Saturday, July 30, 2022

The End of Catholicism as we know it.

Pope Francis (AKA, the Pope from hell) has previously conspired with Godless leaders to institute a "World Church" albeit those leaders are not without their own gods (note the small g).  And now he (Pope Francis) has succumbed to the religion of Fauci and Gates lead by the figurehead pope Biden (note the small p).
We're in big trouble folks and nobody is coming to our I'm at a loss for words and feel that the end is closer than previously thought.  Do you think that maybe Klaus Schwab is constructing his throne while his crown is being cast? - Norman E. Hooben 

Klaus Schwab—the founder and executive director of the World Economic Forum—wrote, “we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” 
If successful, a "Great Reset" would effectively cancel our American way of life.

PS: the video should shock the hell out of you and if it doesn't then you're part of the problem. 

The following from GAB:

Godless Media Now Calling Christianity a "Toxic Religion"

Over the past week the entire mainstream media complex has launched an immense attack on my character, Gab, and Christianity itself--calling it a "toxic religion." Echoing this hateful sentiment Jonathan Greenblatt--head of the Jewish Nationalist organization the ADL--called me "one of the most toxic people in public life right now" on national television. It's interesting that his organization explicitly endorses, promotes, and defends Zionism, or Jewish Nationalism, while attacking me and others for esposing Christian Nationalism. Do as I say, not as I do. Unfortunately for Jonathan, Christians don't answer to Jewish Nationalist organizations like the ADL and Godless media outlets. We answer to Jesus Christ. 

Naturally I responded to this media onslaught and defended the Gospel of Jesus Christ and as well as my personal character. I said we are forming a Christian Nationalist movement and in order to be in any position of influence or leadership in the movement you must be a Christian. I said we are no longer going to answer to people who do not share our values and represent a diametrically different worldview that only 2% of the country holds. We are the 70%+ super majority in this country and we are going to do everything we can to take dominion and disciple this nation for the glory of Jesus Christ our King. 

In typical fashion the media machine has taken short clips from my 30-45 minute long show and twisted them into something that they are not to fit their narrative. What are they so afraid of? Certainly not me. The answer is Jesus Christ and the awakening of hundreds of millions of Christians across this country and around the world.

As I have said in my previous articles and videos they have pushed us too far by locking down our churches, masking our children, and forcing us to inject a foreign substance in our bodies in order to keep our jobs. We are no longer being silent. The silent majority is getting loud and speaking the Truth of God's Word and the Biblical worldview boldly. The Jonathan Greenblatts of the world are not going to tell us how to live our lives, run our businesses, or practive our faith ever again. 

What I hope to show to the millions of you who will read this is that if you double down and do not bend the knee when the mainstream media and our enemies call you a silly name, you win. That's it. That's the secret to surviving and thriving against their attacks. The weapons forged against you will not prevail if you stand strong in Truth. These people have great power, but we serve an all powerful God. We need to remember that and start acting like it. 

We need your help to fight back against this attack. For almost six years now Gab has been fully funded and kept online from support by people like you. We can't do this without you. We ask for your prayers. We ask that you let your friends and family know about Gab to help us grow our community which has grown exclusively through word-of-mouth advertising since 2016.

Finally we ask that you prayerfully consider supporting us by upgrading to GabPRO, purchasing some merchandise from our shop, or running ads on Gab for your business to reach an audience of people who share your values. We don't have big corporate investors or special interests funding this platform. It's the grassroots support from people like you that keeps Gab online and we need your support now more than ever. 

To God Be The Glory,

Andrew Torba 
Jesus Christ is King of Kings


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