Friday, March 1, 2024

You know, the thing...


Great book! But you won't know that unless you read it.

Peter Schweizer’s last three books were all #1 NYT bestsellers. His soon-to-be-released blockbuster BLOOD MONEYWhy the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans is his most important book yet.


Because it answers in stunning detail the burning question that’s been in everyone’s mind for the last several years: how did America unravel so far so fast? 

As Peter Schweizer’s two-year BLOOD MONEY investigation reveals, China has unleashed the most sophisticated all-fronts war to kill Americans and spark social chaos ever devised—and America’s Elites are willfully turning a blind eye. 
Think about it. 
—Mountains of dead Americans due to Chinese fentanyl and COVID…
—American teens pushing TikTok-fueled hate against their own country….
—Soaring crime in our cities…
—BLM-inspired racial division and riots…
—A generation doubting the very definition of what a woman is…
How did we get here so fast?
BLOOD MONEY uncovers in jaw-dropping detail how China is working around the clock to maximize U.S. carnage—and is plying America’s Elites with cash and connections to keep them quiet.
A towering work of investigative journalism, BLOOD MONEY reveals:

  • How the Biden family bagged $5,000,000.00 from a business partner of “White Wolf,” a prominent figure in an Asian gang directly involved in the fentanyl trade
  • The secret Chinese military “Disintegration Warfare” manifesto intent on ripping apart America
  • How China is arming American criminals with machine guns
  • China’s weaponization of US protest movements to inflame racial and social division
  • The Chinese billionaires funding radical transgender groups in America
  • The troubling entanglements of Mitch McConnell, Gavin Newsom, Adam Schiff, and other politicians, and their silence on the fentanyl crisis
  • How Anthony Fauci shielded China while the CCP worked to maximize US COVID deaths
  • The Hollywood heavy hitters who have changed their movies to please the CCP
  • China’s propaganda strategy to use TikTok to reach America’s youth—read the chilling plan in Beijing’s own words

BLOOD MONEY: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans is rocketing on Amazon.
Here’s the link to grab a copy.

You cannot live without air and water. Air is free but you pay for water. Is this a sinister plot?


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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Nuclear War: Is it a threat or a promise? I promise you this, I wouldn't blame Putin, I'd Blame Obama, Biden, and the entire Democrat party.


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Isn't there enough evidence out there that Joe Biden is a criminal? Why do we have to keep repeating the same stuff over and over again? Put the SOB in jail and let's get the country moving again. Trump won!
