Thursday, March 31, 2016

How to send your job to Mexico...can do easy! simply vote for the Communist/Socialist/Democrat party...

Here's a dilemma...
I'm not sure about this but from all indications (based on comments at the original post) these protestors voted for the Democrats who caused their jobs to go to Mexico...and although I don't know a single one of them, they'll continue to vote for the Communist/Socialists people that will send more jobs to Mexico or China.

Chicago workers are protesting outside the home of Nabisco’s CEO because the company plans to move 600 jobs to Mexico.
Posted by Fox & Friends on Thursday, March 31, 2016

How to send your job to Mexico...can do easy! simply vote for the Communist/Socialist/Democrat party... The dilemma is, the Republicans will rubber stamp the Democrats agenda...happens all the time!

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