of the KKK.
You know Hitler and his Nazi party also used Alinskyisms to attain power but he loved the way Roosevelt used such rhetoric to successfully win the White House more times than any other...things were going his way.
Because one generation soon forgets what the previous generation has done to get us where we're at, especially generations that are also separated by continents.  So let us look back in time...say about 1936. 
"In the U.S. Franklin Roosevelt was re-elected by a whopping majority, and Germany mounted the bandwagon of well-wishers for the occasion.  Roosevelt, the Nazis proclaimed, was a prime example of what they called the "FÜhreprinzip"-the policies of Herr Hitler himself."* 
*1936, the picture story of an unforgettable year by D.S. Halcyon, Jr.

Book overview

This book tells the story of an unforgettable year; 1936 when the Lindberghs fled the U.S.and sensation-hungry newspapers, King Edward VIII renounced his throne for the woman he loved, Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard boarded a steamship for what might develop into a honeymoon cruise and many other events. The book also tells of The New Deal, John L. Lewis, Adolf Hitler, The Spanish Civil War, Selassie's Ethiopia, The Scottsboro Boys, Stalin's Russia, and many other highlights.
Copyright 1963

Suicidal Empathy Is Destroying The West


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Buy, Sell, Hold... What's the best way to get rich quick? INVEST IN A POLITICIAN


Sunday, February 23, 2025


To whomever wrote this- Well said!! 

When millions of illegals were ushered in through the southern border, you said nothing! 

When they abandoned millions of dollars worth of military equipment in Afghanistan, you said nothing! 

When they flaunted a two tier justice system, one for them and one for everyone else, you said nothing!

When they covered up the Hunter Biden laptop, you said nothing!

When they passed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill that failed miserably, you said nothing! 

When they forced Americans to take an untested vaccine, you said nothing! 

When inflation crushed the middle class, you said nothing!

When they sent billions to Ukraine, you said nothing! 

When chemicals polluted the water in East Palestine, Ohio and they ignored it, you said nothing! 

When Americans were raped, robbed and murdered by illegals, you said nothing!

When they implanted Kamala as the presidential nominee without getting a single vote, you said nothing! 

When billionaire and anti American George Soros funded dozens of AG elections, you said nothing! 

When they turned our classrooms into liberal indoctrination camps, you said nothing! 

When they spent our tax dollars on inmates transition surgeries, you said nothing! 

When they gave the citizens of Hawaii $700 after losing their entire city, you said nothing! 

When they gave free money, food and 5 star hotel lodging to illegals, you said nothing! 

When they came for our free speech, you said nothing! 

When DEI weakened the military and put our national security at risk, you said nothing! 

When they colluded with the media to push false reports, you said nothing!

When it was open season on law enforcement and criminals reigned, you said nothing! 

When they weaponized the justice system to take down their political opponents, you said nothing!

When the bureaucrats took over the White House and ran the government, you said nothing! 

When they covered up Biden's rapidly declining mental state, you said nothing! 

When they groomed our kids in school and hid it from the parents, you said nothing! 

When the drug epidemic exploded and 1000s died annually, you said nothing! 

When they accosted the jews on their campuses, you said nothing!

When they weaponized the intelligence agencies against Americans, you said nothing! 

When they spent $45 million dollars on "Diversity and Inclusion" scholarships in Burma, you said nothing!

When they let men play women's sports, you said nothing! 

When they chanted "Death to America" and burned our flag, you said nothing! 

When they shutdown our energy production, and emboldened Russia, you said nothing! 

When the crime rates in American cities increased, you said nothing!

While thousands of veterans were left to sleep out on the streets, you said nothing!

When 300,000 migrant children went missing and no one had a clue, you said nothing!

When Joe Biden pardoned his friends and family, you said nothing!

When they sent billions to Iran and inadvertently funded Hamas, you said nothing! 

When men were celebrated for pretending to be women, you said nothing! 

When they let a Chinese Spy Ballon sail across America, you said nothing! 

When 50 intelligence agents all lied to bury the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, you said nothing! 

When American citizens were taken hostage and held for a year in Gaza, you said nothing! 

When Facebook admitted, they conspired with the Biden administration to censor the truth, you said nothing!

When they cleaned the streets of San Francisco for the communist Chinese President Xi Jinping, you said nothing!

When Fauci and the WHO peddled covid 19 virus lies and covered up the origins, you said nothing! 

When they sealed the January 6th commission files or "lost them", you said nothing! 

You saw the corruption, the lies, the bad policy, the anti American agenda and said nothing, so please spare us your crocodile tears and all your fake hysteria now. For 4 years you watched this country get run into the ground on all fronts and you said nothing!

Now, it’s our turn!!!! 🇺🇸🙏🏼🏆