Sunday, July 17, 2011

Some go without and some go out in style...on your money! And does China really need aid?

In the USA...  from Patriots Corner
In the USA - The Homeless go without eating.
In the USA - The Elderly go without needed medicines.
In the USA - The Mentally ill go without treatment.
In the USA - Our Troops go without proper equipment.
In the USA - Our Veterans go without benefits they were promised.
Yet we donate billions to other countries before helping our own first.
In the USA...
Yes, and we all know the above is true, painfully so. While the United States is still the BEST and foremost country in which one can reside in, we have our problems and faults. NO country is perfect nor does any country have a spotless, pure Lilly white past when one delves into our history or the history of any other country.

 Most of our problems that we are now facing could be solved or the burdens greatly eased by cutting off any and all aid to those countries that take and take from us, and then stab us in the back every way they can. The amount of aid we dump into the muslim world is appalling, especially when we look at how obama, the first muslim potus has reached out to the perverted, backward and violent muslim world. pakistan and afghanistan immediately come to mind and these two are just the tip of the iceberg and are a perfect example.
There are those who will say yes, the above is true and Israel should be included in this group and be cut off from all aid from the United States. One major difference; Israel is our ally(no thanks to obama and his islamist administration) and would stand next to us in a time of war and conflict. Many of our so called European allies cannot hold a candle to Israel when compared to Israel in terms of being a true ally even after all the mullah obamaham has done to Israel.
It is long past time to take care of our own, and those who are not our true allies need to be kicked to the curb.

Then there's this: Around the World on $69 Million in Welfare Funds Sometimes we over do it when it comes to taking care of our own...we even give you gambling money, luxury cruise money, and even Hawaiian vacation money...
And why should we be paying for HIV prevention in China?  China has a $193 billion surplus (And that's just in the first half of the year!), while we pay them $369 million to fight AIDS.  Something is very wrong with this picture...let the Chinese pay for their own prevention programs. 
By the way...if you see anything wrong with the way your money is given away to any of the above, make sure you know were to place blame...that's right!  Obama! ...even if he didn't start a wasteful program, he had the oppurtunity to stop but he didn't...just kept right on spending your money!

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