Creators of the Film, "Shadow Government"
The person who sent me this video knows I'm not a fan of Alex Jones, but because of the guests and the topic, asked me to take a look at the video.
The more we know and understand New World Order intentions the better off we will be. Take a look.
Reader Comments (2)
Having studied this topic for over 40 years most of what is said in this video is pretty much up to date. There are some conflicts with some of the beliefs...i.e. preventing World War III and population control. I'm not sure they want to prevent WWIII but they sure and heck want to control population (see Global 2000 Report, the archetict was Henry Kissinger and this document was classified Top Secret up until 1989). One of the techniques they used to deny any of this is just that, deny, deny, deny! They were actually the ones who came up with the Conspiracy Theory and they repeated it enough so that it would be ingrained in the minds of the populace. By calling it a theory they would detach themselves from the conspiracy and those that belived in the theory would be constantly harrassed as nut cases. You can (or at least I have) trace some of this denial back to FDR (there's other commentary out there that traces it back to the turn of the century (1900's) and yet others that can find some evidence to the genisis of the New World Order shortly after the Civil War. I know that this may sound repetitive from me and rather elementary for some, but I always suggest that a good starting point to verify all that is factual is "The Chronological History Of The New World Order" by professor D.L Cuddy. But it is very important that one studies each and every point that cuddy chronicles. From there it will lead you into an amazement of references. The main thread in all of this is an ideology absent of God and the thirst for power by the politic elite. Even Norman Cousins, the perennial candidate for president up until the late 50's or early 60's, was able to convince FDR to implement his socialistic ideas...(and you probably thought they came from FDR)
I can get pretty lenghty on this subject for indeed it is very indepth when you connect the hundreds of dots...most people give up easily on this subject and become disenchanted thinking that our leaders are basically patriotic citizens and this is the biggest mistake they make. Let me sum up by saying what I have said years ago or rather what a friend in San Antonio, Texas said to me two summers ago. This is my friend John speaking:
"Norm, do you remember back in the 70's when you spoke of the New World Order? Well, I didn't believe you then, however everything you talked about has come true. You were right on the money!"
By the way...It was THEY who started the United Nations!
And if you care to check out the initial suggestion for a 'Stimulus Plan' ...check in at the UN. Long before you heard it
from Obama, the UN was pushing the stimulus plan. It's designed to devalue the dollar( and other currencies)...and if you don't believe this then you haven't checked the cost of living and/or the exchange rate vs other currencies.
thanks, Norm