The American Federation of Government Employees denounced plans by the Department of the Army to cut its civilian police force, as some police officers on Fort Hood, TX and Fort Drum, NY were notified they would lose their jobs as part of military cuts.
According to Jeffrey Zuhlke, of AFGE’s Law Enforcement Committee, “about 20 civilian police officers hired on a year-to-year basis at Fort Hood will not see their employment renewed and an additional 11 officers at Fort Drum are being let go.” Sgt. Kimberly Munley and Sgt. Mark Todd, the civilian police officers who brought down the alleged Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Hasan, have both been told that their terms would not be extended. Sgt. Todd elected to leave federal service and take a position with an overseas contractor before being released by the Army. Sgt. Munley is on a leave without pay status pending the expiration of her term.
On May 14, 2010 Sgt. Munley and Sgt. Todd were recognized by President Obama after receiving the nation’s TOP COPS award from the National Association of Police Organizations. While hosting both Sgt. Todd and Sgt. Munley at the White House, President Obama said, “We are incredibly proud of the courage that all of you have shown in the conditions that we can only imagine. It’s a distinction that none of you asked for, but all of you accepted. And I promise that we will stand by you, and everyone who wears the badge, as you continue to keep us safe.” Sgts. Todd and Munley were also named AFGE Law Enforcement Committee’s Officers of the Year for 2010.
To add insult to injury, Fort Hood’s public affairs department has referred to these officers as “Department of Army contract police personnel.”
“Calling federal police officers ‘contract police personnel' is a complete misnomer. These officers are not employed by some hired gun private security firm. They are federal employees. They are trained by the federal government. They swore an oath and heeded the call to public service. They are professionals who have chosen law enforcement as a career. Considering the sacrifice of these officers you would think that the Ft. Hood public affairs department could correctly identify their positions while discussing their layoffs,” Zuhlke said. Read entire story here
I've always wondered why did the Army have a civilian police force instead of using the tried and true Military Police.
Any police force in the nation would and will be proud to have such an officer in its ranks. And the military is poorer without her.
Ref:"I've always wondered why did the Army"
Me too! I spent 21 years in the Air Force and they had military police right up until the day I retired...don't know who started the civilain force, but it sounds like a plan...
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