Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Communist Take Over Begins With A Police State
An example of the Obama Nation
One Nation Under Graft And Corruption For All
Open Borders - Obama Loves Them - Druggies Love Them - Next hanging due on Interstate 95...or will it be Intersate 55 in Chicago?
Just another day in Mexico...
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — A beheaded man was hung from an overpass Thursday, a gruesome display even for this northern border city long used to drug-related violence.
Shortly after the grisly sighting about 5 a.m., police found the victim's head in a black bag in a nearby plaza, said state police spokesman Alejandro Pariente.
Pariente said the body was wearing black jeans, a red T-shirt and white sneakers, and was handcuffed. A banner apparently directed at rival drug-gang members was hung next to the corpse.
The victim's father identified the 23-year-old man.
Elsewhere, masked men gunned down two police officers in a convenience store in Chihuahua City, the capital of Chihuahua state, where Juarez is located, said Eduardo Esparza, spokesman for the state attorney general's office. After the killing Wednesday evening, assailants left a toy pig next to the bodies. Two shoppers also were wounded.
On Tuesday, a man wearing a pig mask was found hung in a residence in Ciudad Juarez. Near the body was a message threatening to do the same to others. Police believe the message was from drug gangs.
Drug violence has been escalating across Mexico and cartels have turned to increasingly gruesome methods to send a message to their rivals and police. Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas, has registered one of the highest murder rates in the country, with more than 1,000 people killed so far this year.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Obama's True foul mouth as can be, a bully in the White House
Obama Appoints Foul-Mouthed Abusive Hyper-Partisan Freddie Mac-Staffer Bully as Chief of Staff
Way to keep it real, Barack.
In his first major cabinet appointment in what he promises will user in the fruits of hope and change, Barack Obama appointed RAHM EMANUEL, a Democrat U.S. congressman from (where else?) Chicago and one of the most volatile political partisans in DC today, to be the incoming administration’s Chief of Staff.
Republicans consider Obama’s choice “ironic” in the light of Obama’s pledge for bipartisanship.
Emanuel is known around town as ‘Rahmbo’. Here’s a bit of how he earned that nickname:
Upset with a Democratic pollster during a long-ago congressional race, Emanuel mailed him a big dead fish. Outraged over what he regarded as disloyal Democrats during Bill Clinton’s first presidential campaign, he stunned dinner companions by rattling off names of the offenders, each time stabbing the restaurant table with a dinner knife and shouting, “Dead.”
Ever the loyalist, he learned better how to get along, while retaining his aggressive ways. A finger-jabber who’s been known to pinch men in the arm and leave a bruise, Emanuel took up residence in a closet-sized office. That didn’t diminish his mega-sized ego and thirst for the fight.
Emanuel’s fundraising skills helped keep Clinton’s campaign afloat during some rocky times, particularly the scandal over whether he’d slept with Gennifer Flowers.
Clinton made him his political director in the new administration but internal tensions led to his comeuppance a year later at the hands of Hillary Rodham Clinton, when he was demoted to a policy adviser.
One day shortly after the demotion, he summoned a reporter to his office, shut the door and berated him. Each sentence was laced with profanity. His face was tomato-red. He wagged his finger in the reporter’s face and yelled.
After several minutes, he suddenly stopped and shot out of his seat to fling open the door. Bowing with a wide, showy sweep of his hand — an exaggerated smile plastered on his face — Emanuel said loud enough for the women in the outer office to hear, “And, dear sir, the horse you rode in on.”
Unbelievable, but a quintessential leftist.
Even better, Emanuel made a bundle of money as a Freddie Mac board member in the Clinton administration… you know, the same Freddie Mac that helped cripple the country’s economy:
Midway through Clinton’s second term, Emanuel left for Chicago to work in investment banking. The firm he joined was soon sold and Emanuel made millions, giving him the financial security to get back into politics.
Clinton appointed Emanuel to mortgage giant Freddie Mac’s board, a post that paid him at least $292,774 in director’s fees, according to a financial disclosure report Emanuel filed in 2002 when he ran for Congress. Emanuel served on the board when Freddie Mac misstated its earnings by $5 billion for 2000-2002. When the problem was uncovered in 2003, three top Freddie Mac executives were forced out.
It was the Clinton administration’s coddling of Fannie and Freddie that led to the current mortgage crisis.
Emanuel once told then British PM Tony Blair not to “f*** up” a public appearance with the President during a White House visit in the Clinton administration.
Good Lord. I guess it’s too late to question Obama’s judgment, right?
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References (1)
- Response: Hope and Change, Day Oneat Obama-Biden Watch on November 7, 2008In his first step toward bringing change to Washington, President Elect Obama has apparently chosen Clinton retread Rahm Emanuel to be his Chief of Staff. Okay, not a lot of change there. But I’m sure it’s coming.And the choice of Emanuel...
Reader Comments (17)
Guess we rename DC, "Chicago-East"
Imagine my relief when neither mudkitty nor Snerd were the first to comment! Hello, my friends!
I've got a lot to say about what's happening in this area but I want to see how things shake out in total before I say anything. I see a pattern here right now but it's not complete and I could be wrong. I don't see much HOPE and CHANGE in that appointment nor the others he's made so far: all Washington insiders. Not sure how he can accomplish the change he promised when all he's doing is setting up more of the same.
Wait a minute... wasn't that what he accused McCain of doing? Yet McCain was the one who reached outside of Washington for his running mate?
Don't worry about snerd or mudkitty. If they're too unruly, ban them. It might be a public blog as some have said in that guests are allowed to post but it's still yours by ownership and there's only so much obnoxious a person can take. In other words, just because you invited the guests in doesn't mean they can crap all over the "house" and expect to be allowed to stay. If the others want to complain about it, ban them, too.
However, it might get a little dull since the "opposition" can't seem to debate without the standard talking points, ad infinitum, ridicule, and name calling.
Hmm, wasn't it President Bush who called a reporter a "major league a$$hole"?? Geez, I think it was...
Amy, who would YOU like to see as his Chief of Staff??
I follow you, Steph. I see it, too. We'll see how it pans out over the next two months.
I don't know Mr. Angry if Bush said that. Do you have a link or article? Maybe he was talking to Helen Thomas in which case I'd agree.
Amy: "Imagine my relief when neither mudkitty nor Snerd were the first to comment! Hello, my friends!"
SG: Well fi(R)st things first ... It's not "My friends" it is actually "My Frienge".
And that's why I come here ... to experience the "frienge" elements, the rump of the (R) Party that will hopefully become the (R) majority. I wanta support y'all. If it's Sarah y'all want, I am 110% behind you, "My Frienge"!
Secondly ... What y'all seem to have missed about Obama was that it was more than the huge excited crowds he had. It was that he ran a near flawless campaign. That's no accident. Obama is nothing if not pragmatic. If y'all miss that point, then we got Obama for 8 years.
See the thing is Obama can 'multi-task' ... He can be inspirational and pragmatic. He's got as great ground game AND a great passing game TWO. So whinge away with your mono-dimensional complaints ... It seemed to have worked well for 'US' already ...
Obama didn't run a flawless campaign nor did he "multitask" to the extent you seem to think. Obama can talk as long as somebody else writes the speeches and he can take the high road as long as everybody else covers him from his past. But that's neither here nor there.
You wanted him, you live with it. I'll be hunkering down to resist your future pity parties when it comes time for you to whine and moan about how he let you down.
Time for some Tough Love.
StephD+: "... Wait a minute... wasn't that what he accused McCain of doing? Yet McCain was the one who reached outside of Washington for his running mate?"
SG: SEE! More proof Obama can multi-task AND be pragmatic all at the same time
StephD+: "... Time for some Tough Love."
SG: OK ... If you insist, 'cause on the left we are able to practice TL (Tuff Luv) and TLC
Steph ... You (R) being bitte(R), Bitte(R), BITTE(R). There are 5 stages in the GRIEF process; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. It is up to you to figure out your-own-self, but I figure you (R) in the Anger stage. This is a process, so go with it ...
I know I am presenting this with 'snark' in cheek, but there is HOPE ...! After all beyond political orientation, we are all human beings.
Not only better go turn on your TVs. Obama just picked Bill Ayers to be head of Homeland Security and Dr. Jack Kavorkian to be the head of the Health and Welfare Agency. And it's just now being announced that he's holding high level talks with Bin Laden, even before the inauguration, and wait...oh wait...Rev. Wright will replace the Franklin's as America's spiritual envoy. Jane Fonda will be Ambassador to France to give Bruni a run for her franc.
Obama's first act, as President Obama, will be to personally kill a baby.
Man, you guys were right about him all a long.
American Patriotism Shot To Death By ABC News
Subject: Fw: ABC News Bans Flag Lapel Pins
I guess we will have to watch just FOX.
----- Original Message -----
Subject: FW: ABC News Bans Flag Lapel Pins
While all the while ABC News Supports this non-American citizen of the Marxist World of Communism!
To learn more about this TRAITOR click on image.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
FAIR AND BALANCED Chris Mathews --- Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
Friends, Family, And Strangers, Did You Vote For this Man" Will I forgive You?
Obama's Rise To Power - Where have we seen this before?
Go ahead and take the time to see all the similarities...
Read the sub-titles...
"I feel exonerated and reinvigorated. This message is in response to the latest
articles on my website about Obama's pronouncements on his official website.
Up until now, we have essentially been fighting a shadow war. We have been fighting against illusory and conjectural hypotheticals: This is what may/will happen if you elect Obama. We were voicing our (thoroughly-researched ) opinions on what could happen to America in an Obama administration. Obviously, a majority of Americans didn't believe us, and they ignored our warnings.
But now things have changed. Now we are no longer dealing with hypotheticals, we are dealing with actions and facts. No longer is it just a matter of opinion, it is now a matter of record. As the previous two articles have proven, there are no lengths that they will not go to to squelch dissent. They will cheat and lie and try to intimidate us. They we deny the evidence in front of them, because their truth is the only truth. This demonstration of their intent is what has made me (and hopefully all of you) feel exonerated.
Our enemy is out in the open now. We are no longer fighting shadows. And this development reinvigorates me and gives me strength.
Here is my mandate, and I am convinced that I speak for all of you as well --
We will not be intimidated. We will not be silenced. We have just begun the fight." - rg
God bless America
You know them by name!
You know him by mame!
Left wing liberals!
Never give in, never give in, never, never,
never, never, in nothing, great or small,
large or petty, never give in except
to convictions of honor and good sense.
Winston Churchill
For those of you who are not familar with the CFR...
There are appriximately 3,000 members of this NGO (Non Governmental Organization) and that these few people have more control over our so-called government of the people, by the people, and for the people than the entire population of America...and you voted for who? Wake up people! The CFR has but one objective, regardless of their title, 'The Elimination Of The United States Of America! And don't you forget it!
Here's some of Obama's friends...they're no friends of mine nor should they be friends of yours!
Meet some of president elect Obama’s leading foreign
and domestic policy advisors and likely
administration members, every one of them a
prominent member of the Council On Foreign
Will these people bring about "change" or will they continue to
hold up the same entrenched system forged by the corporate elite
for decades?
Susan E. Rice - Council on Foreign Relations, The Brookings
Institution - Served as Assistant Secretary of State for African
Affairs under Clinton from 1997 to 2001. Former Secretary of
State Madeline Albright is a longtime mentor and family friend to
Rice. Critics charge that she is is ill disposed towards Europe, has
little understanding of the Middle East and would essentially
follow the same policies of Condoleeza Rice if appointed the next
Secretary of State or the National Security Adviser.
Anthony Lake - CFR, PNAC - Bill Clinton’s first national
security adviser, who was criticized for the administration’s failure
to confront the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and now
acknowledges the inaction as a major mistake.
Zbigniew Brzezinski - CFR, Trilateral Commission - Brzezinski
is widely seen as the man who created Al Qaeda, and was
involved in the Carter Administration plan to give arms, funding
and training to the mujahideen in Afghanistan.
Richard Clarke - CFR - Former chief counter-terrorism adviser
on the U.S. National Security Council under Bush. Notoriously
turned against the Bush administration after 9/11 and the invasion
of Iraq. Also advised Madeleine Albright during the Genocide in
Ivo Daalder - CFR, Brookings, PNAC - Co-authored a
Washington Post op-ed with neocon Robert Kagan arguing that
interventionism is a bipartisan affair that should be undertaken
with the approval of our democratic allies.
Dennis Ross - CFR, Trilateral Commission, PNAC - Served as
the director for policy planning in the State Department under
President George H. W. Bush and special Middle East coordinator
under President Bill Clinton. A noted supporter of the Iraq war,
Ross is also a Foreign Affairs Analyst for the Fox News Channel
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
We Can Learn From Them - The only politcal party that's got it right. Right on!
National Black Republican Association
Featured Commentary
The Eagle’s Eye: Saving the USA from changing into the United Socialist America
America is a 200-year old experiment – Will Obama use his unchecked power to end it?
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence; from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage."
- Anonymous: Unverified Source
Obama’s Socialist Agenda:
Legalize partial-birth abortion and same-sex marriage
Surrender in Iraq and invite a terrorist attack on America
Raise taxes and increase the deficit with massive spending
Stifle freedom of speech and religion through intimidation
An Eagle-eye view of Obama’s America Under Socialism:
Look at Chicago where Obama worked for 20 years or any other black community in this nation to see what Obama has in mind for the rest of America. Click here to view pictures of the dilapidated buildings and the poor blacks who are suffering in the decrepit housing that Obama claims responsibility for as a "Community Organizer.”
Click here for a Boston Globe investigation with an article and video produced by Scott LaPierre about poor blacks condemning Obama for funding dilapidated slum projects in Chicago with tax payers’ money. Obama's friends and associates profited from the subsidies even as many of Obama's constituents suffered. Tenants lost their homes; surrounding neighborhoods were blighted.
Paul Johnson who helped to organize a protest against Obama and condemned Obama for funding dilapidated slum projects in Chicago said: "Of course he knew. He just didn't care."
Democrat-controlled cities that are burdened by socialism and mired in poverty:
Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor since 1961
Buffalo, NY (2nd on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor since 1954
Cincinnati, OH (3rd on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor since 1984
Cleveland, OH (4th on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor since 1989
Miami, FL (5th on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor ever
St. Louis, MO (6th on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor since 1949
El Paso, TX (7th on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor ever
Milwaukee, WI (8th on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor since 1908
Philadelphia, PA (9th on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor since 1952
Newark, NJ (10th on the poverty rate list); no Republican mayor since 1907
Einstein once said: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Civil Rights History – Democratic Party’s 150-year history of racism
WSJ - The Democrats' Missing History By Jeffrey Lord
WSJ - Whitewash - The racist history the Democratic Party wants you to forget by Bruce Bartlett
The claim that all of the racist Democrats became Republicans is false. The racist Democrats that Republican Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was fighting died Democrats.
Democrats refuse to apologize to blacks by Frances Rice
Today, Democrats continue to practice vile racism against black Republicans.
See the article "Simple Sambo" and "Ignorant Mammy": That's how Democrats view Blacks
Democrats Caused Our Economic Crisis
Democrats created the mortgage crisis by forcing banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford them. Click here to view a video that shows the Democrats covering up the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac scam that was at the heart of our economic crisis. Franklin Raines, a financial advisor to Obama, walked off from Fannie Mae with a $22 million dollar severance package.
Iraq War
Democrat Hypocrisy on Iraq (Click here to view)
NBRA Video - Win the War (Click here to view)
To Our Americans Serving In Iraq by Bob Parks of BlackandRight on YouTube (Click here to view)
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican
NBRA's Denver MLK Billboard Campaign Was A Huge Success
In her article, "A Covenant With Life: Reclaiming MLK’s Legacy", MLK's niece, Dr. Alveda C. King, affirms that her uncle Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican
Click here to listen to the words of Dr. Alveda C. King
Click here to watch a video of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican
Radio Ads
Click here to listen to radio ad - Obama The Slum Lord
Click here to listen to radio ad - Obama No MLK
NBRA Radio Ads - Racist Democrats and Obama (click here to view)
NBRA Radio Ads - Six ads, includes MLK was a Republican (click here to view)
Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black and White (Click here to order)
Republicans Promote Prosperity - Democrats Promote Dependency (Click here to view)
Order Black Republican Forum Videos
The Democratic Party – The Party of the Rich
"The Party of the Rich... But Which Party?" by Paul Weyrich
"The New Party of the Rich" by Donald Lambro
"Democrats wake up to being the party of the rich" by M. Franc
Democrats and identity politics by Frances Rice
NBRA's Denver MLK Billboard Campaign Was A Huge Success
The Black Republican Forum 2008
NBRA At The NAACP Convention 2008
Our toll free telephone number is: 1-866-905-6701
Meanwhile back in the city....Did you have a sneaky suspicion this was going on? I did! You too, huh!
Buy this original design, screen printed on a top quality 100%Cotton T- Shirt NOW !
This original political cartoon was designed on 10-09-2008 for your satirical viewing pleasure, enjoy.
Jubilation On The Ship Of Fools --- a fitting title!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Jubilation on the Ship of Fools

A confederation of dunces and traitors has delivered us unto our enemies. They have dealt this great nation of ours a deadly blow from which we may never recover, and they rejoice over the enormity of the wound. Already the voices of reconciliation and compromise are being raised. We must all come together now so that we can move forward, they say. But move forward to what? To where? What unforeseen furies have you unwittingly unleashed? What cherished American principles and traditions have you willfully abandoned for this nebulous promise of change offered by this charismatic but shadowy charlatan? In one sweeping gesture you have managed to undermine the glorious uniquely American meritocracy and have validated the role of victimization. In one vote you have rewarded our enemies and marginalized our patriots.
To even begin to comprehend the damage you have done just consider for a moment who is pleased by the results of this election.

Abu Yahya al-Libi, Al Qaeda's chief theological enforcer and a top recruiter.
Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam
Rev. "God Damn America" Wright
Empowered Kenyan relatives and heirs
The list of course could go on and on.
It is I think fitting that the first gloating leftist response Radarsite received this morning was from the infamous but woefully inconsequential Raoul, who again quite fittingly, is neither male nor American. Normally Raoul would be automatically deleted, but not today. Today I want her message to be read by all those who may still have doubts about the despicable nature of our enemies. As you can see it is addressed to both me and to my good friend and colleague Snooper personally. She believes, quite rightly, that we are her most determined enemies.
I'm sending this via email because it's obvious that most of you conduct your love chats here instead of out in the open where the light shines. The election is over (thank God!) and our citizens have spoken in volumes by the way they voted. Your time is now over - after 28 years or more if we count the destruction Reagan did to our middle class.
The god with a small 'g' that you pretend to follow doesn't exist. The real God never had any interest in politics or countries or bestowing special blessings to any one country as most of you, especially Roger, believe. John 3:16 begins by saying 'for God so loved the WORLD'. That's the entire world and not just the white anglo saxon part of it in America.
You people are an embodiment of pure evil. I know this probably shocks you just like the Nazis were surprised at the hatred expressed towards their deeds but I can't say it any other way. God, country, and flag have always been the ingredients of despots living in fear and hate. You feed off of hate. You require hate in order to justify your own pitiful lives. Your blogs speak for themselves along with everything you've written concerning President-Elect Obama, Muslims, victims of our torture techniques, the illegal invasion of Iraq, victims of the Katrina flood, et. al.
I grew up around evil so I believe I can speak on a little bit of authority regarding how true evil works. It hides behind religiousity, patriotism, individualism without any social programs, hatred of anyone who is different, and a host of other facades. Evil will always have a crusade or burning issue to raise in order to hide from reality and the real issues that face mankind. You people fit the definition of 'evil' perfectly.
Well, your time is over so I think it's only proper for you to slink back into your caves or wherever else you dwell. Rational Americans like me do, however, owe you a debt of thanks. You've taught us a very valuable lesson. The lesson is that right wing religionists will NEVER take over this country again! You've been exposed for what you really represent - a parasitic host. To put it more bluntly, you're a boil on the ass of history. And, the American electorate has lanced that boil!
I can now say unabashedly, God bless America! This country will NEVER be the same again and I say thank God! Now that the racial divide has been breached with Barack Obama's election, some day the gender divide or perhaps the sexual orientation divide or any other man made divide will finally be eliminated.
One last thing - concerning your blogs. I think it would be a good idea if you closed your blogs down since you'll have nothing to write about any more. If you decide to keep them active I have to tell you that I, and others, will be monitoring your blogs. Any threats or seditious comments will be turned over to the proper authorities. This shouldn't surprise you because you ought to know by now that when Mark Harvey threatened to 'slit the throat' of any war protestor he met in Washington during his trip there, I turned the comments along with the blog site over to the FBI who checked it out.
But, it's up to you. This will be my last direct comment to you. I have to admit that every time I've ever encountered anything you've written I've gotten the urge to take a scalding shower. You are the most vile group of people I've ever known. I think that deep down inside you 're aware of this sad fact. We, on the Left, have been vindicated. America will finally heed the real teachings of Christ who said we should feed the hungry and take care of the poor.
graciously yours,
Today is a SAD SAD day. Birth of America: July 4, 1776....Death of America: November 4, 2008. Roger and to all his contributors and readers. I'm sure we're all sitting in disbelief, shock and concerned. Knowing none of use would imagine this day coming true. All our intentions were sincere and true, due to the fact that we believe in America and love her even more so.
This writer likes to see it as a huge draw back and we lost a battle. And sure many more battles will be lost. As we see the president elect make some awful decisions for our great nation. But, in the end, I sincerely believe we will win the war. There is no way Obama or a democrat will gain the seat of the presidency in 2012. Too many mistakes will be made between now and then. Mistakes I hope our country will be able to endure, is the big question. Later on down the road. People will realize that making Obama the president was a huge mistake. Just hope this error of judgement doesn't cost us too much.
Obama's acceptance speech he began to tone done his rhetoric in what he was going to attempt to accomplish while being the president. Since, Obama is aware that he can't possibly achieve these objectives within the first year, known the less the first 100 days of his office. The good behind this is people have short memories. And will begin to wonder why Obama isn't doing what he said he would do. And that this supposed "change" isn't coming or not for the enbetterment of the American people. And this my friends will be the beginning of the end for Obama and the democrats. When the next elections come along people will look to different candidates.
McCain, I believe could've won this election. If he just used the ammunition available to him. McCain should have reneged on receiving campaign funds from the public only...just like Obama did at the beginning of his campaign. So the playing field (of donations/money) would have been level. As well as, McCain should have discussed many topics he considered off the list. Or his advisers informed him not to use certain things.
I guess it's a should, could, would situation presented here. Nonetheless, there are times in an individuals life and a countries history that we must take a few steps backwards. In order to take huge leaps forward in the not too distant future. And that is what we're going to contend with hopeful. Best of luck to everyone. And I say we continue to monitor Obama's Administration and get the word out to people in what he's doing. We can never start too early for 2012.
Roger, thank you so much for informing the public. All I can say is you did a outstanding job. And it's a pleasure and honor to know your a true American. Who actually cares what's happening to America. We will all learn from this and wait patiently to fix this very wrong that occurred. God bless you Roger and everyone else. We will have our work cut out for ourselves over the next four years. As for me, I am not giving up and never will. I will just have to be patient and wait this horrific ordeal out.
So I'm sorry Raoul, but we're not closing shop at Radarsite. And once again you will be happily and automatically deleted. Far from retreating, we have just begun to fight. - rg
Note: Hieronymus Bosch’s Ship of Fools [shown above] (1450 – 1516). Although it is all but invisible in this small reproduction, there is a Muslim crescent painted on the Ship of Fools' banner. -rg
- azconservative said...
Wow. What a great piece. I linked to it on my blog. Hope you don't mind.
- November 5, 2008 11:26 AM
- Adrian said...
I like to think the USA due this election outcome has lost the war on terror, but doesn't like to admit it, and has gone into damage control.
In the end, it wasn't the leaders who weren't up to it, it was the majority of the populace. By this, McCain didn't play the Iraq card properly as Bush did in 2004 that had him re-elected. No one likes war, but fighting for freedom (even in oneself) is the heart of the battle.- November 5, 2008 11:33 AM
- Anonymous said...
Speaking of meritocracy, John McCain would have deserved to be the President of the United States.
- November 5, 2008 12:36 PM
- Anonymous said...
Raoul: "...concerning your blogs... -snip- If you decide to keep them active I have to tell you that I, and others, will be monitoring your blogs. Any threats or seditious comments will be turned over to the proper authorities."
Hey Baby, how is that for direct threats and intimidation?!?!?! Didn't take them long, did it? Even before they've had the chance to "return" the Fairness Doctrine to us!
Wow! No grass growing under their feet, hu?
MN- November 5, 2008 1:21 PM
- Roger W. Gardner said...
To MN -- The reason I didn't make more of this threat is because of the source. Our pathetic little Raoul represents no one but her miserable little self.
I am of course not diminishing the very real threats that will most assuredly materialize as a result of this fateful election.- November 5, 2008 1:39 PM
Its the chicago gang. Anyway he is there to keep Dems in line and the Republicans in minority status. By the way, wasn't Rhambo the one who sat on the Mark Foley e-mails until they can be used to destroy the GOP?