Tuesday, November 25, 2008

But Most Of All, I Remember Sarah

It was the first time in my adult life that I could say, "I was not proud of my country."
...and that's sad. Even so called friends and relatives were so naive and mesmerized by the false prophet...
The prophet of socialism would be true, for as it was in the beginning, Obama declared his intentions with every utterance of his forked-tongue driven mouth. And they were all blinded by their own ignorance; following their leader to the sea of death as surely as lemmings do.
This too, was the first time in the history of our once great country that the majority of voters were outwardly ignorant and racist. For no matter what the excuse they never had any knowledge about the ideology of the man, but they all knew the tone of his exterior. ...and that's sad.

And sad it was, when all the time there was an alternative to the pied piper. Lady Liberty otherwise known as Sarah...

Sarah, better than Obama a million to one!

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