The Queen Snubs Obama’s Toast at State Dinner
Ben Johnson, The White House Watch [Impeach Obama campaign]
If Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, or George W. Bush had so flubbed royal protocol that the Queen of England politely ignored them, every major network would have played the clip on continuous loop and the late night comedians would belittle the rustic rubes for days.
Did you know Barack Obama did this very thing during his state dinner with Queen Elizabeth II, sovereign of Great Britain — that The One screwed up his toast to QE2? Thought not.
Obama weakly read a toast from notes sitting on his table. (Perhaps his TelePrompter could not clear customs?) As he wound up, he raised his glass — as the band began to play the royal anthem, “God Save the Queen.” (Older Americans and homeschoolers will know the tune as “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”) No one is to toast during that time but instead to stand in respect. Obama does not do this for our national anthem, so he raised his glass — as the entire hall stood with their hands at their sides, waiting for the song to end. Then the Queen politely toasted back.
For some reason, he did not bow to the queen on this trip, according to Andrea Mitchell.
rbasford ·
OMG!!!!!!! What a freaking embarrassment!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ja Wi
If there are SO MANY Americans who say this man is NO GOOD for the country, what the Hell is he doing still in office?!?!? I wish Obama would proclaim and protect our borders like Israel's President... I wish Obama would stop sending everyone in the world our tax $$'s instead of helping our country... I wish Obama would stop sending our men and women into wars we have no business in... I wish Obama fails in having the debt ceiling raised (STOP SPENDING FOR GOD'S SAKE!)... I wish..... yeah... well......
I'm embarrassed for the Chicago Thug, and I'm embarrassed for our country. Did you see his expression after the Queen set him straight? If he hated England before, he'll despise it, now.
Clifton Lee West ·
When the Liberals/Progressives created Obama, they neglected to hone him in on the finer things in life and left him very crude in most forms of policy. An intelligent individual would find out all of the customs of any nation he or she is visiting and behave accordingly. I just hoped Obama chewed with his mouth closed and didn't talk with a mouth full of food, I have seen him eat and one would think another was there to snatch it away from him. ~ Clifton Lee West
Ja Wi
He's a disgrace to the United States of America!
Shrebbard ·
Wish the Queen would tell the Obamas to go pound salt.
The Queen should have dumped her drink on Obama's that would be a great news video!

Ruth Ann Loney ·
I am glad Queen snubbed oblama !!! after all the moron showed no proper etiquette!! You hold the glass at shoulder height (NOT LIKE YOUR GOING TO PISS IN IT!!!!)
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Quote Of The Day
May the prayers that I utter have the capacity to perform, "Begone Satan. Begone! ...and take Obama with you."
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