So I planned a little trip to Austin, Texas to visit my daughter and granddaughter at a time of both religious and political importance. Easter was approaching within the week followed by tax day April 15th and the 2nd coming of the tea party which was not exactly a duplication of the 1773 event…but pretty close! We arrived in Austin on Good Friday a day later than the plan (pulling a camper trailer does slow one down some) and set up camp at Lake Travis.
Saturday evening the campground put on a barbeque for the residents topped off with some music for entertainment. All during this time my little seven year old granddaughter Isabella was singing to herself some song that she had trouble remembering the words. Forgetting the lyrics was not as important to me as it was to her for I was impressed that the song she was attempting came from the fifties era. In any event, I spotted the now lonely microphone over in the corner of the log cabin style pavilion and suggested that Isabella try singing the song over the loud speakers.
By the time I had adjusted the settings on the microphone’s amplifier and Isabella’s approach some changes unbeknown to me occurred. Isabella began her singing. No, not the fifty something song that I expected but instead, The Star Spangled Banner! Wow! I was impressed!

So I began taking pictures forgetting for the moment that my camera can also take videos I snapped away. By the time Isabella was ending her patriotic contribution to the evening’s festivities I switched the camera over to the video function and caught the last few lines with just a bit of the standing ovation she received from the strangers out of view of the camera’s lens.
A young man approached me afterwards and said, “That little girl brought tears to my eyes as she sang those wonderful words…Oh say can you see…” Just gotta tell ya…It makes a granddaddy proud!
Wow! What a proud moment that must have been. I have tears in my eyes as I write this entry.
Best Wishes
and Warmest Regards,
Thanks for this Norm. Tremendous! She can SING! Sorry to have missed you and Debbie. Tell her "hi" for me. Gerry
Ref:"Sorry to have missed you and Debbie."
We'll be back!
ps: Also sorry to have missed you. We will be sure to plan ahead next time.
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