Collage by Norman E. Hooben
Don't miss the bonus video below...
The following from
Chicago RayJose Madrigal, Edmonds Rapist, Deported Nine Times, Has 30 ALIASES!!!

What the heck is going on as the headlines RAGE with stories of violence and the worst imaginable human acts being committed by the minute in this country where we now have a man who’s been deported out of this country “nine different times” and he’s now charged with a brutal rape up in Seattle and yet
American liberals have aligned themselves with this type of lowlife in their continued smear campaign of lies and distortions against Arizonians and anyone else for the deportation of all illegal aliens en masse.
How can anyone argue in good faith that this is the poster scum for the mass deportation of every ILLEGAL ALIEN found across this land and life imprisonment for those who aid and abet scum like this man.
30 Aliases, how crazy is that?
I hope all the liberals up there can sleep at night with all the American blood on their hands for daring to side with these killers and rapists over fellow American citizens. DAMN THEM ALL.
Jose Madrigal doesn’t act like the kind of guy who wants to stay in America. And after the crime he supposedly committed last Sunday, it’s likely local authorities will oblige him.
Police say Madrigal grabbed a 28-year-old outside of an Edmonds’ grocery store, dragged her behind a dumpster and raped her. A local passerby called 911 after he heard the woman crying and saw Madrigal on top of her with his pants down.
It took cops a couple days to identify the Mexican immigrant because they had to sift through 30 aliases. When they finally ID’d him using his fingerprints, they realized why a guy like Madrigal might have something to hide
No relation to the above story but a very informative video of just some of what's going on at our borders.
1 comment:
Omagone that... NINE " Adios Amigo" and NO Ice Cream!!!
WRF is the Majik Moron going to say Next????
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