Tuesday, December 6, 2022

It's almost tomorrow.... (Updated...and updated)

It's almost tomorrow, for here comes the sun
But still I am hoping that tomorrow won't come
(From the song, "It's Almost Tomorrow" by Jo Stafford 1955)

It's almost tomorrow...
Tomorrow is near...
The sun will bring showers of
sadness I fear...

From a friend...read it and weep then pass it on.

From within, the enemy has deindustrialized us, now they are eliminating our petroleum system.

This is not for "green" purposes.
This is so we are unable to defend ourselves when they launch their invasions.
They will easily revamp the petroleum system once they occupy our land.
This is all about rendering us helpless against their next few logical steps in this plan.
I didn't write the plan.
But it is written.

You should be standing loud and proud and learning what's going on because we owe it to our children and forefathers!
Look at every move being done by this leadership!
All designed to weaken America!
If y'all Democrats haven't noticed, this group treats y'all the same way they treat the republicans.
Every mandate included you!
Every increase in gas included you!!
Every grocery bill hijacking happens to you!
Your small businesses were hurt by the lockdowns too.
These Marxists don't view you any differently than they view Republicans. We are fodder.
We are all excess useless eaters in their eyes.
The real only difference is that they know you guys will support their ideas and attack the republics over it.
That's the difference that the elite see in republican voters and Democrat voters.
We are not each other's enemy.
Again, who made us think that way?
Wake the F up!


They rationalized that they could bomb and destroy and kill their enemies and occupy their lands but only to have a chaotic mess to fix and minds to reclaim. 
They decided the best course was to subtly attack the minds of the enemy and gain their loyalty. 
That way they would have control of a perfectly intact society with no mess to clean up nor minds to recondition. 
And that’s exactly what the Globalists who backed Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Hitler decided to do. 
America is the perfect example of the results of these psywars. 
We are falling from within without a shot being fired. 
And we are so confused that we don’t know where to begin to resist any of it. 
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. 
Undetectable to unknowing minds. 
You are under attack by your own government every day. 
The globalists want control and they showed via Covid and the hiding of info that they do not mind killing people to get their way. 
Stand up American and get involved!!


War is coming, sooner or later! You, the Government!! You are all a bunch of cowards! You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work, rather than spending time with their children (single parents stand no chance)😥. You took God out of schools. Parents were told 'No you can't discipline your kids'. Well, now most of those kids are rude and out of control. You shall reap what you sow! We have taken a whole generation and turned them into selfish, entitled brats who have no respect for people, property or authority! You deem people with terminal illnesses and some with only a few months to live…fit for work!!! You allow our veterans of war to go homeless and hungry but give out billions to foreign Countries. You save drug addicts over and over again but refuse to give free  cancer and diabetic supplies to those who need them to stay alive. You bend over backwards to be politically correct, too scared to say enough is enough, in case you offend someone. You put the retirement age up so people must work until they drop. You take care or illegals, giving them food, medical, education, housing representation, cash rehabilitation, and yet you cause the elderly, those that have paid their debt to society and their families, to live in poverty caring either at home or in a nursing homes. You DON’T represent me because your corruption has made you too wealthy to care.  
Copy & paste if you have the guts! I did!!
( I am betting most of my friends don't have any guts. Offended now? I don't need to be popular I just need to be true to myself and my standards!) Can I get an amen?    I copied this from a friend and so agree with all of this)


What does the cabal want?  We can only guess their end game, but we can very clearly see what they are doing:

• Use mass migrations to destabilize Western cultures,

• Control access to information,

• Censor opposition,

• Weaken Western economies,

• Deflate currencies,

• Spend unaccountable sums of money on wars to launder money into political campaigns, and to fund off-book intelligence operations,

• Massive and unsustainable deficit spending to choke-out free markets and to make continued governance unsustainable,

• Destabilize big cities through pro-crime policies,

• Reduce private-property rights by refusing to enforce the law,

• Control access to natural resources,

• Make energy prohibitively expensive (and thus impoverish the public), and

• Take and keep power.

Those are not things the cabal might be doing – those are things the cabal IS doing, and HAS BEEN doing right in front of our eyes, in some cases, for decades

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