Thursday, June 16, 2022

Are you ready for the black-out? Obama is!


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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Why is war inevitable?

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Four years ago, Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock asset management firm that controls trillions in investments, is a member of the board of trustees of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and sits on the board of directors for the Council on Foreign Relations. A few years ago, Fink said: “Behaviors are going to have to change and this is one thing we are asking companies, you have to force behaviors and at BlackRock, we are forcing behaviors.” - Ronnie Arnold 
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See also:   ...the greatest political evil 

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Are you one of the ignorant masses? I strongly believe that some of you are!

The following is from somewhere on the Internet.  It doesn't really matter from where or who; for all of it is true.  If you haven't heard of DAVOS and other tyrants too, then put yourself in classes of all the ignorant masses; Klaus Schwab will get you too.

Are you ready for this? - N.E.H.

"Yes it is by design.

Biden: May 2002: "Here’s the situation. And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,"

Also, remember DAVOS and enviornmentalists want to see as many nasty carbon using parasitic humans dead as quickly as possible to save Mother Earth.

Biden slipped and the quotes out of DAVOS about necessary deaths to save the planet tell us peons all we need to know about those who rule the world - and we are letting them.

COVID didn't do the job they hoped to reduce the population, so expect another crises to lock workers in their homes creating an ever larger distribution and production chain crises. I think they are counting on the Vaccines to help their plan to save the world (not people, the elite find the peon masses to be simply disgusting piles of goo, but Gaia).

The current people ruling the world will do absolutely anything to get rid of as many disgusting human beings as they possibly can without the ignorant masses realizing what they are doing. They will try to put on a public face of concern and caring while cheering every death as a win for Gaia and environmentalism.

Yes, I am saying that the people at DAVOS and the elitist politicians of the world right now are in their hearts genocidal cheerleaders. Why do you think they won't say anything about China's genocidal actions that are done so publicly?"

Sometimes you have to just sit back and listen...then push replay and listen again.

Preface: Before we go on I would like to point out that I was never any good at making predictions...even when  I was right I was still off by about ten years.
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But now however,  I can safely predict the next revolution.  Look for it when the bubble bursts. - Norman Hooben