Saturday, July 15, 2023
Friday, July 14, 2023
Reporter: "Farmland is under attack." Editor: Strike that, "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"
Farmland Lost is Farmland Lost Forever
By Tom DeWeese
July 14, 2023
“Farmland lost is farmland lost forever.” That catchy phrase is a popular slogan distributed by the Virginia-based land trust called the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC). While it’s an accurate statement, apparently, the PEC and its like-minded Green brethren are only concerned about losing vital farmland to housing developers. Meanwhile, thousands of farmers and ranchers are losing their industries to radical environmental policies supported and promoted by such groups. Obviously, hypocrisy runs deep in the leftist Green movement.
However, farmland is under attack across the nation, mainly under the guise of climate change and environmental protection. Let’s review some of the main threats America’s farmers are facing.
The central unifying issue driving the attack on America’s farming industry is “climate change.” SUSTAINABLE! That’s the trigger word driving the attack on farming. Green activists say we face an impending apocalypse and so society, they warn, must pursue a stated goal of achieving “sustainable development” or all will be lost. “Sustainable development” determines how food will be grown, processed, packaged, and marketed. Very specific rules determined what kind of crops may be grown, and how much land may be used for that purpose, while much of a farm’s private property is forced into open space for habitat, wetlands, and “supposedly endangered species.
Meanwhile, Biden’s Energy Czar, John Kerry, has accused small farms of being significant emitters of nitrogen. Of course, this is the primary attack on cattle for their burps, flatulence, and manure. The current term is “Climate Smart.” As sustainable development forces higher costs on the farmers, Biden’s massive inflation makes it nearly impossible for farmers to stay afloat.
While the Biden cabal is pushing to maneuver it all into place, the real driving force is being driven by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its Great Reset agenda. The WEF has actually launched something called its New Vision for Agriculture (NVA) initiative, which it defines as a “roadmap for Stakeholders.” Stakeholders are not farmers, property owners, or others in the agriculture industry. They are Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) many of whom have been working directly with the United Nations for decades to direct climate change policy.
“The World Economics Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture initiative is led by 17 global companies that are Industry Partners of the Forum,” according to the WEF/McKinsey report. It continues, “the 17 global companies that championed the initiative are Archer Daniels Midland, BASF, Bunge, Cargill, The Coca-Cola Company, Dupont, General Mills, Kraft Foods, Metro, Monsanto company, Nestle, PepsiCo, SABMiller, Syngenta, Unileve4r, Wal-Mart Stores, and Yara International.”
Now add the funds of private foundations such as the Rockefellers, Blackrock, and Gates Foundation, then the true road map of those stakeholders and their funders begins to emerge. These forces are NOT protectors of the environment; they are destroyers of it and 0ur current living standards.
Now comes the implementation of the plan. How do they intend to ultimately change the entire food production system of the nation and make it sustainable? Answer: target the land.
Wind and Solar
Reports from the solar industry as far back as 2017, indicate that the Midwestern states are the “growing hotspot for solar and wind power” to replace traditional coal and gas power plants – meaning thousands of acres of valuable farm land would be required to replace current energy sources that now use only a few acres. A World Bank study published in 2017 admitted that “clean energy” technology is “significantly more material intensive” than hydrocarbon energy sources, and that estimate didn’t even consider farmland destruction.
The solar panels are made of plastic – which takes oil to produce. Underneath those solar panels that run end to end, row by row, for thousands of acres, is cement for infrastructure wires. Little can grow underneath them – no grass, no animals. That’s how farmland is being destroyed.
In addition to solar, the Midwest states are also targeted for wind power. Wind power needs enormous amounts of oil for the turbines to turn. And those blades are not degradable when they no longer work. Again, they also need the massive infrastructure under the planned forests of turbines. How much raw material, including limestone, steel, aluminum, cobalt, and nickel will it take to produce a single wind turbine? And what about the transmission lines needed to get the electricity onto the power grid?
Picture thousands of acres of these turbines – the death of scenic views, of peaceful land, and in the air, nothing will be flying. Millions of birds, rapture, and endangered species destroyed – in the name of environmental protection. Ask the Interior Department how many birds are killed yearly. Such information, they will tell you, is classified. Why?
Wind and solar are a joke. Remember when we used to call environmentalists “Tree Huggers?” Well, where are they now? Why are they not standing up to stop wind and solar from destroying the environment? For example, the Wind industry has cleared over 17,283 acres in Scotland for wind farms. To do it they have wiped out 14,000,000 trees – to save the planet!
Wind and solar processes produce next to nothing for the power grid. If all other sources of fuels were banned and all power was to come from wind and solar, estimates are that it would only provide between 4% and 12% of the energy we need to run the country. Yet millions of acres of vital farmland – private property needed to produce our food supply — are targeted to be buried under this insanity.
Carbon Capture Pipelines
Those pushing for more solar and wind energy also champion carbon capture pipelines. They insist that manmade CO2 is driving climate change and therefore pipelines are needed to be used to safely bury this threat from fossil fuel plants into the ground. Here’s the scheme.
Private corporations have targeted thousands of acres of privately-owned, food-producing Midwest Corn Belt farmland to build several interconnecting pipelines. A letter being sent to targeted property owners from Navigator Heartland Greenway LLC says, “Navigator is proposing to build a large-scale carbon capture pipeline system spanning 1300 miles across five states in the Midwest…” The letter goes on to explain that “the pipeline will materially reduce the participant’s carbon footprint and further the global goal of carbon neutrality… The pipeline system… will capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from local facilities before these emissions reach the atmosphere and transport the CO2 safely via pipeline to a permanent and secure underground sequestration site in Illinois.”
There is no sound scientific reason for such a project. Trees and plants need CO2 to live. Here are some actual scientific facts that prove CO2 is not a pollutant but is necessary for a sound environment:
- More CO2 enhances plant growth.
- More CO2 boosts crop yields which helps feed more people worldwide.
- Nearly all plants increase photosynthesis in response to increasing CO2 (CO2
fertilization). More plant growth means less topsoil erosion. - More CO2 makes plants grow faster, with less stress and water. Moister soil.
- More CO2 helps plants to create natural repellants to fight insect predators.
The Carbon Capture Pipelines are unnecessary and dangerous to all of human society. Many scientists warn of a growing CO2 shortage that will lead to famine. The U.S. Navy has produced a chart entitled “CO2 Starvation. The chart reports that average CO2 needs for plant life is 1,600 Parts Per Million(PPM). However, according to the Navy. we are currently at 400 PPM. These figures have been verified by other scientists, including Climate expert Dr. Willy Soon and Dr. Lee Merritt. Dr. Merritt also predicts a “dust bowl” phenomena as a result of plants starving from CO2. Millions of acres covered by solar panels and wind turbines will lead to the destruction of the environment.
Today, in targeted states, including Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Minnesota, there is growing opposition to the pipelines. Farmers are beginning to understand the threat to their property rights. In response, the corporations behind the scheme resort to ruthless intimidation tactics to scare the farmers into compliance as they boldly trespass on private farmland with armed guards and heavy equipment, damaging crops. With this tactic employed, will local and state governments stand with the farmers who feed us or the powerful corporations?
Attack on the Cattle Industry – Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
“Meat consumption is devastating some of the world’s most valuable and vulnerable regions, due to the vast amount of land needed to produce animal feed.” The quote is from a report issued by one of the most powerful environmental NGOs, the World Wildlife Fund. They have made it their mission to stop beef consumption. How can they do that, you may ask?
First, the WWF was influential in creating the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. Quick to join were the four min packing companies that control access to the beef market, including Tysons, Cargil, JBS and National Beef. Next to join was the National Cattleman’s Beef Association (NCBA), the largest association representing the beef industry.
Working together, these organizations began to create new rules that coerced cattlemen to be “certified” to attain what is called “Beef Quality Assurance” recognition from the federal Department of Agriculture. This would grant them the label of being “sustainable,” of course. In the name of environmental protection, these new rules placed restrictions on water grazing, reduced productive uses of the ranchland to make way for wildlife habitat, and forced cattle growers to have smaller herds. All this served to make the ranching process more expensive.
Worst of all is the removal of “Nation of Origin” labeling, so consumers don’t know where their beef is coming from. This allows the packers to use foreign beef which is exempt from the strict Roundtable rules, making it much cheaper than American beef.
The WWF’s Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef is nothing short of a monopoly controlling the industry. There is no free market per se. A few years ago, an independent company called Northern Beef Packers was created at an investment cost of approximately $50 million to create an independent packing company not tied to the Roundtable. The four major packers simply lowered their costs to block the competition by making the price of beef so low that it drove the independent company out of business.
Many suspect the goal is to stop beef consumption and replace it with the fake meat now being offered by Bill Gates and others. Of course, the packers will still have something to market without contending with the animal rights lobby. These corporations will continue to stuff their pockets while gaining the power to set what products will be offered to consumers.
It’s important to once again emphasize that one of the main packing companies, Cargil, is one of the 17 global companies that are Industry Partners of the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture, which, as already reported, is dedicated to transforming the U.S. food industry. Another piece of the puzzle put in its place.
The threat from China – buying up American Farmland
China now owns roughly 384,000 acres of U.S. farmland, according to a 2021 report from the Department of Agriculture. Of that, 195,000 acres are owned by 85 Chinese investors. It is vital to make clear China is a communist dictatorship. There is no free market in China, so there are no private corporations. All are controlled by the government. So, even if it appears that a Chinese individual or company is purchasing land, the power behind it is the government which is an avowed opponent to the concept of free markets, private property or individual liberty. Allowing such a force to purchase massive amounts of American land is a direct threat to American sovereignty, especially when much of the land they buy is within visual range of American military bases.
China is pushing hard for the U.S. to accept wind and solar power while we eliminate gas and coal. Yet, China is leading the world in reopening oil wells and coal mines for their OWN energy needs.
China is behind much of the drive to convert to electric vehicles, away from gas-powered cars. Does it surprise you that China has influence over much of the lithium resources in the world necessary to power those gas cars? China says America must follow the globalist dictates of “Sustainable” policies – but China doesn’t.
China is allied and works in partnership with those in Davos championing the Great Reset – designed to destroy our free market system. The more American land China controls, the more influence it can exert over U.S. policy.
China is an avowed enemy of free markets and American influence. It has proven over the years that it will support or undertake actions that would impact American security and prosperity. That includes the use of American farmland. Through the purchase of American farmland China can add power to the push for the carbon capture pipeline, thereby helping from the inside to destroy American food sources. China can increase the spread of wind and solar over valuable American farmland, decreasing more of the farm industry. Plus, they can use American farmland to raise crops and ship them back to China for their own use, while American grocery shelves grow empty.
In Florida, twelve Chinese investors have already put $16 million into an aquaculture project on 100 acres in Fellsmere, Florida. In Virginia, the Chinese bought Smithfield Foods and its 460 large farms and facilities in 26 states, employing tens of thousands of Americans. Additional projects such as these are in literally every state in the Union.
So serious is the threat that legislation has been introduced in Congress to control or prevent Chinese purchases of farmland. Texas Congressman Chip Roy has introduced the “Securing American Land from Foreign Interference Act” (H.R. 3244). The specific purpose is to block Communist Chinese farmland purchases in America. China has labeled the bill racist against Asians.
However, in the state legislature of South Dakota, legislation was introduced to block China from buying farmland in that state. Yet, the bill faced opposition from nearly every agriculture industry group. According to reports, the farm industry pushed to block the measure because big corporations, now working to destroy the small farmers see an opportunity to extend the global influence of the Great Reset over the United States.
Small, independent farmers are facing extinction. Their replacement will be powerful corporations that will no longer cater to consumers. Instead consumers will have to accept what the big corporations decide to provide – fake meat and all.
Americans must stand up to save and protect farmland because American Farmland lost, is America lost forever.
© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese
Tom DeWeese passionately believes in the rights of the individual over a powerful, tyrannical, collective society, and is also author of the non-fiction policy book "Now Tell Me I Was Wrong." To promote his strongly held philosophy of free enterprise, national sovereignty and limited government, he travels extensively across the nation speaking out as a passionate advocate of private property rights, personal privacy protection and opposition to government education policy. Recognized internationally as an expert in these fields, Tom DeWeese has been quoted in such national publications as the New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal while making regular appearances on a large list of national and local radio and television programs including Fox News.
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Judicial Watch is the watch dog for government corruption but what we need are some police dogs to go after the top dogs participating in the corruption.
FBI Colludes with Ukrainian Intel to Censor Americans under Biden Misinformation Campaign

In the most recently exposed Biden administration scheme to combat misinformation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) colluded with a compromised Ukrainian intelligence agency to censor the speech of Americans. The federal agency responsible for protecting the nation against terrorists, violent street gangs and serial killers joined forces with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), which is widely known to be infiltrated by Russian-aligned forces, to take down the authentic social media accounts of Americans. This includes a verified U.S. State Department profile and those belonging to American journalists. Interestingly, accounts targeted for removal by the SBU and FBI criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin and expressed pro-Ukrainian views.
Details of the illicit operation are outlined in a new congressional report made public this week by the House Judiciary Committee. The document also exposes how the FBI offered Facebook and Instagram legal cover to delete social media accounts singled out by the SBU. The two agencies routinely sent the popular social media platforms spreadsheets and other documents identifying thousands of profiles to eliminate. “Regardless of its intended purpose in endorsing the SBU’s requests, the FBI had no legal justification for facilitating the censorship of Americans’ protected speech on social media,” the report states. “In contrast to the Biden Administration’s stated support for Ukraine, the FBI, on behalf of the SBU, flagged Americans’ accounts and posts that were critical of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”
The report says that the FBI also delivered censorship orders from the SBU to Google and YouTube and reveals that a senior cybersecurity employee at Google said the company was “deluged with various requests” for content removal after Russia invaded Ukraine. The primary liaison between the FBI and Silicon Valley is Elvis Chan, a San Francisco-based assistant special agent in charge of the division’s cyber branch. The congressional probe highlights the FBI’s unconstitutional role in enabling the SBU’s censorship regime and raises grave concerns about the agency’s credibility and competence as the nation’s premier law enforcement organization. “Put simply, the FBI worked with and on behalf of a foreign intelligence agency—widely known to be compromised by Moscow at the time—and directly abetted efforts to censor Americans engaging in protected speech,” the report says. “As a result, the FBI agents’ actions had the potential to render substantial aid to the Kremlin’s war effort.”
Strangely—or perhaps not surprisingly—the alarming document has received scant coverage from the mainstream media. One national outlet that did publish a story about it, dismissed it as “the latest in a series of Republican efforts to attack the Biden administration’s work with social media platforms, which ramped up over intervention on stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop.” The operation is hardly the first involving the administration’s highly questionable efforts to control information. Just days ago, a federal judge issued an order prohibiting the Biden administration from pressuring social media companies to suppress free speech protected under the Constitution. The ruling involves a lawsuit filed by states accusing the federal government of going too far to supposedly combat COVID-19 disinformation. In the decision, the judge wrote that there was “substantial evidence” of a far-reaching censorship campaign.
It is part of a broader effort to divert public funds for a fictitious crisis created by the Biden administration to control information. The movement started with a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) panel known as the Disinformation Governance Board, which was technically dismantled after major backlash. Taxpayer dollars keep flowing to related causes, however. Millions in DHS terrorism prevention grants have gone to combat “misinformation and disinformation” and to create media disinformation networks worldwide. Large sums have also gone to related projects such as fighting science misinformation and misperceptions in black communities and, of course, COVID-19 misinformation, especially involving minorities and vaccines
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Deeply embedded in the Communist's control over the news media, the New York Times can't answer a simple question.
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We've been had...we just don't want to admit it.
Part II follows.
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. ~Carl Sagan
(Book: The Demon-Haunted World
You would be hard pressed to find a Democrat to admit that they were bamboozled, not once but twice, with the election of Barack Hussein Obama...or even a third time when Joe Biden moved into the White House.
The word bamboozle (according to author Jonathan Swift) was an invention used by contemporary criminals but we are further duped by the adjective...I don't think there is anything 'contemporary' about criminals unless you confine it to politicians. Further, most Americans have no idea they have been bamboozled by the news media even after the long running news program, 'The CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite' when Cronkite admitted after he retired that it was all a lie and he liked working with the devil (his word, not mine).
These bamboozlements, if I can call it that, are always contemporary and seem to be most effective within political parties...especially the Democratic party.
Just ask any self-admitting Democrat if they believe in the current climate change controversy and the most likely answer is that it's all the fault of human activity. Well that's a myth...aah, excuse me, a bamboozlement.
That's all for today, I wouldn't want to bamboozle you any further than your current state of bamboozlement controlled by the charlatan in the White House. - Norman E. Hooben
As one friend said to me, "People fell for this movie worse than the jab."
You got to hear this!
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Monday, July 10, 2023
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD - The perfect title to alert the CIA
The facts presented in the above video are indeed facts and Operation Mockingbird was what I thought at the time an illegal operation by the CIA for my previous knowledge about the CIA was that they were concerned only about overseas intelligence operations...but it looks like I was wrong...they're into every aspect of our lives. ~ N.E.H.
John Brennan...He's no ordinary traitor ...he speaks in accents familiar to his victims !
Source: Planck's Constant
John Brennan, Even If He Is Not a Muslim, Is Unfit to be CIA Director ~ by Bernie
Source: Planck's Constant
John Brennan, Even If He Is Not a Muslim, Is Unfit to be CIA Director ~ by Bernie
If you haven't read Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America, then get a copy today. It uncovers the plot by CAIR and funded by the Muslim Brotherhood to strategically place homegrown terrorists into the highest positions in our government.
Last year, Canadian journalist (and a Muslim himself) Tarek Fatah told an audience in Toronto that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood have penetrated the Obama administration (1).
On Friday, former FBI agent John Guandolo, the vice president of the Virginia-based Strategic Engagement Group (SEG), appeared on the Boca Raton-based radio show of Tom Trento:
Here again, are the three reasons why Brennan "is wholly unfit for government service in any national security capacity, and that would specifically make him unfit to be the director of Central Intelligence":
Anyone who has been in the Middle East for six years and still thinks that Islam is beautiful is a liar.
Last year, Canadian journalist (and a Muslim himself) Tarek Fatah told an audience in Toronto that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood have penetrated the Obama administration (1).
On Friday, former FBI agent John Guandolo, the vice president of the Virginia-based Strategic Engagement Group (SEG), appeared on the Boca Raton-based radio show of Tom Trento:
“The first is he has interwoven his life professionally and personally with individuals that we know are terrorists,” Guandolo asserted. “He has overseen and approved and encouraged others to bring known leaders of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood into the government in positions to advise the U.S. government on counterterrorism strategy as well as the overall ‘war on terror.’”While we are fighting the war on terror, a Muslim may not be the best choice for CIA Director. But that is not what bothers me. What bothers me is that he does not understand what jihad is or who our enemy is:
Second, Guandolo asserted, Brennan has “proven through his own comments publicly that he is clueless and grossly ignorant of Al-Qaida’s strategy.
“Third and finally, which some would say is most disturbing, is Mr. Brennan did convert to Islam,” Guandolo said, but stressed, “I think the [larger] news is that that conversion is the culmination of the work of people in Saudi Arabia who worked for the Saudi Government – and that makes John Brennan just naïve, foolish, dangerously ignorant and totally unfit for this position.
Is this man that dense or clueless? Is he a complete useful idiot? Or has his Muslim conversion turned him into a traitor?Middle East Quarterly, Summer 2010, John Brennan: "Jihad Is a Holy Struggle"The President's strategy is absolutely clear about the threat we face. Our enemy is not "terrorism" because terrorism is but a tactic. Our enemy is not "terror" because terror is a state of mind, and as Americans we refuse to live in fear. Nor do we describe our enemy as "jihadists" or "Islamists" because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women, and children.
Anyone who has been in the Middle East for six years and still thinks that Islam is beautiful is a liar.
The following added by Storm'n Norm'n
The Muslim's alive and very active...learn more here
Message from a friend....
"America is at war. But this not a conventional war waged with tanks, battleships and planes in conventional battlefields —at least not yet. It is a secret, insidious type of war whose battleground is the people’s minds. Its main weapons are propaganda and mass brainwashing by disinformation, cunning, deception and lies in a large scale not used against the people of any nation since Nazi Germany."
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