"Our freedom and our identity as a free and able people is on the line..." See Four More Years Will Spell The End To The Republic below.When one accuses another of a wrong, one should have some bona-fide evidence to substantiate the claim. It doesn't take rocket science to claim that the Obama administration is purposely allowing terrorists to enter the United States across our southern border. In absolutely all questionable security violations the Obama administration either lies about the situation and/or makes some lame excuse to placate the news media. Do not forget that Obama promised to fundamentally change America. In some cases Obama actually aids the terrorists easy entry for those not able to transit the Mexican
"...an honest assessment of all the components related to the Presidential Determination, when considered in unison, present, not only the reality that there exists an opportunity for Hamas operatives to immigrate/re-settle to the West and United States, but the stark reality that the West – and the taxpayers of the United States in particular – are providing financial aid to an organization that supports the efforts of Hamas. To deny these realities and the possibilities that they conjure is to be perilously naïve."In any event I accuse the Obama administration intentionally allowing terrorists into the United States for the purpose of overthrowing the republic... Will somebody prove this accusation wrong? I don't think so! ~ Norman E. Hooben
Proof That Terrorists Are Entering U.S. From Mexican Border
From The Western Center For Journalism
Evidence has been discovered that terrorists are crossing into the U.S. from the Mexican border. The Federal Government is trying to to keep this alarming discovery secret.
Four More Years Will Spell The End To The Republic
by Alan P. Halbert The Western Center For Journalism

Many of our citizens, thanks to
the dummying-down of the education system, do not know that Adolf Hitler was
democratically elected, and his being made a dictator was through an act of
their legislature. Would it be any different here?
Congress has stood by while he
has appointed secretaries and federal agency personnel without
the consent of the Senate, and they did nothing. Congress again stood by while
Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, and himself engaged in an
illegal operation to send arms across an international border to arm narco-terrorists, and caused the deaths of countless
Mexican and United States citizens. An act of War, and they do nothing.
Congress has not intervened when Obama unilaterally amended the nation’s immigrations
laws by implementing the “Dream Act” without any vote of congress by a sweep of his
pen; it has not even merited a symbolic act of condemnation from them.
Congress has stood by while
Obama claimed “executive privilege” just prior to congress having a
meaningless vote against Eric Holder for “Contempt of Congress,” which is only
a symbolic gesture that has no teeth, at least with this Congress!
The headline for the article
referenced above from the New York Times for executive privilege is telling in
itself as the deaths of hundreds of Mexican Nationals is somehow “partisan,”
and the fault of the Republicans for bringing up this illegal operation in an
election year. All of this is forecasting the demise of our Republic when a
nationally known newspaper slants a story where the innocent deaths of hundreds
of another nation’s citizens is framed as a political stunt; we are definitely
sliding downhill fast, at hypersonic speed.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." ~ Author Unknown
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