Sunday, March 23, 2025

Don't ask me why I said what I said...but when Levin mentioned Gramsci I...

 The best of Life, Liberty, and Levin.

Until we get rid of the cancer that eats away at our Republic, there will be conflicts amongst us; aka, "There will be wars and rumors of war." 

Barack Obama is the carcinogen that damages the DNA of America and is spread widely within the Democratic Party.  Rather than saying that Obama is a follower of Gramsci, Marx, Engel or others, it would be more correct to say he is the ultimate follower of Columbia University which is the institutional summation of Communist thought in today's America. Whether we dwell on FDR's "The Forgotten Man" or Obama’s "From The Bottom Up", these are appeasing words coming from the men who never forgot themselves and governed from the top down.

"I think we have to rebuild healthy mediating institutions, worker organizations, civic associations, religious associations, trade groups, both in the real world and the virtual world, and they need to be adapted to how we live today. And they have to operate from the bottom up, and we have to find ways of bringing people from different backgrounds together in these groups, so we can all develop better habits of listening to each other, and debating each other, and making group decisions together for the common good." ~ Barack Hussien Obama 

~ Storm'n Norm'n 

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