Friday, January 12, 2024

So when is Anthony Fauci actually going to go to jail?

Fauci Makes Major Admission, Proves 'Conspiracy Theorists' Right Again
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In all the investigations of Anthony Fauci and his involvement with the so-called gain-a-function research, I've not heard one mention of the Animal Welfare Act of 1970.  Now why would I bring that up?
The Animal Welfare Act had within its provisions that no harm or cruelty to animals would come to animals used in research.  Of course this provision could only be enforced in the United States and in my opinion, it was the reason Fauci manipulated the funding scheme so that such research would be done in China.  And we know that China could care less about cruelty to animals no less human beings (We also know that the Chinese have no qualms about poisoning Americans based on some earlier speeches by the Chinese Defense Minister.). - N.E.H.

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