Friday, August 19, 2022

Lithium Batteries: Are they environmentally safe?

Lithium Batteries Are Dangerous

First published at 16:08 UTC on August 4th, 2022.
#LithiumBatteries #environmentalism #GlobalistCommunism

The most recent push by so-called environmentalists (really, left-wing communist globalists) is to phase out fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc.) and destroy what's left of prosperous free-market economies (i.e., capitalist countries). Wealthy countries need fossil fuels to sustain their economies and provide a decent standard of living for their people (so they can eat regular food and not bugs, live in air-conditioned/heated homes, use transportation, etc.). Globalists/international communists know this, so they are targeting the energy sectors of Western countries in the name of "saving the planet" to bring them down and level the world's economies. Replacing gas-powered cars and other petroleum-based forms of transportation with lithium-battery-powered vehicles is a huge part of this program. However, mining lithium from the earth is more time-intensive, less cost effective, and more invasive to the Earth's environment than fossil fuels will ever be. In addition, lithium can be hugely dangerous, as shown in this video demonstration.

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