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The Sunni extremists of the Islamic
State, have been working to erase
evidence of that diverse history since
they seized the ancient city on June 10,
When a nation is occupied by an enemy, the enemy normally destroys historic land marks, flags, and statues.
And when enemy infiltrators occupy the leadership positions in a nations city or state governments, monuments can be removed overnight with no debate or resistance. People, those things are signs! Not just words, but actions!
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Woman Who Destroyed Durham Confederate Statue
Is A Pro-North Korea Marxist http://trib.al/gbmHyZ0
Things are very different with the Media since Trump became a real threat during the election. Trump embarrassed the Media and called them dishonest liars. That, combined with the fact that Trump was speaking in Nationalist America first terms, threw the Globalists at the CFR into a rage!
So they launched this psychological operation we are currently witnessing. Destroy Trump at all cost!
They called on all of their resources, including Soros groups, to mobilize and create chaos and disrupt society ( ex: blocking traffic)
Remember hearing that America will fall from within?
Well, these people are the enemy within.
Domestic enemies intentionally disrupting our peace, security, and economy. They may have citizenship, but they are not in favor of this nation. They are an on-call civilian mob/army.
The Media portrays these enemies as protestors, standing up against a racist, homophobic, illegal alien hating, welfare cutting, wall building, DEVIL Trump.
However, if we look at the protestors actions, they line up more closely to an occupying enemy force, instead of peaceful protestors!
Actions speak louder than words!
We better turn our attention toward this and see it for what it is!
Or we lose! ~ Ron Arnold
The true Civil War history has been twisted. It wasn't about slavery. Lincoln promised 40 acres and a mule to escaping slaves to be cannon fodder in the Federal army. There were more white children slaves in the North working in the textile factories, than in the South, with the difference being the North didn't feed and house their slaves.
The true Civil War history was the takeover of the Republic by an illegal Federal superstate, and the imposition of an income tax, with internal controls over every facet of life. Lincoln destroyed the Republic, then never gave the slaves their 22 acres and a mule! That's a Federalist for you!
The Constitution established a limited Federal authority with only four privileges over the States:
1. Establish and maintain a National Post Office.
2. Establish and maintain a National Currency.
3. Promote and develop International Trade.
4. Maintain a permanent Navy to protect the Republic.
Today Lincoln's Federals are a $5,875,000,000,000 annual bleedout, and not only control every facet of our lives ILLEGALLY but have even established COMPULSORY requirements in our education and healthcare, but without protecting our core populist needs for:
1. Food Security
2. Energy Security
3. Domestic Security
Our food is junk, with FDA approval, they are busy destroying our energy security with deeper tithe-taxes, and they are building an ILLEGAL INTERNAL ARMY to control our movements, even our thoughts, while at the same time, opening the borders and pushing 'free' trade.
I'm a Northerner, but my family tree is from Kentucky and we served in the Confederacy. We moved to the far North after the war, and did well for several generations after we left the farm, but it was stolen by Federal taxes and Corporate carpetbaggers and cut-purses.
And I've worked at every level of government, Federal to Tribal, and also in the military, and at the end of the day, you just have to state the truth. Our country as it was founded no longer exists. We were conquered.
If the IPCC European Royals succeed in pushing through a 'Great New Deal!' energy tithe under the DNC Federalists, we will be all the way back to Boston Harbor... without a paddle.
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