We got somebody's attention (in less than 24 hours). This just in (interesting visitor):
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The following from...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 9:55 am
Subject: Biased Reporting by Univision, Channel 41
Subject: Biased Reporting by Univision, Channel 41
Last night I saw a very bias news report on KWEX Channel 41, the Univision station. I felt compelled to send the e-mail below to the news director. I feel it is important and critical that we hold all media accountable to accurate and fair reporting. Accordingly, I am asking that you please call the station and demand fair and balanced reporting from their reporters, or we should threaten them with an FFC challenge. Either they are reporters who report the facts and news, or news editors who shape opinion for liberal Democrats. Please call the News Director, Sam Belilty, at 210-227-4141 or e-mail him at mhtml:{3DC588AD-2218-42E7-94BF-7B09B7EB056A}mid://00001052/!x-usc:mailto:sbelilty@univision.net .
Thank you.
George Rodriguez
Chairman, Juan Seguin Society
Mr. Belilty:
Once again, Channel 41 reporters seem to be acting as a propaganda arm for the Democratic party, rather than as reporters. The reports aired this evening (Monday, Jan. 24, 2011) at 10pm, regarding the state voter ID featured only a Democrat state senator and an liberal activist commenting. They did NOT have anyone trying to explain the reasons why the legislation is being proposed. The reporter even went so far as to claim that cases of fraud had "never been identified". Apparently he never heard of the "Duke of Duval" and his south Texas Democratic machine. Likewise, the report on state education cuts was one sided.
Univision and Telemundo seem to be tools for inciting Spanish speakers. By advocating a "pro-Latino" position, the goal seems to be to under-mine the unity of our nation, rather than reporting the facts.
I am going challenge your reports in public so that conservative English-speakers can see the disservice your station's and your network's reporting does to our country. While liberal are quick to accuse conservative talk radio of "hate speech", Spanish-language reporting on Univision and Telemundo are much worse.
I am holding my breath to see what kind of commentary, and from whom, will be featured tomorrow for the state of the union address. Perhaps Univision can find one Spanish-speaking conservative to counter the all the liberals you have lined-up. I hope you share this with Jorge Ramos, too.
George (Jorge) Rodriguez
Juan Seguin Society
San Antonio Tea Party
Una vez más, los reporteros del Canal 41 parecen ser un brazo de propaganda para el Partido Demócrata, en lugar de ser reporteros. Los informes que salierón al aire esta noche (lunes, 24 de enero de 2011) a las 10 pm, en relación a legislacion de la identificación de votantes en elecciones estatales presentaron sólo un senador demócrata y un comentario de un activista liberal. No tenían a alguien tratando de explicar las razones por qué se propone la legislación. El reportero incluso llegó a afirmar que casos de fraude "nunca se habían identificados". Es evidente que este nunca escuchó del "Duque de Duval" y su máquina Democrática en el sur de Texas. Asimismo, el informe sobre los recortes de educación del estado tenia nomas punto de vista.
Univision y Telemundo parecen ser herramientas para incitar a los hablantes de español de los Estados Unidos. Mediante la promoción de una posición "pro-Latino", el objetivo parece ser destruyir la unidad de nuestra nación en ves de informar en una manera objectiva.
Voy a ponerles un desafío a sus informes en público para que los que angloparlantes conservadoras pueden ver y saber del mal que los informes su red le hacen a nuestro país. Mientras que los liberales son pronto para acusar a los conservadores del radio de "discurso de odio", las presentaciónes de informes sobre Univision y Telemundo son mucho peores.
Estoy ansioso de ver qué tipo de comentario y de quién, se presentarán mañana para la Estado de la Unión. Quizas Univision pueda encontrar solo uno conservador de habla hispanol para contrarrestar a todos los liberales que tienen alineados. Espero que tambien le digan esto a Jorge Ramos.
George (Jorge) Rodriguez
Juan Seguin Society of the
San Antonio Tea Party
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