Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Before you watch the video below it would be wise to have a little background information so as to dispel any of the faux climate change indoctrinations the elites have driven into the population at large.  Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Al Gore, The Club of Rome, Klaus Schwab, the United Nations Panel on Climate Change not withstanding have all but one thing in common...(one objective is probably more accurate) and that is depopulation.  
The following extracted from a broader explanation but I hope it's enough for rational minds. - Norman E Hooben

The Club of Rome Gamble

Some three years ago, in 1968 (most likely written in 1971), the Club of Rome had been founded by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish chemist Alexander King at a Rockefeller family residence in Bellagio, Italy. It had quickly become an influential think tank of the scientific, technocratic and wealthy elites. It promoted a global governance model by the elites.

As the WEF was tossing up and down in its second edition, the Club of Rome had published a controversial work, “The Limits to Growth” which claimed the burgeoning population won’t have enough resources available by the year 2000. Klaus Schwab approached Peccei if he would be available for the keynote speech at the 1973 World Economic Forum which the latter duly did. This risque’ public relations strategy was the steroid which pumped up the WEF. There was no looking back.

It was a controversial association for the Club of Rome was obsessed with reducing the global population which was described by its critics as influenced by Nazi’s eugenics. In its another book, “The First Global Revolution”, the mention was made that “the common enemy of humanity is Man himself.”

Below is this entire passage in the book which sounds eerie familiar to the WEF of modern times:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill…all these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The WEF today uses the same issues of climate, environment, pandemic etc to what its critics believe is the agenda of “one world government” where the majority would willingly surrender itself to surveillance. The imbalance in flow of money would make the majority lose life’s essentials and livelihoods and the depopulation of the world would be set in motion.




Anonymous said...

They will continue to lie to all of us as long as they continue to get rich off of their lies

Storm'n Norm'n said...

Dear Anonymous,
In the beginning it was all in their imagination as opposed to any sound reasoning or rational thought but I suppose after a few drinks (at that first meeting of the Club of Rome)they let their imaginations go wild. One of them most likely said, "Just think what kind of power we would possess if we could convince a few politicians of our findings." And apparently they did!