Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Power Of Prayer

In a certain town, a new building was under construction. It was going to be a bar. On that same side of town, a church launched a campaign for petitions and prayers in an effort to prevent the bar's opening.
A week before the bar was to open for business, lightning struck and the new building burned to the ground. The church folks were rather smug until the bar owner sued the church. The lawsuit alleged that the congregation was ultimately responsible for the fire. Of course, the church denied any responsibility.
At the hearing, the judge said this: "I don't know how I will ultimately rule; but from the paperwork, it appears we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer and a church that doesn't."

George Merritt in The Southern Star newspaper
Ozark, Alabama
31 October 2007

1 comment:

CyberPastor said...

Hey Stormin Norman! I do love this illustration and have used it on Sunday morning in the past! Thanks for reminding me of it, and how true it is!