Saturday, December 18, 2010

News You Should Use - They gave the booby prize for the worst state to...

The definition of insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.  Many of us have probably worn out that quote sometimes attributed to Einstein but the repeaters it refers to have never caught on yet (They're too daft!).  You'll fine this phenomenon happening over and over again primarily in states defining themselves as blue states...also the same states at the bottom of the list in the following:

Best and Worst States for Business 2010
More than 600 CEOs rated states on a wide range of criteria from taxation and regulation to workforce quality and living environment, in our sixth annual special report.

In Chief Executive’s annual survey of best and worst states for business, conducted in late January of this year, 651 CEOs across the U.S. again gave Texas top honors, closely followed by North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. They gave the booby prize for worst state to California, with New York, Michigan, New Jersey and Massachusetts filling out the bottom five-a line-up virtually unchanged from last year. Florida and Georgia each dropped three places in the ranking, but remain in the top 10. Utah jumped six positions this year to sneak into the top 10 at No. 9.

The business leaders were asked to draw upon their direct experience to rate each state in three general categories: taxation and regulation, quality of workforce and living environment. Within each category respondents graded states in five subcategories, as well as ranking each in terms of its importance to the respondent and how individual states measure up (Click here to see How CEOs Grade the States chart).
For example, Texas fares competitively with Nevada and Delaware in terms of taxation and regulatory environment, but scored best overall, in no small measure because of the perception that its government’s attitude to business is ideal. Runner-up North Carolina edged Texas slightly in its living environment, but scored somewhat below the Lone Star state in terms of government attitude to business and work ethic, which is a sine qua non for the business leaders. (Click here to see the chart)  After employee work ethic, CEOs most highly prize lower tax rates and perceived attitudes toward business, followed by living environment considerations, such as real estate costs and education. ...full story here

Definition of a Massachusetts voter:
Obsessively limited to a single idea or purpose: a one-track mind.
Having just one track. Lacking mental range or flexibility; one-track: a single-track mind.
So OK, just to be fair, you can also include California and New York.

For more of this click here ...and don't forget to click Behind The Scenes

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