Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Will This Replace The Gasoline Engine? ~ Why haven't we heard more about this?


Youtube Info:
Paul was approached by members of the oil cartel that made him offers for his patent, each time he demanded a contractual provision that the invention would actually be used to help man and the planet - The potential buyers always refused -

One group took Paul to court and argued that Paul was insane, for anyone that would turn down the amount of money that he was offered was surely crazy -

Paul Pantone was falsely placed in a mental institution where he was tortured in an attempt to get him to sign over all rights to his design

He was released when an employee realized that Paul was not crazy and the crazy story that he was telling was in fact true --

Realizing that he could never market the technology in this corrupt world has offered do it yourself plans to modify your own engines --
Here is a direct link to the small engine plans
http://geetinternational.com/GEET%20-... I highly recommend that you check out their whole site, here's the link http://geetinternational.com/

Yes it works! Look up US patent 5794601 video in question, And all other's are directly related.
4267976 May 1981 Chatwin
4418653 December 1983 Yoon
4524746 June 1985 Hansen
4567857 February 1986 Houseman et al.
4735186 April 1988 Parsons
5059217 October 1991 Arroyo et al.
5074273 December 1991 Brown
5357908 October 1994 Sung et al.
5379728 January 1995 Cooke
5408973 April 1995 Spangjer
5443052 August 1995 Aslin

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