Saturday, July 30, 2022

The End of Catholicism as we know it.

Pope Francis (AKA, the Pope from hell) has previously conspired with Godless leaders to institute a "World Church" albeit those leaders are not without their own gods (note the small g).  And now he (Pope Francis) has succumbed to the religion of Fauci and Gates lead by the figurehead pope Biden (note the small p).
We're in big trouble folks and nobody is coming to our I'm at a loss for words and feel that the end is closer than previously thought.  Do you think that maybe Klaus Schwab is constructing his throne while his crown is being cast? - Norman E. Hooben 

Klaus Schwab—the founder and executive director of the World Economic Forum—wrote, “we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” 
If successful, a "Great Reset" would effectively cancel our American way of life.

PS: the video should shock the hell out of you and if it doesn't then you're part of the problem. 

The following from GAB:

Godless Media Now Calling Christianity a "Toxic Religion"

Over the past week the entire mainstream media complex has launched an immense attack on my character, Gab, and Christianity itself--calling it a "toxic religion." Echoing this hateful sentiment Jonathan Greenblatt--head of the Jewish Nationalist organization the ADL--called me "one of the most toxic people in public life right now" on national television. It's interesting that his organization explicitly endorses, promotes, and defends Zionism, or Jewish Nationalism, while attacking me and others for esposing Christian Nationalism. Do as I say, not as I do. Unfortunately for Jonathan, Christians don't answer to Jewish Nationalist organizations like the ADL and Godless media outlets. We answer to Jesus Christ. 

Naturally I responded to this media onslaught and defended the Gospel of Jesus Christ and as well as my personal character. I said we are forming a Christian Nationalist movement and in order to be in any position of influence or leadership in the movement you must be a Christian. I said we are no longer going to answer to people who do not share our values and represent a diametrically different worldview that only 2% of the country holds. We are the 70%+ super majority in this country and we are going to do everything we can to take dominion and disciple this nation for the glory of Jesus Christ our King. 

In typical fashion the media machine has taken short clips from my 30-45 minute long show and twisted them into something that they are not to fit their narrative. What are they so afraid of? Certainly not me. The answer is Jesus Christ and the awakening of hundreds of millions of Christians across this country and around the world.

As I have said in my previous articles and videos they have pushed us too far by locking down our churches, masking our children, and forcing us to inject a foreign substance in our bodies in order to keep our jobs. We are no longer being silent. The silent majority is getting loud and speaking the Truth of God's Word and the Biblical worldview boldly. The Jonathan Greenblatts of the world are not going to tell us how to live our lives, run our businesses, or practive our faith ever again. 

What I hope to show to the millions of you who will read this is that if you double down and do not bend the knee when the mainstream media and our enemies call you a silly name, you win. That's it. That's the secret to surviving and thriving against their attacks. The weapons forged against you will not prevail if you stand strong in Truth. These people have great power, but we serve an all powerful God. We need to remember that and start acting like it. 

We need your help to fight back against this attack. For almost six years now Gab has been fully funded and kept online from support by people like you. We can't do this without you. We ask for your prayers. We ask that you let your friends and family know about Gab to help us grow our community which has grown exclusively through word-of-mouth advertising since 2016.

Finally we ask that you prayerfully consider supporting us by upgrading to GabPRO, purchasing some merchandise from our shop, or running ads on Gab for your business to reach an audience of people who share your values. We don't have big corporate investors or special interests funding this platform. It's the grassroots support from people like you that keeps Gab online and we need your support now more than ever. 

To God Be The Glory,

Andrew Torba 
Jesus Christ is King of Kings


Friday, July 29, 2022

ESG ...If you haven't heard about this, you're about 100 years too late.

If I told you it may lead to a revolution, would you give it some thought? A few words about BLACKROCK...
0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Do you have a sense that something is wrong? You're right!

By Norman E. Hooben 


"At The Rockefeller Foundation, we aim to develop effective Covid-19 vaccination strategies that can bring an end to this pandemic, while strengthening health systems to become more resilient to potential future Covid-19 outbreaks and other public health threats."

Taken right off their own website, the above strategies are an insult to the findings by reputable independent researchers and statisticians that if anything else the COVID-19 vaccine is a menace to say the least; it has a kill rate that would please Bill Gates depopulation wishes.

After reading way too much about the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and any connections between the two I begin to have strange thoughts about these so-called philanthropists. 

We know from previous studies that these people desire to control the world's population with Bill Gates admitting so in earlier TED talks.

The further one reads about these Foundations (Including the Clinton Foundation and the Ford Foundation) and the control/influence they have over governments you soon realize that no matter who you vote for the filthy rich are always in control...and you have no say in the matter.

Those strange thoughts I mentioned...I stopped reading and began to write what you're reading now.

I could picture myself walking through a doorway and upon entering the unknown being grabbed by both arms with John D. Rockefeller on one side and Bill Gates on the other forcibly giving me the jab in each arm.

Then shortly thereafter died...BECAUSE OF THE JAB!  YOU STUPID AMERICANS, WAKE UP!


Then there's this:

An excerpt from Dr. Mercola's dissertation:

"The Rockefeller Foundation also funded the “gene revolution” that brought us patentable genetically modified seeds. Today, The Rockefeller Foundation is part of The Great Reset cast, which seeks to gain total control over every person in the world — financially, medically, physically and psychologically.

Unfortunately, a majority of people are still unaware of The Great Reset and what it actually entails. According to Mattias Desmet, Ph.D., who popularized the concept of “mass formation hypnosis” as an explanation for the insanity we saw during the first two years of the pandemic, an estimated 30% of the population are completely hypnotized and unable to see or accept the truth." 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Its not just about Abortion

Alex Newman & Storm'n Norm'n 

Most people won't take the time to watch this...and that's just one of the reasons why we're at where we are at


Wednesday, July 27, 2022


I wanted to say something here but I think she says it better than I.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Mr. Henry Kaiser, there will never be another!

One of the best/interesting books I've read in years. I read it the first time at my local library and enjoyed it so much I went out to buy my own new, I could smell the ink on its freshly printed pages; yes, I bought it less than a month after it was first published (2006).
The purpose of this post is not so much as to promote Mr. Cooke's book but to shed light on a forgotten character in American history, Henry Kaiser.  He could build a ship in one day!  Just mentioning this fact to others, one gets that stare of wonderment or disbelief.  But let us thumb through the pages of Alistair's book and give you the real story... below the book's intro. - Norm H.

In nearly three thousand BBC broadcasts over fifty-eight years, Alistair Cooke reported on America, illuminating our country for a global audience. He was one of the most widely read and widely heard chroniclers of America—the Twentieth Century’s de Tocqueville. Cooke died in 2004, but shortly before he passed away a long-forgotten manuscript resurfaced in a closet in his New York apartment. It was a travelogue of America during the early days of World War II that had sat there for sixty years. Published to stellar reviews in 2006, though “somewhat past deadline,” Cooke’s The American Home Front is a “valentine to his adopted country by someone who loved it as well as anyone and knew it better than most” (The Plain Dealer [Cleveland]). It is a unique artifact and a historical gem, “an unexpected and welcome discover in a time capsule.” (Washington Post) A portrait frozen in time, the book offers a charming look at the war through small towns, big cities, and the American landscape as they once were. The American Home Front is also a brilliant piece of reportage, a historical gem that “affirms Cooke’s enduring place as a great twentieth-century reporter” (American Heritage).

From pages 161 to 163

accent would - before 1939 - have excused an Englishman from any hope of a commission in the Coldstream Guards. However, since reality is no respecter of respectability both these gaucheries had to be accepted as part of the high price of Hitler.

The professional prejudice against Kaiser is easily understood. A shipyard is a shipyard the world over, but not at Kaiser's Liberty Shipyard in Richmond. By this time, Mr. Kaiser has undoubtedly heard of the bow of a ship. But it's almost a point of principle that he should go on calling it the 'front end'.  It stresses his deliberate scorn of professionalism. He turned to building ships as an expanding drugstore owner might add fishing rods to his stock of hairnets and magazines. His key men had never seen a ship launched. Before 1939, Kaiser had never built a ship, or an airplane, or handled steel. He merely heard that it took five months to build a freighter. And he decided that if you knew nothing about shipbuilding, and approached the art as a construction job, you might easily 'make' a ship in a month. This is what he did. The Kaiser yards look like something out of Disney. They are absurdly clean and neat. The elements of a ship are divided into separate piles all the way from the administration building down to the ways. Innumerable cranes swing through the air and clutch precisely at the piles, deposit them at the plate shop, heave them down to the ways, where small armies of Disney characters rush forth with welding guns and weld the parts into a ship as innocently as a child fits A into B on a nursery floor and confronts a destroyer made with his very own hands. Mr. Kaiser's secret is a simple compound of three elements: the pile[1]up, the cranes, the Assembly Bay. Between the various piles of materials and the finished ships are fifty unvarying automatic processes. Sheets of steel are marked with shameless crudity, because it doesn't matter to Mr. Kaiser that the workers have never built a ship before. The sheets are marked VK2 and MQ3, to indicate to a moron where they fit on a ship; a crane swings over, picks up a huge sheet of steel. It is moved down fifty yards, laid on the yard floor. Then a plywood template descends, and thirty men move into place and trace the template on to the steel. Another crane moves in, lifts the sheet down to another place where drills and files break it up into the traced parts.

More cranes whisk the parts off to the plate shop where the parts are welded together. This is the precision work, and to Mr. Kaiser it is a niggling but necessary evil. Way off in lofts, the real solid work begins - whole forepeaks and sterns are prefabricated. Down at the Assembly Bay, you will see a whole bulkhead go in one piece, and so out on to the launching skids. Mr. Kaiser had pat answers for the traditional objections. He uses riveters only for the ribs, where the extra pressure is felt. And as for the old difficulty of taking the precision parts back to the machine shop, he disposed of that by putting a machine tool on every ship, the moment the bottom was laid. It is typical of Kaiser's stubborn originality that he has introduced comic refinements into the hard labor of bending the heavy metal. Instead of fitting one iron to one ship, he wants to see thirty irons made ready for thirty ships. So down at the bending slab, where the channel irons are made for the base of the ships, you see the glowing metal slide from the furnace on to the yard, and instantly two strapping heavyweights run forward and start pounding it with 24-pound sledges. The process is quickened by choosing one left-handed man, and one right. 'It shouldn't be difficult, with a little practice, to turn out a ship a day.' The world's newspapers were greatly amused at that one and generously agreed to think kindly of the crass arrogance typical of the best American stories. In time, however, Mr. Kaiser turned out one a day. America, prompted admittedly by some very capable Kaiser press agents, learned to worship, and the world to admire, this heavy man with the bald head and the expression of an amiable bullfrog. When asked what the most important part of shipbuilding was, he answered at once, 'Keeping the books.' He went on to explain that he meant the purchasing of materials, the transportation of it, the speedy auditing of accounts. He is not interested in airplanes or ships for their own sakes. He got interested in the Liberty Ship only when the U-boats seemed to be imperiling every Allied freighter. At the same time, he got the idea for air freighters. The moment a problem is beaten, he looks around for another problem. Even in 1942, he had only a retrospective pride in Liberty Ships. His theory that everything is a construction problem had made him recognize that the main hitch to fulfilling his boast on ship production would be the assembling of the raw materials, especially steel.

Collage by Norman E. Hooben

Last Words: "a trove of scandals awaits political sunshine"

(Collage by Norman E. Hooben)

Ref: "a trove of scandals awaits political sunshine"
I'll believe it when Adam Schiff is behind bars. - Norman E. Hooben

What is Adam Schiff Hiding?

Schiff tucked an amendment into the National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit any evidence collected in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act from being used in investigations. Why?
By Julie Kelly
July 15, 2022

Jeffrey Rosen had a secret on January 6, 2021.

The then-acting attorney general—Rosen was appointed on December 24, 2020 to replace departing Attorney General William Barr—had assembled a team of elite and highly skilled government agents at Quantico, a nexus point between the FBI and U.S. military, the weekend before Congress met to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. At the same time he was rejecting President Donald Trump’s last-minute appeals to investigate election fraud, Rosen was managing a hush-hush operation in advance of planned rallies and protests in Washington on January 6.

“Rosen made a unilateral decision to take the preparatory steps to deploy Justice Department and so-called ‘national’ forces,” Newsweek reporter William M. Arkin disclosed in a bombshell report earlier this year. “There was no formal request from the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service, or the Metropolitan Police Department—in fact, no external request from any agency. The leadership in Justice and the FBI anticipated the worst and decided to act independently, the special operations forces lurking behind the scenes.”

Those assets, according to Arkin, included “commandos” with shoot-to-kill authority.  And among them were members of the military.

“The presence of these extraordinary forces under the control of the Attorney General—and mostly operating under contingency plans that Congress and the U.S. Capitol Police were not privy to—added an additional layer of highly armed responders,” Arkin writes. “The role that the military played in this highly classified operation is still unknown, though FBI sources tell Newsweek that military operators seconded to the FBI, and those on alert as part of the National Mission Force, were present in the metropolitan area.”

Little else is known about Rosen’s secret mission. His testimony to the House Oversight Committee in May 2021 was just as obscure. Rosen, who publicly bragged to the January 6 select committee about his attempts to deter Team Trump from pursuing vote fraud days before the Capitol protest, said the FBI opened a multi-agency operation center, which included the Department of Defense, at FBI headquarters on January 5. “Each of these federal agencies supplied personnel to staff the [center] 24/7 beginning on January 5 and 6, and continuing for a period thereafter,” he said.

To avoid “interfering” in ongoing investigations, Rosen then declined to answer any questions from lawmakers at the time.

But if the military engaged in any civilian law enforcement activity, including surveillance or intelligence collection, before or during January 6, it would represent an egregious violation of the military’s code of conduct and federal law. Under the Posse Comitatus Act, military personnel cannot be used as local cops or investigators: “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, or the Space Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” (Certain exclusions, such as the president’s invocation of the Insurrection Act and any use of the National Guard, apply.)

The law is both vague and specific at the same time—which brings us to Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). Irrefutably the least trustworthy member of Congress, Schiff tucked an amendment into the massive National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit any evidence collected in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act from being used in a number of proceedings, including criminal trials and congressional investigations.

The amendment’s timing, like everything else related to the infamous Russian collusion huckster, evidence forger, and nude photo seeker (to name a few of Schiff’s special talents), is highly suspect. Why would Schiff need to outlaw evidence collected unlawfully? Why is Schiff relying on this relatively arcane statute passed during Reconstruction that is rarely, if ever, enforced?

“No one has ever been convicted of violating PCA to my knowledge,” Dr. Jeffrey Addicott, a 20-year member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps and director of the Warrior Defense Project at St. Mary’s College, told American Greatness last week.

What is Adam Schiff, on behalf of the Biden regime and Trump foes in the U.S. military, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, trying to hide?
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It is not a coincidence that Schiff introduced the amendment just a few months before a predicted Republican landslide in November, which will give control of Congress back to the GOP. House Minority Leader and presumptive Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is planning to conduct multiple investigations into the Biden regime next year including of the deadly and distrasrous withdrawal from Afghanistan; the Daily Caller reported this week that Republican lawmakers are “flooding the Biden administration with ‘hundreds of preservation notices’ asking that relevant documents be preserved.”

But one can easily see how Schiff’s amendment could be used as legislative cover to prevent production of any materials from Biden’s Department of Defense. After all, according to a 2018 congressional analysis of Posse Comitatus, “compliance [of the act] is ordinarily the result of military self-restraint.” So, too, is enforcement: “The act is a criminal statute under which there has been but a handful of known prosecutions,” the same report explained.

This is the sort of vehicle that Democrats know how to use and exploit for political advantage. If interpretation and enforcement is totally arbitrary, who decides? Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin? The Justice Department? Biden’s White House lawyers?

Imagine how Democrats could conceal the use of military personnel related to the events of January 6. Congressional Republicans send a request to Austin seeking all records, documents, and communications pertaining to the military’s involvement before and during the Capitol protest. Austin replies that he has determined the military—under control of President Trump at the time, no less—violated Posse Comitatus and therefore the requested materials cannot be produced under authority of the Schiff amendment.

Republicans can howl and scream but they have no legal remedy. Austin won’t investigate and Attorney General Merrick Garland won’t prosecute.

This scenario could be repeated for every Republican inquiry into Biden’s Defense Department. Does anyone really think this regime will hand over information to GOP investigators and committees without pulling every trick in the book, starting with Schiff’s amendment?

On Thursday afternoon, the House narrowly passed Schiff’s amendment by a vote of 215-213; every Republican and two Democrats voted no. (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came to the floor to vote in a rare move.) Passage in the Senate is uncertain.

If his amendment fails to advance, Schiff nonetheless has done Republicans a tremendous favor; he’s tipped off the GOP that there’s plenty of digging to be done at the Department of Defense, where a trove of scandals awaits political sunshine.

Republicans would be wise to take his cue—and start with January 6.
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About Julie Kelly

Julie Kelly is a political commentator and senior contributor to American Greatness. She is the author of January 6: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right and Disloyal Opposition: How the NeverTrump Right Tried―And Failed―To Take Down the President. Her past work can be found at The Federalist and National Review. She also has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, The Hill, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, and Genetic Literacy Project. She is the co-host of the “Happy Hour Podcast with Julie and Liz.” She is a graduate of Eastern Illinois University and lives in suburban Chicago with her husband and two daughters.

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Monday, July 25, 2022

America: Once the greatest country the world has ever known...

...taken over by Google and lesser-known gods such as Obama, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jacinda Ardern, Sanna Marin, and Yuval Noah Harari. - Norman E. Hooben

Climate Change: Yeah! It's been happening since day one! The rest is all politics.