Friday, September 22, 2023

Got this message from a friend this morning. "Again, I'm trying to do my part and issue a warning here."

Have you asked yourself why it is so very important that every human being on earth gets injected or ingests the new MRNA vaccine technology? They are putting it in everything now including livestock vaccine. Why must every human ingest this in some way?

Again, I'm trying to do my part and issue a warning here. If I was you, I would avoid anything these people try to force upon me. I understand that they are evil and their agenda is depopulation. I can prove this to you. Our only hope is to conquer these people who have taken control. Their goal really is to kill off most of us and some benevolent manner in their mind. That's what you're seeing happening now. They've spent their lives work doing this and developing methods to suppress humanity and depopulate the Earth. They made it very clear in 2016 that there was no more time to waste. And since then you've seen nothing but a major psychological war against the American citizens via their media, non-stop chaos from their groups, fluctuation in everything that had finally come to some stability, the prices of everything we need to live have gone out of the roof. This is the grind down. These globalists are bringing us down. I pray to God in heaven that you will get involved in this resistance before we stand no chance any longer. God bless you and have a great day. ‐ Ronnie Arnold 

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