Friday, August 7, 2015

Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is an enemy of the United States...along with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, ... They are destroying our constitutional Republic !!!

Source: Renew America
Devil Days in the USA
Gina Miller
By Gina Miller

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed (Luke 8:17), and we are now seeing revealed the depths of barbarity and evil of the euphemistically named Planned Parenthood. We're also seeing the insane lengths to which Hell's gatekeepers will go to defend the butchering and sale of tiny baby bodies. This nation is going to pay dearly for this abomination. While the rabid defenders of this dark evil ludicrously try to claim it's done for "scientific research," I assure you that God will never allow any lifesaving medical breakthroughs to be achieved from using little baby bodies as guinea pigs. NEVER. The only thing that will come from such abominable "scientific research" is destruction on the nation that allows it to happen. We are being warned right now. That's why this is coming to light when it is, shortly after the highest court in our land has illegally imposed a grotesque distortion of the meaning of marriage on the United States, a distortion based on detestable sexual behavior that God calls an abomination to Him.
We are also watching our nation fall under the complete control of communist enemies who have taken over our federal government. I don't give a rip if anyone is unable or unwilling to see this. It is the truth. Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is an enemy of the United States. His fellow-traveling crime syndicate of an administration is full of enemies of freedom and pushers of tyranny. They are working to tear down the freedoms and foundation of this nation. They are destroying our constitutional Republic. They are giving aid and comfort to our enemies, who are clearly their friends. This is treason. Yet there is no opposition in Congress or the courts to anything these people do, no matter how illegal or outrageous.
Why is there no opposition? There is no doubt in my mind that those who are in the supposed opposition party are scared to death to do the right thing. Even if they are truly opposed to the Obama Crime Syndicate, they fear to cross it. They are being credibly threatened, bribed or otherwise coerced into non-action, and I supposed there may be some who even agree with Obama's communist program. The result is that we now have a communist dictator ruling the United States of America.
This is the beginning of Devil Days in the U.S.A. The darkest days are yet to come. Pure tyranny and destruction are headed our way. I'm sorry if you hate to read this. Maybe you disagree. Hide and watch, or better yet, watch and pray, as Jesus commands. I know of no other way to call it than as I see it. We are well beyond a political solution, because what ails this nation is the deep corruption of a terminally diseased soul. For this, there is no superficial cure.
While the majority of Americans (still a majority, I'm certain) do not agree with the evil society being pushed on this nation, the fact is that those in positions of power do, and we will all sink with this reprobate ship. This nation, collectively, embraces, celebrates and mandates the most degenerate sexual behavior known to man. This nation is using the money of its people to fund unspeakably hellish obscenities being perpetrated on the bodies of little murdered human babies, thereby making all taxpayers culpable. The spirit of antichrist, which infects our leaders, is running the show today.
None of this means we will stop speaking against what's happening, although I admit I am a bit weary of staring into the abyss as I watch the leaders of our nation eagerly fling the U.S. down into it. It gets tiring repeatedly shouting from the rooftops and preaching to the choir, while the "low-information" people around us aggressively wrap themselves in apathy and ignorance, many foolishly embracing their own destruction. It's hard to write when I know we're powerless to stop the demonic monster machine that's destroying our nation. Don't tell me we can elect a savior. It ain't happening.
Speaking of Savior, however, Jesus is the only thing that keeps us sane – those of us who belong to Him, that is. The only source for hope in this desperately lost and dying world is God, through His Son Jesus, Who gave His precious, sinless life so that we hopeless sinners could have a way to eternal life, redeemed from eternal death. The United States will fade and fall, and it remains to be seen if its fall will be swift and sudden or not, but what will stand forever is the Word of God. If you have never done so, now is the time to look into the truth that is only found in the Bible. Seek salvation through Jesus Christ today, and these Devil Days will be a quickly fleeting bump on the road to an eternity of joy and peace with the one true God Who loves us more than we can possibly imagine.

© Gina Miller

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Racial Profiling Checkers Style

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Biggest Threat To Your Safety Is Coming Out Of The White House

Monday, August 3, 2015

What's the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist? (Shhh, I wouldn't expect you to know the answer when the head of the Democratic party doesn't know herself.)


Sunday, August 2, 2015

What does this commentary have to do with the Democrats? "It is no longer just a question of Obama's guilt and liability, but the survival of lawful and representative government."

My name is listed on the "Birthers from A to Z"  list identifying me as a "birther" but truth be known I'd much prefer they renamed their negative sounding catalog to "Truth Seekers from A to Z"...after all isn't that's what we're after; the truth!   Many of us know, yet many of us deny, that the main stream press is in bed with the New World Order crowd who have, for years, planned and schemed the ultimate downfall of America.  And the minute I say that the large majority of these evil doers are Democrats I get a lot of flack from the ones I know; both personally and publicly.  Their refusal to understand that the Democratic party has been hi-jacked by the Communist left only agitates the problem.  But there's also evidence that the Republican party has had some sleeper cells that contribute to the Democrats success.  All one has to do is look at John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham... (and the list goes on) without their help the Democrats would be a dying breed.  I started this commentary because I'm not the only one who thinks the way I do... catch the line, "...why the Republican leadership is so submissive and cooperative" in the following editorial by Lawrence Sellin.  I like the fact that Sellin has that "PHD" after his name because I feel that it gives me credence for the way that I think:

Great minds think alike. Prov. Very intelligent people tend to come up with the same ideas at the same time. Source

So for all you deniers out there, "Obama was not born here!" Get that through your thick skull!  ~  Norman E. Hooben
obama presidential seal smug _ mad_ mean L

Source: Family Security Matters
Obama’s biography: Partial assembly required
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD August 2, 2015
Bottom line up front: The political establishment and the media are hiding the greatest fraud and Constitutional crisis in American history to protect a hopelessly corrupt status quo.
They continue the charade while desperately trying to run out the clock on Obama because they know if the full truth about him was ever told, the American people would rise up with uncontainable anger against the permanent political class and their collaborators in the media. The vast majority of the members of our lawless one-party, political-media state would lose their jobs and many would go to prison.
Such a description would go a long way towards explaining why Obama, who never lets facts or logic get in the way of his political agenda, is undeterred by any legal constraints and why the Republican leadership is so submissive and cooperative. There may be subtle policy differences among them, but one thing is palpably clear to the political-media establishment - if he goes down, they all go down.
There is, in fact, no credible evidence that Obama was actually born anywhere.
The official version is that Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at Kapiʻolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother was Stanley Ann Dunham, born in Wichita, Kansas, and his father, Barack Obama, Sr., from Kenya.
Neither Kapiʻolani nor Queens Medical Center, both in Honolulu, Hawaii have ever confirmed from their hospital records that Obama was born in either hospital.
It is worth noting that Hawaiian law allows the state to issue a certificate of live birth even if the child is born outside of Hawaii, provided that the parents have been legal residents for at least one year immediately preceding the birth. Many of those have been published in Hawaiian newspapers as local births.
At times during his life, Obama designated his birthplace as Kenya, and Joel Gilbert has presented a convincing account that his real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA member and propagandist.
Who knows? Obama's life is a biographical jigsaw puzzle of poorly-fitting and missing pieces.
His short form Certification of Live Birth released on June 12, 2008 on the "Fight The Smears" website and the long form birth certificate (here and here ), presented by Obama as his own via a national television broadcast on April 27, 2011, are arguably computer-generated forgeries.
For over twenty-five years, Obama has used the Social Security Number 042-68-4425, the initial three digits being exclusively reserved for residents of Connecticut. Social security numbers bracketing his number from 042-68-4415 to 4435 all were issued in Connecticut in 1977, as were all numbers beginning with 042 until the government began issuing them randomly on June 25, 2011. The number he uses was assigned on March 28, 1977, when Obama was fifteen years old and a student in and resident of Hawaii. He never lived in Connecticut nor did any member of his immediate family.
During an interview with Dish Networks on February 5, 2015 (see here and here), Obama claimed that he was fired from his job at Baskin-Robbins when he was fifteen years old. That means he only could have worked for Baskin-Robbins for less than four months, from the time his alleged Social Security Number was issued on March 28, 1977 to his sixteenth birthday on August 4, 1977.
It is not known if Obama registered for Selective Service or attended Occidental College as a foreign student using an Indonesian passport. The Selective Service registration form purported to be Obama's is another, even more poorly constructed, forgery. If Obama did not, in fact, register for Selective Service as required by law, he would be forever barred from elected federal office.
These are just a few of the many "anomalies" in Obama's personal history, some of which would make him an illegal President and an unindicted felon.
In a pre-2008-election interview with Family Security Matters, Buck Revell, former Associate Deputy Director of the FBI said he would not have cleared and hired a person who had the background, associates and relationships that Obama has had over his adult life, people like Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Khalid al-Mansour and Bill Ayers:
"...when you associate with people of the likes of Bill Ayers, who is not only a known radical but an unrepentant radical, and teaches a radical socialism - some would say communist - approach to government, and espouses the use of violence if "necessary," and he determines when it's necessary, this is not the kind of person that an association with - and an association that was both voluntary and lengthy - would give you the necessary satisfaction that the applicant himself was not involved to some degree or at least acknowledged and agreed with parts of that person's social or political agenda."
It would not be a stretch to conclude that Obama's domestic policies foster a war on American culture; the social instability, the greater racial/ethnic/class division and, indeed, the violence necessary for society to reach the state of hopelessness and alienation as the prerequisites for socialist revolution, notions long-espoused by the communist Frankfurt School, Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers.
Yet, there remains a conspiracy of silence among members of Congress and the media, who have shielded Obama and his acolytes from any serious scrutiny, have demanded no meaningful accountability nor mounted any sustained opposition.
The American political-media ruling class, to protect itself and the power and profit it accrues on the backs of ordinary Americans, has not only reduced the federal government into a farce; they have made it a criminal farce.
It is no longer just a question of Obama's guilt and liability, but the survival of lawful and representative government.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired
colonel with 29 years of service in the
US Army Reserve and a veteran of
Afghanistan and Iraq. Colonel Sellin
is the author of "Restoring the Republic:
Arguments for a Second American
Revolution ". He receives email at