Tuesday, August 15, 2023

WHO - The elites are at it again!

Not everyone is a Facebook reader; so I thought I'd post this one that I obtained from Facebook with a hat tip to L. Simmons. 

The subject matter of this post should not be taken lightly.  There are those that believe the world is overpopulated and that they should be the deciders of what the numbers should be...and you may want to think about this because you're just a number and they will decide when your number is up. Remember, you are not an elite! -  N.E.H.

The following cross-posted from FB:

According to some globalists, “the world is off track to achieve the health targets by 2030.” And, of course, those targets include “climate change” measures, depopulation, forced injections, surveillance of your every move, and involuntary “quarantine.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) elites claim the world is not adopting its agenda fast enough. To fix that, the WHO is holding three “High Level Meetings” in New York next month to get back on track for world domination.

These meetings will focus on “delivering universal health coverage (UHC) and strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.”

The strong-arm COVID mandates were minimal compared to other parts of the world and will pale in comparison if the WHO has its way!

If Joe Biden signs America on to the 307 amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) or the WHO pandemic treaty, there will be universal health care. And you can kiss your health care good-bye. Medical rationing will become common. You will not be able to get the treatment of your choice.

And you will most assuredly find yourself, your job, and your church on the “nonessential” list.

The WHO knows the time to obtain consensus on the IHR amendments and the treaty is passing quickly. That is why the WHO is frantically racing ahead with its plan for complete control. WE MUST WAKE UP CONGRESS!

Max Staver, LC Action


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