Thursday, March 4, 2010

"How about two parts corrupt and one part stupid..."

Could we add, "How about treason?"

Remember what I said in my previous post, "This is serious stuff...", well others are making the same claim (see Michelle Bachman's quote below).  It is pretty much known by an ever increasing number of people that this administration is probably the most corrupt in the history of America; it least it is in modern times.  But the question is, "Why are Americans so complacent as to do nothing about the destruction of their country?"  Just what is it going to take to rile up enough people to run these radical leftists out of town (out of the country would be more appropriate!).  Do most of you think by waiting for election day will solve these problems?  I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you wait that long we may no longer have a country that we can call America. And the other problem is, those that should be getting this message won't; they're all at the mall. ~ Norman E. Hooben

The following from Pundit & Pundette

A White House without restraint

Corruption, mismanagement, abuse of power. Will this be the Obama legacy?

Yesterday may be the day the White House officially went over the top. Nice Deb calls it The Politics of OMG WTF? See her post for details on a secret massive federal land grab which Obama can accomplish with "just the stroke of a pen;" the administration's use of George Soros and company to discredit inconvenient findings on green jobs; and gazillions in "clean energy" stimulus funds sent to stimulate foreign economies. As Deb notes, this is so bad that even Chuck Schumer wants it stopped:
A study done by the Investigative Reporting Workshop found that 79 percent of the $2 billion in clean-energy grants allocated since Sept. 1, 2009, has gone to foreign wind companies.
"We are demanding the Obama administration suspend this program immediately ... [and] indefinitely," Schumer said. "We are sending a letter to Secretary [Timothy] Geithner asking him to halt all payouts for this program until we in Congress can go back and fix this law."

The senators highlighted a wind farm project in west Texas, which received stimulus aid and is projected to create 3,000 jobs in China and a tenth as many in the United States.
(A thought: Maybe Congress should stop passing such crappy laws?)

And now an incredibly brazen, er, incentive offered to a House member for his vote on Obamacare. Michelle Malkin:
This one looks like a quid pro quo, smells like a quid pro quo, and quacks like a quid pro quo:
Tonight, Barack Obama will host ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he’s obviously trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today President Obama nominated Matheson’s brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
Let us consider the possibility, for a brief moment, that it is merely coincidence.
Is the White House so fantastically blind and tone-deaf that it failed to detect the blood-red flags and blaring alarm bells that Scott Matheson’s judicial nomination would raise coming on the very day President Obama is wooing his brother, Jim?
Incorrigibly corrupt or incorrigibly stupid. Take your pick.
How about two parts corrupt and one part stupid, or just deranged in mind and soul by power-lust?

The fact that Rep. Matheson is on the fence on Obamacare makes it look very bad indeed. Rep. Michele Bachmann calls this a "very serious" matter that warrants an independent investigation into White House corruption. See the video here. (Be warned that the toxic Rep. Alan Grayson is the other party to the discussion, though he is positively mild-mannered in this clip, calling the corruption question "a distraction" and "a tangent" but making no references, this time, to Satan.) (Hat tip: Potluck)

Given three more years, who can say what this White House may accomplish in the corruption department?


1 comment:

redhawk said...

It seems to me that we have finally unmasked the Masked Amoeba.. Based on his waffling over Reconciliation he is really the Illegitimate Brother of JON Efeen Karry... who at least twice said that Reconcilitaion is NOT the way to govern by a majority party, and not having been able tp 'GIT IT DONE" when he had a supermajority in the SEnate now he had another Writer for hiis tellyprompter that says " IT OS RIGHT BY A MAJORITY PARTY TO INVOKE RECONCILIATION"... Tome for the Swift Boaters to get back into action and IMPOEACH THE BASTERD!!!