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Monkeypox seems to be one of the new ways globalists are attempting to gin up fear. What is fascinating is that a monkeypox outbreak was predicted by a globalist group late last year. Coincidence? Just reading data very acutely? But we’ve seen this before, haven’t we?
As I previously reported concerning the Covid plandemic:
“At an Oct. 2019 summit and at Event 201 (hosted that same month), experts including Dr. Fauci, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation, (now) Biden’s Director of Natl. Intelligence, and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) virologist George Gao variously demanded or endorsed much faster timelines for vaccines, more aggressive combat of ‘misinformation’ related to pandemics, a ‘disruptive’ approach to changing the institutional architecture surrounding vaccines, and mRNA vaccines based potentially on a novel Chinese virus.”
Big Pharma is already cashing in on the monkeypox—the US government has already ordered 13 million additional monkeypox vaccine doses after just one confirmed case in the US.
From Gateway Pundit, noting the weirdness of the prediction:
“Back in November 2021, NTI.org partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats. According to the concluding report, the exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures—exploring opportunities to improve prevention and response capabilities for high-consequence biological events.
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a globalist security organization focused on reducing nuclear and biological threats imperiling humanity.
What is interesting is that on Page 10 of the 2021 NTI report the discussion moves to a possible Monkeypox outbreak. This was half a year before the current international outbreak of the virus. . .These are the globalist elites discussing the next possible pandemics on the horizon and they nail it down in scenario one! What are the odds?”
Below is the key page from the NTI report. Notice that the date given for the monkeypox outbreak is May 2022. Starting to be eerily precise, isn’t it? Then notice the prediction for when the monkeypox will be “engineered” to be “vaccine-resistant.” Setting up for another cycle of endless vaccination, perhaps?
The globalists are starting to follow a pattern. This time, however, they won’t catch us unawares.
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First President to openly conspire with an adverserial government (caught on open micropone) |
1 – 200 of 396 Newer› Newest»that is a jaw-dropping list of sickening criminal behavior.
I cannot wait until we get this vicious Pig out of our highest office. good God.
But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, blah, blah, blah.
There. Fixed it for you.
Obama is First among firsts.
First President to wipe his arse with the Constitution every day.
Yoou missed some big ones:
First president to seek a civilian army equal to the military.
First president ever to have fought for the slaughter of fully born human babies who escape the abortionist horror chamber.
First president to bow to our enemies and send insulting gifts to our allies....
Also, the first Black one term President !!
The calls for Obama’s impeachment are going to be Fast and Furious.
Actually, I think Ike out golfed him. The golfing yakkers at the Congressional tournament credited hi with 800 rounds of golf when in office.
You missed the first president with a foreign father
Also the 1st president to break article one section nine by sitting as president of the U.N. security counsel a foreign post.
First president to file a lawsuit against one (or more) of the states he is sworn by oath to protect. (AZ, WI, OH, now Indiana...)
Let's not forget he's the first president to have a law signed by an autopen without his being "present."
But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, etc., etc., etc.
You forgot lower the levels of the oceans.
First president in history to send his Secretary of Defense to meet with the Bilderberg Group in violation of the Logan Act.
First president to oversee a trillion ($1.5T) dollar federal budget deficit.
You narrow minded, old fashioned, anti-progress Republican idiots. I can just imagine the list of things that would be populating these blogs, emails and news sources if we would have had McCain and Palin in office after 8 years of the biggest idiot to ever occupy the office. I almost wish it had've happened to open your minds. Until you all learn how change needs to be a constant for many, many important reasons, God help us all.
You narrow minded, old fashioned, anti-progress Republican idiots. I can just imagine the list of things that would be populating these blogs, emails and news sources if we would have had McCain and Palin in office after 8 years of the biggest idiot to ever occupy the office. I almost wish it had've happened to open your minds. Until you all learn how change needs to be a constant for many, many important reasons, God help us all.
Lol@you. Progress, like acceleration, can be both negative and positive, and this is so far negative that it's become an anomaly on so many different levels. I'm sure you can imagine what would be on those lists, however, that is just the thing, 'imagination.' May God help you and your terrible ad hominem attacks.
First president to start his political career in the living room of an unrepentent terrorist!
First President to hide his medical, educational, and travel records
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to coddle America's enemies while alienating America's allies.
First President to go on multiple Global apology tours.
First President to bypass Congress and implement the DREAM Act through executive fiat.
First President to implement a "secret amnesty program that dismissed the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions."
And attempt to cover it up.
First President to have close ties to known terrorists and America haters. First President with malicious intent on destroying America from within. First President whose 'fundamental transformation' means to change the American dream to Karl Marx's dream.
The first president of 57 states
First president to kill off America's ability to put a man into space since the program began.
First president to be elected by margin of vote fraud
First president to hold his chin in the air like Mussolini.
First president to pretend messiahship -halos and power to stop the sea from rising.
First president to demand babies be killed outside the womb.
First president to ask for a civilian army.
First African-American president to fail.
1st president to literally throw every ally of America under the bus in order to precipitate the demise of democracy and liberty of the free world.
1st President who is a pathological liar, who hates America with all his soul, and will commit any crime, violate any standard, cross any boundary, and tell any lie in order to fulfill his demented agenda to destroy everything in his path to gain the power and wealth that will assure he is dictator for life.
Our very own Marxist President.
The First!
Everthing here is sadly true, but we are obligated to look at the positive side. He is, after all, our president. On the plus side...some of the good stuff he has done are...er..he is the first to help...uh, uh....oh boy, someone come and bail me out here, please? Beuller?
First president that has become more destructive to the US economy and our freedoms, spend more money destroying the freedoms of it's own civilians than it spent fighting all of America's enemies for all time, be more destructive to the US economy than America's biggest enemies, bin laden, WW2 emperor of Japan and hitler, combined.
Did Rush Limbaugh write this? What about Faux News?
First pres to skip the Heroes Ball at his own Inauguration.
This must be the short list.
First administration to refuse to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena.
First President to halt deportations of illegal aliens and grant them work permits, a form of stealth amnesty roughly equivalent to "The DREAM Act", which could not pass Congress.
First President to allow Mexcian police to conduct law enforcement activities on American soil.
....mmmm....Finally got a rise out of a bunch of your readers...eh Doug?
LMFAO over what it takes for sheeple to stand up and take notice -- those of us noticed years ago!!!
First to return a bust of Winston Churchill to England.
First to make Michelle proud of her country for the first time.
Apparently the first to waive penalties on countries using child soldiers (again). First president to ignore Child Soldiers Enforcement Act.
Anonymous said...
Actually, I think Ike out golfed him. The golfing yakkers at the Congressional tournament credited hi with 800 rounds of golf when in office.
12:29 AM
Ike did play a lot of golf, although I think the figure you provided is off. He was also a peace-time president with a robust economy. Also, since he was a Republican president with a liberal MSM writing history, I tend to be a little skeptical about their estimates. Has anyone mentioned that Obama is the first president to send troops to war without approval from congress? Libya.
First president to have Castro say he was proud of, after Obama and his democratic majority passed the government takeover of health care.
I know these things can be sourced, and I'd like to see some links just to keep the Obamabots from saying you're making these up. PLUS - the first President in recent history (not sure pre-WWII) to try and get wounded soldiers to pay for their own medical costs. ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/20/AR2009032003236.html )
@Charles Byrne... roll your mouse cursor over each item for the attribution...
First President to have his Mother-in-law living in the White House w/Secret Service detail, as she travels on all business/campaign functions & vacations...on taxpayer $$. Yay! There goes my spare "change"!
First president to be an enemy agent placed in office by marxists and Islamic enemy combatants. http://israelinsider.net/profiles/blogs/is-obama-the-secret-son-of
First US president to further US enemy overthrow of other countries. (US/NATO funding, support of Arab Spring, aka radical Islamists)
First US President to sit in silent consent while a donor threatens violence and rioting if Obama is not re-elected. (Jimmy Hoffa, Jr.)
Second US president to sell US secrets to a foreign state (Clinton sold secrets to China, insiders say).
First US President to encourage civil disobedience and invasion and encampment private and public property - by the Occupy protestors who have turned out to be professional mob organizers. Some of the protestors have admitted they were hired by the unions.
We have not seen the last of these people. They had to move the Iowa caucus vote count to a secret location because of them.
First President to issue an unlawful "recess-appointment" while the U.S. Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own Justice Department).
He was the first president to ever be boo'd by the Boy Scouts if I remember correctly.
LOL, You blokes fail to mention that in spite of his undocumented credentials and obvious flaws he will be re-elected.
The Pond sends greetings to thhe Scum.
You need a Revolution but you lack the sack to see your way back to freedom.
Obama is not a Socialist or a Marxist !!
He is a fascist, very plain and very simple.
Long read but worth it. ifallalot, required reading for you
Obviously the GOP was never motivated by concern of overspending or other claims, It was born of a deeply embedded loathing for people of color and, as you say, to prevent an Obama re-election, as well as to oust him from office. The birth certificate was one issue, then Obama-Care, as they call it, and it’s pretty much been one issue after another, which has nothing at all to do with advancing the country toward anything.
One thing for sure, the Party has an abundance of energy and seeing them is so akin to watching black and white footage from the 60s. The only difference is that African Americans are/were affiliated with the organization. It’s all too convenient how they came onto the scene, when their alleged primary concerns were initiated and had been in motion for years, prior to anyone really knowing who Barack Obama was. This is classic racism at its best.
Let us pray that he will not be the first president to declare and impose Martial Law in order to halt whatever hope we have of tossing this POS out of office.
Dispensing disinformation, promoting bigotry and racism, and playing upon the fears and ignorance of many Americans – supplemented by a much more than healthy dose of self-promotion GOP can't win on the issues, so they resort to hate, bigotry and fear.
No formula for leadership: It not only shows how bereft of ideas the GOP's members truly are, their racist rhetoric shows the despicable nature of their character.
@Anon - How in hell can this list be construed as "racist"?
These are attributable facts, documented in journals from the left and right.
And you dare call us "racist" for pointing them out?
Begone, miscreant!
Ye, gods!
Linked at my site.
Great list. Thanks so much for posting it.
First President to sign into law a bill that permits the government to "hold anyone suspected of being associated with terrorism indefinitely, without any form of due process. No indictment. No judge or jury. No evidence. No trial. Just an indefinite jail sentence."
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-ndaa-bill-2012-1#ixzz1icX4sqEp
At least we are paying attention finally.
McCarthy tried to warn us, and now we are witnessing the Communist coming out party.
Typical Drone said
You narrow minded, old fashioned, anti-progress Republican idiots. I can just imagine the list of things that would be populating these blogs, emails and news sources if we would have had McCain and Palin in office after 8 years of the biggest idiot to ever occupy the office. I almost wish it had've happened to open your minds. Until you all learn how change needs to be a constant for many, many important reasons, God help us all.
LOL@Drone. It would've happened, if you had've payed attention in school!
Is woulda coulda shoulda now hada hasa have-a
-Rushing immigration Visa's without scrutiny.
-Issues Executive Order mandating racial favoritsm.
-Labor Dept. signs partnership with foreign gov'ts to protect illegals.
-0bama urges citizens to report people who disagree with him (flag@whitehouse.gov and attackwatch.com).
-0bama is first president to have devout communist parents and grandparents
-First president to recognize '57 states'.
There are MANY more..
0bama is the first black, Marxist, Muslim, gay illegal alien president!
Moral of the story; NEVER elect a president with the middle name "HUSSEIN" who is ineligible to be president because he's not a 'natural born citizen' (His father was NOT a U.S. citizen).
Thanks for putting this list together.
Great, but very depressing list. I'd like to add that Obama was the first president to install these signs in the Arizona desert warning us not to travel certain areas due to dangerous illegal aliens. This was all the while telling us that our borders were never more secure.
If you are ignorant enough to believe this baloney you're not smart enough to vote.
First president to be an unabashed anti-Semite.
First president to deliberately pit citizen against citizen in speeches promoting class hatred and envy.
First president to ignore or undermine democratic movements worldwide (Honduras, Iran, etc.).
First president to hold secret negotiations with the enemy (Taliban) in time of war.
First president to propose the unilateral release of captured combatants (Gitmo) to the enemy in time of war.
First president to purposely release nuclear weapon secrets of our allies (England) to our enemies.
First president to propose the unilateral release of nuclear weapon secrets of our own to our enemies.
First president with full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
There's a whole lot more. It has been a very long three years.
Screw you, How many other presidents have done the same things whall in office? Bush and the patriot act, Lincoln suspending habeous corpus, and do you really think that no president has ever encouraged racial discrimination at the ballot box before? that's absurd. That's just your knee jerk crypto fascist response to anyone who doesn't call for his arrest for treason. Did I vote for him in 2008, no. Was I profoundly dissapointed in the vast majority of policies enacted by him and his administration, yes. Would I vote for him again in 2012, not a sliver of a chance. Don't cop out and assume anyone who doesn't belive your ridiculous lie that he's the worst president ever, rhetoric loves Obama. He has a long way to go before he ranks up there with Buchanan, Harding, Andrew Johnson, Grant, Hoover and a bunch of other guys who made a mess of the job. Have some perspective. yours is obviously clouded by listening to the right wing water carriers who permeate the media. Speaking of the right wing, it speaks volumes about the GOP that they couldn't come up with a better group of people to challenge a President who's first term has been such a "fustercluck"
and of course dubbya the shrub had a first also;
• First President to take MORE VACATION days than any other President, even though he promised to not rest until he smoked out bin laden
obama may not be a great president but dubbya the shrub WAS the worst president ever
and if you think mccain / palin would have do better than obama that is totally laughable
actually the problem the GOP is having finding a candidate to challenge obama tells me obama is very likely to be re-elected
Total lies and bullshit. Many of these were started by Bush.
Obama has sent back more illegals than any modern President.
Really, liberaldimwitmann?
That's not what Syracuse University's TRAC System -- hardly a bastion of right-wing thinking says:
"According to TRAC, Syracuse’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) has overstated the number of immigration law violators apprehended by a 5:1 ratio. And that’s the good news. Deportations were overstated by 24:1 and detentions by 34:1.
TRAC says that ICE has represented, not only in press releases but in congressional testimony, that in 2005 it apprehended 102,034. The records it produced, however, show only 21,339. It further claimed 166,075 deportations but documented only 6,906; and said it had detained 233,417 when the paperwork shows only 6,778.
TRAC notes that the Obama administration delayed complying with its FOIA request for nearly two years (it was submitted in May 2010). TRAC argues that ICE has either geometrically inflated its performance or grossly violated FOIA in withholding information."
Now, read some history, some philosophy, some economics and law, and stop being an uneducated drone.
First President with 2 relatives living in the country illegally.
First Pres. to have an illegal alien aunt living on the taxpayer dime.
First President to have to listen to ignorant rants like the ones posted here. After his second term is over. You pigs can go back to destroying this country. Those who think like you have done before. After President Obama's second term this country will fall back into the hands of the money greedy pigs (republicans) who only care for those like them. It's odd that there are poor people of all nationality. who are suffering but there are few of you who choose to for every reason no matter what this president does you critize him. America is so much better for him being the president of this great Country. This country is greater, showing that we all can over come our hateful past. Obama 2012. Remember those who critiize will not rest until this country falls
Obama's re-election plan is a typical Chicago style deal - the way he and his thugs stole the nomination from Hillary.
Obama election tactics:
- Prevent Voter Photo IDs - dead folks get to vote
- No National Voter Registry allows multiple residency voters vote twice
- Hurried amnesty (and voting registration) for illegal aliens.
- OWS/Arab Spring/Union type civil unrest (aka mob violence) Jimmy Hoffa Jr. promised violence at Obama fundraiser last Fall.
- Voter Intimidation, Coercion by Unions, other groups
- Media manipulation through programming, words, attitudes of journalists, comedians, etc. (shaping opinion of electorate)
- Polls - polls and primaries control money and advertising budgets of candidates
- Aggressive voter registration in Democratic areas (legal, but still a win strategy) especially when combined with the next tactic
- Paid votes, community team organizers, busses
- Prisoners - votes for incarcerated felons
- Vote count fraud - from hacking machines to trunks full of fraudulent votes (this happened last time around)
- Americans Elect, a third party candidate would split republican vote and GUARANTEE a win for Obama. This organization is already very well funded by unknown donors and has registered in all 50 states.
He's too big to fail (or so he thinks) except for the one thing he cannot cover up, overcome or outshine - the Truth and the power of the real one true GOD who is Love, Truth and Life.
Check out Psalm 2, and Isaiah 31:8-9, Obama.
Obama is the first President of the United States of America who, though he has studied law and even taught the US Constitution, has no idea what America is all about and who in his heart, is not really an American citizen.
He is like a Christian theologian who is not saved or a believer.
Obama's American goal is to turn the US into an Islamic totalitarian fascist regime and make it the 58th OIC state.
He wants revenge for the death of his biological father, for slavery, for British colonialism, for the crusades, and ultimately, for G-D's selection of Isaac rather than Ishmael, Jacob rather than Esau, Joseph and Moses rather than Pharaoh, Judaism and Christianity rather than the religion of the Caananites, Moabites, Jebusites, Ishmaelites, Islam who served false gods and idols: Baal, Molech, Dagon, the moon, sun, stars, animals, wealth, bountiful harvests, fertility, sexual pleasure and their own male parts. In other words, worship of power and wealth, of the flesh and the evil spirits.
Mohammed had a chance but was too proud and angry to choose God's way, but he rejected both Judaism and Christianity to invent his own religion. His writings are the story of his conflicted spiritual journey.
The writings in Mecca are relatively peaceable and respectful of Judaism and Christianity. The Medina writings are full of hate for both and are full of rage, and mandates to kill all who would not convert to his religion and live under his rule. In the latter period, women and outsiders are considered sub-human.
The contradiction between these two periods has produced conflicted, unstable people and nations that cannot reconcile within their own minds, with other nations or each other.
Islam is and will always be in rebellion against God, produce war and conflict, the opposite of peace, the opposite of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Islam (Assyria, Babylon, Egypt) and other pagan groups always rose up as God's means of discipline when the children of Israel rebelled against God. When they repented and returned to God, they were freed from captivity. They would also have famine, plagues and loss of their families and other hardships.
This is happening today because of the sin of the Western nations (abortion, sexual sin, dishonesty). Unless we repent, we will not escape from the Assyrians and other evil that has infiltrated our gates or the economic crisis that is looming upon us.
The sword and strength of man and military cannot defeat these enemies, it will take God's power and help. The human part is always repentance and returning to the Word of God.
II Kings 6:16-17, II Chronicles 7:14, 20:12, 34:14, Nehemiah 4:6, Isaiah 31:8-9.
Bottom line is this a-- hole has to go. This great country that thousands of patiots of died for to protect our freedoms is systematicly being destroyed every day . we cannot substain 4 more years of this Cloward-Pivens minded fool. the lies and deception on a grand scale,the makes the average slime bag washington liberal look like an alter boy. Wake -Up America! this is it! next is reveloution!!!!!
First president to be in America illegally! No Birth certificate, wrong Social Security Number. First president to allow his aunt and uncle to stay after being sent for deportation! Semper Fi.
First president to task a blue-ribbon, bipartisan commission with creating a plan to address the debt -- and then completely ignore their recommendations.
First president to add 20 million people -- many illegal aliens -- to the rolls of food stamp recipients, an increase of nearly 70% in only three years.
combosmay I add:
first president to admit to being muslim
first president to publicly ridicule the Bible/Christianity
first president to publicly quote the koran and sing the islam call to prayer
I wish the poor misguided folks who still want to defend him would just to a little research; all these things are true, documented and easily proven.
A comment attacking the President's personal character is 'ammunition' for his supporters.
A comment without thought and raw with emotion is 'ammunition' for his supporters.
'Measure twice and cut once' before posting your replies.
Otherwise, he may become the 'First black two term President.
Editors here might want to look into this site:
Not as impressive as the criminal acts above, but to his narcissism, he was was the first to call a joint session of Congress to deliver his "Jobs" speech.
The first to have a wife that had never been proud of her country.
If you plan to update, you'll be busy for the next year.
I linked Doug. Don't see it below.
I wonder whether they would be saying all these things if he was white, they forgot to mention that they got Bin Laden and rescued nurses held captives, Bush couldn't even manage that. Racism at it's ugliest. I can see not much has changed over there.
What are you simple, slow or just plain stupid, which is it.
First President to declare himself "Dictator of Education" (not my term):
"President Obama granted 10 states (Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Tennessee) waivers from the federal government's No Child Left Behind law today. The action will temporarily prevent schools in each states from suffering federal sanctions for not meeting reading and math standards by 2014...
...[But] nothing in federal law grants Obama the power to issue these conditional waivers. He is unilaterally rewriting federal education policy through selective enforcement."
"America is so much better for him being the president of this great Country. This country is greater, showing that we all can over come our hateful past. Obama 2012."
lol@Anon. I think someone pissed in your Wheaties this morning if you do actually believe what you spout! Try for once to become educated and don't follow that liberal dogma crap.
That type of thinking is what enslaves you!
You probably believe that the Jim Crow laws were probably initiated by the bad bad right-wingers of the South, don't you?
Don't you see what the Republicans have done to this country? I cannot believe all of you prejudice people are part of the 1%. You are letting your prejudices govern you. If the republicans get back in office, the middle class and the poor will suffer. Our country will suffer. NEWS FLASH: Greedy rich people holding on to their money means no trickle down. In other words, no improved economy and no job creation.
Mr. Common Sense
• It is the U.S. government, not "the rich", that is the most powerful monopoly on the planet, for it is the largest insurer, guarantor, pension provider, banker, health care system, debtor, etc.
• It is the U.S. government, not "the rich", that grows always larger -- never shrinking -- as temporary politicians attempt to construct a Utopian society that never was and never can be.
• It is the U.S. government, not "the rich", that constantly seeks to evade the limits, the bonds and constraints placed upon it by the Constitution.
• It is the U.S. government, not "the rich", that has the ability to imprison, to punish, to fine under force of law, almost always for the sole purpose of growing larger and confiscating more and more private property.
Those on the Left would do well to consider the government as the world's largest, most powerful corporation. And now that it has breached the firewalls of the Constitution, it is a corporation on the road to total control over its citizens. In fact, some would call it tyranny.
First president to compel religious organizations to provide abortifacients, contraceptives, and other services that violate their religious beliefs, directly contravening the First Amendment.
Ah, Director Blue, as far as forcing church hospitals to supply abortifacients, Romney already did that as Governor. Under Romney, Massachusetts was the petri dish for breeding socialist government programs and implementation of radical social agenda programs.
Under an OBama Administration:
-New home sales in the United States hit a brand new all-time record low during 2011.
-The average duration of unemployment in America is close to an all-time record high.
-The percentage of Americans living in "extreme poverty" is at an all-time high.
-The number of Americans on food stamps recently hit a new all-time high. It has increased by 3 million since this time last year and by more than 14 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.
-When Barack Obama first took office, the number of "long-term unemployed workers" in the United States was approximately 2.6 million. Today, that number is sitting at 5.6 million.
-During the Obama administration, worker health insurance costs have risen by 23 percent.
-During the Obama administration, the U.S. government has accumulated more debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.
I wonder what the next four years will be like?
I love how obamabots argue that your always racist just for not liking a HALF black president..
First American President to Embrace Critical Race Theory
First President to See America Lose Its Status as the World's Largest Economy (Source: Peterson Institute):
First President to Openly Defy a Congressional Order Not To Share Sensitive Nuclear Defense Secrets With the Russian Government.
PLEASE DO UPDATE THIS - you are doing a valuable service.
Here are two more lists...there may be some overlap between them and with yours:
OBAMA'S FIRSTS II - http://politicalarena.org/obamas-record-of-firsts/
Obama's other firsts - http://www.therightscoop.com/abc-news-obamas-inconvenient-truth/#comment-460721862
First president to propose budgets so outrageous that no one from either political party would cast a single vote in favor:
* Senate unanimously rejected President Obama's budget last year in 0-97 vote (Politico)
* House Votes 414-0 to Reject Obama’s Budget Plan (Blaze)
More: http://www.therightscoop.com/arrogant-obama-completely-dismisses-americans-frustrated-by-all-his-vacations/#comment-496278430
More firsts: http://www.therightscoop.com/arrogant-obama-completely-dismisses-americans-frustrated-by-all-his-vacations/#comment-496278430
First President born of a polygamous marriage, since Barack Obama Sr had a wife in Kenya when he married Ann Dunham.
First President to send $200 million to a terrorist organization (Hamas) after Congress had explicitly frozen the money for fear it would fund terror.
Also see Phyllis Schlafly's Obama's Violations
First president to intentionally disable credit card security measures in order to allow over-the-limit donations, foreign contributions and other illegal fundraising measures.
First President to Have His Administration Fund an Organization Tied to the Cop-Killing Weather Underground
First President to press for a "treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and to which we'd be required to give half of our offshore oil revenue" (The Law Of The Sea Treaty or LOST).
Accomplishments? Barack Obama has many, but ones that we like, we couldn't find any.
First to literally bow to foreign monarchs ... first to drive debt to GDP ratio above 100% ... first to lecture the Supremes in a State of the Union address ... first to attempt to remove a network from the press pool ... first to shove huge socially transforming bills (stimulus and ObamaCare) down our throats on purely partisan votes ... first to presume to instruct Israel to return to 1967 borders ... first to inspire me to ask if a sitting Prez is 'stupid or treasonous?' Still asking, but more or less settled on 'treasonous.'
Ughh.Just when I thought you couldnt be anymore disgusting, you prove me both wrong and right!
"America’s military HATES Obama’s arrogant, little commie guts!"
Screw you, and screw those disgusting disresptful racists POS! attacking Obama for doing something your Bushboy couldn't do!
And that kills you racists inside! Yeah! I called you racists beause that's what you slimeballs are!
No president, including Obama, has ever hated America. If he did, he would not have run for office. Different presidents have different opinions, but he is always doing what he feels is best for the country at the time.
Do you even know what Marxism is or are you just copy and pasting from some Fox News fanboy site? If anything, Obama has been steadily right of center on economic issues, a conservative in many respects.
The nearest this country ever came to anything resembling socialism was under FDR with the creation of Social Security. But you knew that, right?
Dispensing disinformation, promoting bigotry and racism, and playing upon the fears and ignorance of many Americans – supplemented by a much more than healthy dose of self-promotion GOP can't win on the issues, so they resort to hate, bigotry and fear.
No formula for leadership: It not only shows how bereft of ideas the GOP's members truly are, their racist rhetoric shows the despicable nature of their character.
It’s a shame that in 2012, nearly 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, racial hatred toward African-Americans is on the rise, in large part, because Barack Obama was elected as America’s first black president.
If Obama is re-elected to the White House in November, I wonder what more we can expect from right-wing racists in the next four years.
He's Epic.
@anon 8:57...
So which of these items on the list are false?
Which aren't criminal in nature (or intent)?
Are does your Bush Tourette's Syndrome prevent you from reading these items?
As for Marxism, Compare-and-contrast the Obama agenda with Karl Marx's 10-point program of Communism.
Face it, you're a drone. And no amount of history, logic, facts and reason can influence you.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing to deserve it.
"It’s a shame that in 2012, nearly 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, racial hatred toward African-Americans is on the rise, in large part, because Barack Obama was elected as America’s first black president."
This part of what anon 8:57 is true. Racial hatred and discord in the USA are indeed on the rise because Barack Obama was elected as this country's president: He is the main Sower of that Discord and those who are too blind to see this are merely the harvest.
First completely unvented president.
Unvetted. Auto spell check is a pain.
" First President to press for a "treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and rights to half of all offshore oil revenue" (The Law Of The Sea Treaty)"
Actually George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush all advocated ratification of the "Law Of The Sea Treaty," so he is the fourth president to do that, not the first.
That's a long list !!!
But ya' forgot one...
First president to earn title of SCOAMF / SCOAMT
First president to endorse a group of violent Anarchists and Communists (OWS) aka- Brownshirts
In Nov 2012 elections - Stop Obama or GestapObama
What is shocking is not this list. Rather it is the fact that there are still over 40% of the voting population who think he is doing a good job. He is a reflection of what America has become. That is both shocking and very, very sad indeed!
How about "First POTUS to have his presidential library established in a federal penitentiary"?
Hey, he's going to need a prison job, isn't he? Inmate librarian is a pretty soft ride.
First President to have his eyes on being the Last President... God, Help us.
First President to brag about eating dog meat.
First President with the chutzpah to say "You know, I like being President... and it turns out I'm pretty good at it" - after less than one month in office.
First Commander-in-Chief to take six months to decide to turn down the recommendations of his own hand-picked top general.
I would happily like, post and promote this list on facebook, but a rude and vile description has been attached to it.
First President to use his office to publicly harass and financially harm a private citizen who contributed to his opponent.
Nope. sorry. The "honor" of being the worst Pres. of the 20th Cen. at least goes to Woodrow Wilson. people were actually jailed for politicly opposing him. He is why leftists started calling themselved "liberal", he had so tainted the term " progressive" . (and which Hillery Clinton embraced). JohninMd(help!)
Dear Anon; He is not the 2nd Coming of Christ, he is a Chicago politican, one of the finest of that style ever. Which explains the Facist tendancies; they never got over Capone... JohninMd (help!)
Thank you for this list! Great posting!
Here's something that you could add to the list:
First White House occupier to abandon history's foundational, cultural institution, given, of, Marriage:
Dear Mr. common sense; heh. the fault in your reasoning is you think there actually are two separate parties. Once opon a time, maybe, 50 yrs. back, Why do you think Mittens had such an up-hill slog w/ primary voters? The battle is really one of liberai(left) vs. conservitive(right). What political movements come from the left? Socialism, communism, and(sorry) facism. All of these are herd-response movements, designed to make people feel like the leaders "care" for their welfare, a mistake since mostlythe leaders seek to secure the power of the movement, or govt. For themselves. THIS OCCURS WETHER THEY CALL THEMSELVES DEM. OR GOP. What comes from the right? Far right, you will find anarchy. No law, every one for themselves, CHAOS. No system, so nothing gets done. But closer to the center you find the idea of individual freedom, liberty, balenced by a corresponding set of responsibilities to behave civilly towards others, support yourself and family, etc. "My civil rights end one inch short of your nose". One of the greatist ideas to come out of the American Revolution is what modern liberals seek to destroy, personal property rights. The idea that each person has the RIGHT to decide what to do with their own property, including income, as long as no one is deliberatly harmed. This is why the legal system exists, to act as referee and ensure injuries are paid for. No better system exists as long as it's in balence. cronycapitalism, over-reaching regulation and allowing certain people to operate above the law(more widespread in this Admin. than last, imo) that screw up the works. Oh, by the way, I'm a reg. Democrat..... JohninMd(help!)
Doug, I linked my "Right Face!" blog http://gorightface.blogspot.com to this page.
I hope this is okay with you.
half black.
that may be true....but i can tell you that NOW im sure the people who actually voted his worthless ass in to office are WISHING they had mccain and palin "shit" list instead of his! glad that i didnt vote him in and wont be voting for him this round either. change needs to be constant but not illegal. change needs to be constant but not blind sided by the american people WHO DONT WANT THIS CHANGE. with a 40% approval rating these facts that i state are obviously true. yes...God help us all against the ignorant people of america who voted him in. but hopefully the ignorance stops this election with someone new. redeem yourself mr anonymous and dont hate. just learn about "change" and use it in this election
aaah....OBAMA has taught you well young grasshopper. if anyone dislikes the worthless prez in office then it shall be deemed racism! now, please do the hitler salute...er..i mean the obama salute and go about your merry way. he is half black therefor which race are you referring to that we are being racist towards? the white half or the black half? LMAO people like you crack me up. i dont give a rats ass what race he is. he could be martian for all i care. but in my mind he is no leader. correction:in the minds of 60% plus of the population he is considered a bad leader, and a worthless president. have you looked at his approval ratings lately my dear? have you looked at his worthless statistics? and to humor your racism comment...perhaps you should focus on HIS actions. to give honor to a little black boy who was killed is wonderful, but (OOPS!) mr pres you forgot to mention the white boy who was burned to death by black kids just months prior. and can we please reference his wifes college thesis of how the white man is satan? oh. im sorry. im bringing truths into the picture that may be upsetting to you....but our worthless president perpetuats hate and racism with his own actions and his wifes actions. and birds of a feather stick together so lets talk about his piece of shit pastor and best friend who hates the whites and schooled obamas children with those beliefs.
your statements are just as oxymoron as our president.
YESSSS!!!!! can we blame bush 50 years down the road when you ignorant people elect another worthless alien to run our country?! gotta love it. if you hate slowbama you are racist. if you blame him for anything its bush's fault. aaaah. the mentality that slowbama perpetuates is amazing! if you dont want to work for what you have i will hand to you on a silver platter, oops but anything i do is not my fault ESPECIALLY the debt. now please do the hitler/obama salute and get down on your knees....oh wait. you are already down there.
First president running for re-election virtually unopposed, to lose 42% of the vote in a state primary to a virtual unknown.
...being a naturalized citizen means that you are born here, it doesn't matter where your parents were born.
First sitting president to win a Nobel Peace Prize. Before he actually did anything to deserve it.
It's interesting how there are no racial slurs, not one on that list, nor any in posted comments, and the first thing Nobama drones do, after flying into hysterics, is call everyone a racist. Don't fear the useless turd in the White House, fear the brainless mutants that put him there.
This is fun to read. I'm not a big fan of Obama, but I like seeing the worst elements of the voting populace freak out over what has, over the last 4 decades, become standard operating procedure for our executive branch.
My Lai? Watergate? Iran-Contra? WMDs? But a watered-down health care plan born from conservative think-tanks is what gets your b-holes tied in a knot? Or golfing stats? Or politically motivated judges irresponsibly wielding contempt of court powers? I could go on.
At least you navel-gazing mouth-breathers are waking up to the fact that a small portion of the population controls your fate, and always will short of some sort of reclaiming of power. Interesting, however, that it took a milquetoast centrist with dark skin and a funny name to awaken your populist sentiments.
To the Apocalypse! May it flush you lot into the darkest seas.
My librul friend (a totla moran) says Obama dont hate USA. Rigth I says. if thats true when did Obama stop hateing USA?!?? hahA
Why wait for the election?
Take 0bama out now.
There are ways to make this happen. Clinton came close.
Someone did NOT fact check their article before they posted it. Quite a few of these "facts" are blatantly false. For example, holding people without due process. Get a clue, that was enacted in the "Patriot Act" which was put into place by "W" not Obama.
@anon proggie schmucks -
each of the articles has these amazing innovations called "links". hover your mouse over each and click for attribution.
sources include cnn and nyt.
Firstly, 90% of these sources are not credible. Most of the srouces which might be considered credible are owned by Rupert Murdoch, a man currently under investigation for many counts of illegal actions. However we'll ignore that fact and accept them as credible sources.
Most of the assertions of this post are completely out of the imaginations of people who hate Obama.
Learn how to make credible arguments then come back and make them.
By the way congratulations on your giant blog circle-jerk though makes it seem credible to people who don't care about the truth.
Hey, Fred:
I've got $100 burning a hole in my PayPal account if you can prove a single one of these claims false.
Just one!
I won't hold my breath, since I noticed that you studiously avoided disputing any of the items.
So which is false, Fred?
$100, just for writing a few words and providing a reputable link to back up your assertion.
Just one lie, Fred, that's all I'm asking for!
First President to Send Millions in Taxpayer Dollars to His Wife's Former Employer.
Good grief...you people are so full of bile and ignorance.
How's this...First President to tell all the ignorant mouth-breathing TeaBagging douchebags to go f*ck themselves.
I can't believe the level of ignorance...sheer stupidity..of these comments. That.... combined with superfluous levels of bigotry, racism,and intolerance..it's unbelievable!.
Get a life folks! Breath in slowly! Your brains need oxygen!You are all FOXED out!!!!
First President to Insert Himself into White House Bios of Past Presidents.
First president to win the Nobel Peace Prize before ever doing anything to deserve it.
Larry and anon/4:33:
I love how you schmucks don't dispute any of these items (difficult to do, seeing as how they're true).
Instead, you try to call us racists and teabaggers.
Tell you what: how many inner-city high schools have you mentored or volunteered at?
How many minority kids have you taken under your wing?
I'd wager: zero.
You're a bunch of schmucks and drones, incapable of debating the policy positions.
And with the precedent that Obama has set, you'll LOVE our next GOP Commander-In-Chief!
What I worry about is what it says about we Americans if he gets re-elected after watching what this man has done to our country.
Anon 5/15 4:33: since you addressed your comment to *me* regarding alleged levels of bigotry here, you should know that, not only am I black, but my father is of the same Kenyan tribe as President Obama's father.
It will be interesting to see what conclusion you come to after that bit of knowledge penetrates your brain--such as it is.
First Gay President!! (According to Newsweek)
directorblue, you owe fred $100. Just a couple comments above your challenge someone correctly pointed out your claim of Obama being the first to indefintely hold people, without trial, was actually started by Bush. That's one you got wrong. Your challenged Fred, and you are wrong, you owe him $100.
First President to Leak Highly Classified Military and Intelligence Secrets to Hollywood In Order to Promote a Movie That Could Help His Reelection Campaign.
So what? I am a christian, and I hate Obama, but so what?
Yeah, question. I see alot of these are linked to blogs and opinion pieces, but little to nothing has facts.
I don't like the guy, but from a legal standpoint heresay evidence is pretty flimsy. Basicly, what I'm asking for is for some proof of these actions that don't come from blogs or paid right-wing versions of dailykos.
Unless you can prove your accusations, you're no better than the liberal media spewing false "facts" with no proof.
Hey Tsunami, I got $100 burning a hole in my PayPal account that says you can't find a single error of fact in that list.
Go for it!
[Answer in 3... 2... never. Cause it's all 100% accurate]
Are you sure his dad, Frank Davis, was foreign born?
Where is the bibliography, links to proof.
@Anon 7:19:
eh, dude: hover your mouse over each item for the link and attribution.
$100 if you find a single item that isn't true.
First president to purport an obvious forgery as his birth certificate making himself a laughing stock.
First president to bomb a foreign oil producer (libya)while pumping up the stock of another foreign state owned oil producer (Petrobras).
First president to threaten to 'kick asses' while hampering a coherent response to a manor oil release disaster.
First president to publically, falsely and ignorantly accuse a police officer of 'acting stupidly'
FYI, a Liberal response to the list is at: www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/o/obama-report-card.htm
First President to redistribute $26.5 billion of the taxpayers' funds to his union supporters (in this case, the UAW).
Looks like your list is not finished!
Absolute rubbish and racist garbage to boot. OBAMA 2012
@Anonymous 9:26 --
Which item is false?
And which item is "racist"?
Hover over each item for the attribution.
Tell you what, schmuck: $100 for the first false item you find.
I'm waiting.
First President to claim Executive Privilege to shield a sitting Attorney General from a Contempt of Congress finding for perjury and withholding evidence from lawful subpoenas.
First President to Have His Attorney General Held in Criminal Contempt of Congress For His Efforts to Cover Up Operation Fast and Furious, That Killed Over 300 Individuals.
First President to Oversee Policies That Have the Number of Americans on Disability Exceed the Population of New York.
First president elected by a coalition of Marxists and Islamists (both foreign and domestic) who hate the USA and the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of the American people!
First president with the goal of enslaving all of humanity.
See sgtpepper's post after I, calibur-death, posted a link here.
She(?) makes some good points refuting this list...
Sgt Pepper -- yeah, right.
Try to address at least 10% the points next time.
First President to publicly announce an enemies list (consisting of his opponents campaign contributors) and to use the instrumentalities of government to punish those on the list.
More whining about so-called 'racism' the new buzzword that has been redefined to simply be applied to anything and everything that is in opposition to liberal ideology, in layman's terms; whatever 'it' is if it does not fit into their ideology it is not true, even if proven factual; 2+2=4, A is A.... if it does fit in with their ideology it is true while being factually false, liberals create their own reality in a childlike delusional state called 'magical thinking'.
Using the liberal way of thinking(?) imagination..Lt Col, Adam West is against obama, so therefore by the liberal ideology he isn't really black.
They do not want to acknowledge that Obama's ideology is why and only why he has any opposition whatsoever; hence why one's race has zero to do with one's ideology.
This racism excuse is quiet simply the epitome of the lowest level of intellect that one can conceive.70
"I love how obamabots argue that your always racist just for not liking a HALF black president.."
I'm thinking that AT BEST they could accuse you of being only HALF RACIST. Right?
I have to say to this list and the comments: Most of these things can be attributed to past presidents and their foreign policy. Or have you guys have forgotten about your Republican douchebag at foreign policy Reagan, who was so paranoid there was a BIT of change in Latin America towards the lower classes that he started a useless war down there for something that wasn't even communist but, you know, a little bit of change?! Would I vote for Romney?! Hah! Not after seeing that your beloved Bush sinked us into a recession almost the magnitude of the great depression and after Reagan and Bush senior spent almost as much as all the post-Roosevelt presidents combined! As far as I see it, most of you need to go read history and see the economic records of our last presidents. Sure, Obama has spent a lot, but remember now, he bailed out those companies ran by so-called Republicans who were "too big to fail" (GM I am looking at you), plus the fact that also Roosevelt spent far more than Obama to end the Great Depression while boosting our GDP when entering WWII to an amazing 100+% says something about his economic recovery plans.
First president to make me vomit in my mouth.
This list is mostly full of lies.
For example, the War Powers Act has been around for decades, and president do what they want anyway. That's not news.
At the other end of the list: the The Law Of The Sea Treaty has been around for decades, and been supported by several other presidents.
I don't expect any of the idiots posting here to be able to use the google to confirm the above and so what? There's no cure for stupid!
@rewinn - obama is the FIRST PRESIDENT to fail to report to congress within 90 days after a military action.
Dennis Kucinich himself sued Obama:
Stop being a drone and educate yourself. Every one of these links has multiple attributions, many from NYT, USA Today, etc..
First President to Move America Past the Dependency Tipping Point, In Which 51% of Households Now Pay No Income Taxes.
First President to issue an Executive Order implementing a "Racial Justice System", a system that tries to achieve "racially equivalent outcomes" for crimes.
First President to send 80 percent of a $16 billion program (green energy) to him campaign bundlers and contributors, leaving only 20% to those who did not contribute.
First President to Endanger the Stability of the Electric Grid by Shutting Down Hundreds of Coal-Fired Plants Without Adequate Replacement Technologies. Source: National Electric Reliability Corporation (PDF)
First President to Attempt to Block Legally-Required 60-Day Layoff Notices by Government Contractors Due to His Own Cuts to Defense Spending -- Because The Notices Would Occur Before the Election. Source: National Journal.
First President to Triple the Number of Warrantless Wiretaps of U.S. Citizens (Source: ACLU)
To Mt. Top Patriot.....Obama is just one more in a long line of establishment Presidents who have wiped their asses with the Constitution. Bush and Obama have just done it more openly. Romney would and will do the same. Vote Gary Johnson if you really care about saving our country!
@anon 7:05
A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Barack Obama. Use your head.
We sided with the Soviets during WW2 to defeat the Nazis.
I'm not likening Democrats to Nazis, but the tactics are the same. We side with the RINOs to WIN, DAMMIT.
Then we destroy the RINOs.
Use your head!
Bread and circuses (fast food, gaming, so-called reality TV, the Internet, and porn) keep us from revolting. If a VAT is imposed, then maybe, just maybe that will spur a small revolt. What is needed is for some states to break away, but the odds of that happening are slim to none.
this is ignorant and most of these sources are biased clearly a Republican Act these republicans are unable to evolve and like primates still throw there shit at other people instead of saying they are going to be responsible they will cut down another man to get there point across.
The Huffington Post, the ACLU, the New York Times, et. al. are right-wing sources? Really?
Dude. I want some of what you're drinking.
In response to (It came in as number 7 in my email): [ • First President to Spend a Trillion Dollars on 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs -- and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs ]
I looked this up and you can find where he said, "There are no Shovel Ready programs" and you can find where he said the country needs a trillion to fix the economy, or to quote that number correctly, "1.2 trillion" but you can't say he did what is said here. He didn't spend a trillion on jobs that aren't there. That statement is ludicrous, in and of itself! And by the way, admitting there aren't any shovel ready programs can be interpreted to each his own.
Here's the comment in the true context: In his interview with Mr. Baker, the president said that the benefit of infrastructure spending was that for every dollar spent, “you get a dollar and a half in stimulus because there are ripple effects from building roads or bridges or sewer lines.”
“But the problem is,” he continued, “is that spending it out takes a long time, because there’s really nothing — there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.” http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1871915,00.html Further reading proves to understand even more what was meant by the administration as well as some Republican members using the term "shovel ready" hoping to help the economy, which peaked, what? MID JUNE 2008? http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/15/obama-lesson-shovel-ready-not-so-ready/
Mr Ross, Sir, if you're going to post this list of blatant myths, you could actually do your duty to all who come upon it, and - now don't worry, I won't expect you to use factual documents for proof - but at least, please, do your homework and add the sites that are "reputable" with any of the quotes that appear from your list. Oh, and by the way, You didn’t cite your source by telling your readers it came from “(Source: President Obama during an early meeting of his 'Jobs Council')” but his words don’t actually state “I spent a trillion dollars on jobs that weren’t there.” The two articles explain in a way that is understandable of what he meant by that quote from the video clip. It’s all about context.
Thank you, Penny Bradford
Nice try, Penny, but that wasn't the admission I was referring to. It was Obama's statement at the ill-fated "Jobs Council":
It was explained to Obama that the permitting process can delay projects for "months to years ... and in many cases even cause projects to be abandoned ... I'm sure that when you implemented the Recovery Act your staff briefed you on many of these challenges." At this point, Obama smiled and interjected, "Shovel-ready was not as ... uh .. shovel-ready as we expected." The Council, led by GE's Jeffrey Immelt, erupted in laughter.
"He's a couple of years behind the rest of America," said Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. "But it's refreshing that the president himself is now acknowledging the failure of his stimulus program."
(CNBC video)
In fact, this entire debacle was a payoff to the public sector unions, which in turn secured their support in 2010 and 2012. Only 6% of the Stimulus went to construction projects.
So, Penny, want to try and attack another one of these items?
First President to have spiritual leader the Dalai Lama escorted out the back door, past the garbage of the White House.
Look, all of this shouldn't have even come to this point because the guy was never eligible to be president of the united state of America.
To be eligible a person has to be a natural born citizen. Obama is not a natural born citizen because of a few things that happened to him in his youth (not even including the birth certificate deception).
1. His mother marries a Indonesian citizen named Lolo Sotoro. Lolo adopts Barry. They move to Indonesia. Put little "Barry" in public school. At that time in Indonesia a person could not go to public school unless they were a citizen. Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship at that time. Barry's transcripts say: citizenship=Indonesian and religion=muslim.
2. After 5 years of this, Barry returns to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. Even if he did have his citizenship reinstated (which he didn't) then he would become a naturalized citizen (which is not eligible to be president of the USA). Only a natural born citizen can be president.
3. Barry goes on to enroll at Occidental College in CA as a foriegn citizen and leave to spend 2 years in Pakistan (at a time when American citizens were not allowed in the country due to the war they were in). Barry gets in a stays for 2 years. What was he doing there?
4. Below average student, Barry is accepted into Columbia University after his trip to Pakistan as a foriegn student again. His college records remain locked up to this day.
Bottom line is: This guy is an ineligible anti-colonialist who wants to bring America down and prop up countries that he has percieved have been shorted throughout the past.
I continue to be amazed at how red-faced, pony tail wearing, emotionally disturbed liberals just ignore facts and continue to spout there garbage. It's a real shame and I think it will eventually lead to some very destructive times in this country.
First President to Label a Terrorist Attack 'Workplace Violence' and to Refuse to Call Islamic Terrorists... Islamic.
First President to increase U.S. firearms sales by 30+% in just three years.
Link: http://tinyurl.com/9crv45t
(Google News search for "U.S. Firearms Sales")
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