Sunday, November 9, 2008
So, You Finally Did It.....
How nice for the leftists in this country and around the world to realize their dream of putting a Marxist in position to assume the duties of Commander in Chief of the USA. You finally did it after struggling for decades, pushing your unholy agenda, teaching your lies to the gullible and ignorant, revising history to support your claims and turning our children into good little communists.
You have removed God from our schools and government, you have rendered the Pledge of Allegiance unworthy of repetition, and turned the flag into something to be despised along with the people who love that flag and all it once represented.
Pardon me if I don't feel compelled to say congratulations to you or wish you well.
In reality you have to ask yourself what it is you have really won. What price did you pay? What price will we all pay?
When the bill comes due will you think it too costly?
Despite numerous warnings from many venues including thousands of bloggers who have tirelessly researched and reported on president elect obama's background, you have managed to pull off a coup of sorts.
The fact that your man got there through an intense propaganda machine some of us refer to as the lame stream media, voter intimidation, and Chicago politics doesn't concern you. All that matters is that you won. The end justifies the means according to you.
There is enough blame to go around for millions in this country.The millions who aided, abetted, fabricated lies and smears of the worst kind, villifying Republicans and conservatives for decades. You did well indoctrinating enough voters to pull the lever for your Marxist leaders.
Conservatives have become hated by many thanks to your tireless efforts in spreading your damnable lies. The problem with conservatives is that they don't fight back with the same vile tactics and are therefore perceived as weak or irrelevant.
We even have dissent in our own ranks as to how we should proceed from here. Many fear being labelled un-Christian or any number of other labels you marxist project on them if they stand up to you and fight back.
One of your kind even felt the need to send several of us a letter gloating with veiled threats and not so veiled threats. "We will be watching you. We will be monitoring your blogs and reporting them to the proper authorities." Notice the "we". The army of socialist bots is it?
Did you really think this would stop us reporting the truth about your kind? You have done nothing more than awakened a fierce resolve in us to see you vanquished forever. While some may fear reprisals, most of us laugh at you and condemn you.
We know you for what you really are.But I won't denigrate into calling you vile names like you have us on innumerable occassions.
The old saying "tell a lie often enough, to enough people and it will eventually be accepted as truth by them." That's the way you succeed. Lies, intimidation, reeducation, etc., ad nauseum. Karl Marx would be proud.
Just so you know. We will be watching you as well. There will come a day in this country when people like you have been exposed and retaliation for what you have done will be severe. Veiled threat? Nothing of the kind. That is a fact.
For several days now I've been reading articles from others expressing anger, depression, anxiety and even some who will either give in to your unholy agenda or join your ranks for their own elusive safety. It happens, history repeats itself. We are all human...even you.
I'm not going to attempt to be civil or kind to you. You are my enemy by your words and deeds and as such you will be treated as one. Your lies, your intolerance, and your vile hatred will not go unanswered. It may not be me who confronts you. It may be my children or their children but your day of reckoning approaches.
Millions of conservatives in this country and around the world prayed to defeat you. Asking God for His will to be done. You took this "win" as your answer and justification. You feel you have been vindicated. But I tell you this. God will not be mocked. He has allowed you a time to rule.
I will not be so arrogant to say to you that His judgement is coming. Nor will I say that those millions who prayed for your defeat have been rejected by God. His answer to our prayers will come in His own time at His will.
You can arrogantly state that He is on your side but I say this. God is no respecter of man. He has a plan from the beginning of time that will be fulfilled according to His "agenda", not yours, not mine.
His answer will be forthcoming, and many of you aren't going to like it.
As a Christian I fear the wrath of God that will be put upon this nation. A nation who has time and again rejected Him, all in the name of an unholy liberal agenda.
You arrogantly believe that redistribution of wealth is something new to be tried. In reality it has been tried and tried again under the rule of other despots and ungodly governments throughout history. You arrogantly believe that you have all the answers and that the mistakes made by them won't be made by you. Laughable really, in your utter insanity.
Albert Einstein once stated, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results."
And on the utilitarian side Margaret Thatcher stated; "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money."
How are you going to continue to pay for your irresponsible agenda? By taxing people into oblivion? We fought a war in this country that had it's roots of dissent in illegal and outrageous taxation.
Impose your will on the people and you will awake a sleeping giant who will defeat you utterly.
The fact that since your vaunted Roe vs Wade has murdered nearly 50 million of our unborn citizens since it became law. Citizens who had a right to live and pursue freedom and liberty. Citizens who may have discovered the cure for cancer or aids or any of a hundred other diseases. Citizens who in God's eyes had every right to breath the air of the free born just as you and I have.
Since the beginning of the Iraq war, your abortion policies have murdered over 7 million of our children yet you scream about the 4,000 plus soldiers killed or the thousands of Iraqis who have died in their struggle for freedom. These deaths pale by comparison to the murder of our innocent unborn.
All human death is horrible, but murdering innocent unborn children is especially heinous.
The lists of your egregious acts and ungodly agenda will be written in your Book of Life. Your iniquities have been bound in heaven awaiting the day you stand before the Father to answer for them. The only saving grace you will have is to repent and through the shed blood of Jesus Christ can you have any hope of eternal life in His kingdom.
We all share in this to varying degrees either through direct action or inaction.
The Ten Commandments states "Thou Shalt Not Kill." We can argue the semantics but the true interpretation of that is "Thou shalt not murder."
There is a distinct difference between killing and murder. Know what it is? No? Perhaps you should find out.
You have told so many lies that you believe them. As vane and vile as you are, you may even believe this op-ed is about you. If the shoe fits wear it.
Believe what you will, I couldn't care less what you think.
I will end this for now. Not much more needs to be said. We know who you are and what you do.
You are my enemy and I will not bow down or grovel at your feet.
You can try to silence me or put me in jail, you can torture or persecute me, you can even take my life, but you will never take my soul.
Know this. God will reign over the wicked and evil will be vanquished forever at His bidding....not yours.
Some additional reading for those of you that care are listed below.
Take Our Country Back; Another First For Illegal Aliens
Radarsite; A Message To All My Fellow Conservative Bloggers
Wake Up America; Obama Hides Slave Labor Wording On Website, Proposes Draft.
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Naked Truth About a Communist Mentor
From America's Survival.The man pictured here is Frank Marshall Davis, known in the media as a mentor for Barack Obama. A new book, The Dream Begins, claims that Davis was "demonized" as a Communist but that he helped "shape" Obama's views. I will leave it to you to decide what influence he had over Obama. But I do have the shocking truth about Davis. He was not only a documented member of the Communist Party USA, but a sex pervert, homosexual and pornographer.
You see, I have the entire 600-page FBI file on Davis. I also have excerpts from and an analysis of Davis's pornographic Sex Rebel book.
When you read our reports on Davis, you will be absolutely astounded. You will ask yourself: why haven't I been told this until now? Why the cover-up?
My name is Cliff Kincaid. I am editor of the Accuracy in Media (AIM) Report. Conservative media personalities such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have given me credit for unearthing the facts about the Global Poverty Act, a notorious foreign aid welfare giveaway bill. I am a journalist by training and have been a writer, analyst and researcher in Washington, D.C. for 30 years. My agenda is uncovering the truth.
I also serve as president of America's Survival, Inc. (ASI), a foreign affairs watchdog group. It was in this capacity, as we were researching the bloody legacy of international Communism, that I came upon the hard and cold facts about Frank Marshall Davis and his influence.
Please understand that we don't take a stand for or against any candidate. We have no affiliation with any political campaign. Our purpose is to educate the public about the role played by global movements and institutions on America. I came to the conclusion that we wouldn't be true to our mission if we didn't put all of our information about Frank Marshall Davis and his international communist connections on the record for you to consider. You can come to your own conclusions about the extent of his influence.
Simply put, we discovered that Davis was a key high-level operative in a Soviet-sponsored network in Hawaii. His FBI file suggests that he may have been involved in espionage activities on behalf of the Soviet Union.
We disclosed our initial findings at a May 22 news conference in Washington, D.C., where we released our two reports on communist influence in Hawaii and Chicago. These reports are available at our website. However, major organs of the national news media have seen fit to either ignore Davis or play down his communist affiliations. That tendency is clearly at work in the new book, The Dream Begins.
When America entered into our current economic crisis, I reviewed a copy of a 1932 book, Toward Soviet America, by then-CPUSA boss William Z. Foster. He explained how socialism will come to America. It is frightening to realize that Davis was part of that movement. Davis's communist activities began in 1931 and continued into the 1970s. He passed away in 1987. He never stopped being a communist.
Let me caution you. When you go to our website and read some of this material, especially the information about Davis's perverted sexual activities, you will be sickened and disgusted. This material is for adults only! I do not provide it to titillate or amuse you. I provide it so that you will understand that this is someone who should never have been put in charge or control of any young person.
It is necessary to put this on the public record because there is a coordinated effort to suppress the truth about Davis. The book I previously mentioned is only the latest example of a media trend to depict this hard-core communist agent as some kind of civil rights activist. Nothing could be further from the truth. He was a Communist pervert.
When you go to our website and examine our reports on Davis and related matters, you will see for yourself the terrible truth.
I am already under personal attack for bringing this information to the attention of the public. I know they want to silence me and eventually close down my organization America's Survival, Inc.
Why are they so desperate to hide the shocking truth about Frank Marshall Davis? I think you can figure that out.
Do you want the truth to come out? For my part, let me say that we will not give up our campaign to educate the American people about the forces of international communism and their continued threat to the American way of life.
America's survival is truly at stake.
For America,
Cliff Kincaid,
America's Survival, Inc.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Communist Paper Supports Obama
August 13, 2008
By Amanda Carpenter
People’s Weekly World/Neustro Mundo made their announcement in an editorial titled “Eye on the Prize.” The piece argues, while Obama “is not a left candidate,” he is the best candidate towards advance the kind of “progressive change” the Communist Party seeks.
The editors of PWW/NM declared: “If Obama’s candidacy represented nothing more than the spark for this profound initiative to unite the working class and defeat the pernicious influence of racism, it would be a transformative candidacy that would advance progressive politics for the long term.”
The editorial was originally published on July 15 and reprinted online at the Communist Party USA’s website.
PWW/NM is a direct descendent of the Daily Worker, a paper published by Communist Party USA.
Note: Picture and accompanying text added for emphasis.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
High Gas Prices and the Marxist tactic of Crisis revolution
From an Article at American Thinker.
By AWR Hawkins
June 21, 2008
Karl Marx, (1818-1883), believed capitalism was the next to last stage in the evolution to an earthly utopia, which would be ushered in through revolution; a revolution resulting from the tensions that existed between workers and the owners of production. According to Marx, the final stage of this evolution toward utopia would result when workers rose up in revolution to overthrow the business owners who were exploiting them through a capitalistic economy. We know Marx's "utopia" and other aspects of his philosophy by their more prominent name: communism.
Marx's predictions grew out of his atheistic worldview; a worldview that made him hostile toward private property and the accumulation of wealth through capitalistic means. Although his perceptions of the exploitation of workers and his solidarity with those workers has been rigorously tested and found wanting by historian Paul Johnson, his support for communism and his hatred of privatization and its corresponding freedoms have been a mainstay of the Left since at least 1917, when Vladimir Lenin took them to heart and threw Russia into revolution.
Like Marx, Lenin pointed to the struggles and dichotomies in Russian society in order to postulate solutions; solutions to problems that were not always there. From roughly 1915 through 1917, Lenin repeatedly decried the exploitation of the Russian workers by the land and business owners. This "crisis" not only justified, according to Lenin's rhetoric, but demanded a revolution that would take power away from the land owners and give "power to the people."
Lenin's revolution against the "greedy" landowners was carried out at the end of a gun. The gun was necessary because the crisis Lenin saw was not a crisis that every Russian believed to be real. But as Crane Briton has pointed out in his work on revolutionaries, Lenin was willing to use force to move his countrymen toward what he thought was best for them, whether they agreed with him or not. Lenin's implementation of Marxism was so stringent, so accurately in tune with Marx's own predilections for government intervention in every facet of life that Marxism came to be referred to as Marxism/Leninism.
Sadly, this practice of creating a crisis in order to implement a solution has become a staple in today's Democratic Party. Although each individual Democrat may not hold Marxism/Leninism as his or her political and ideological paradigm, many Democrats in Congress hold to the resulting methodology and have adopted passing legislation as their method for revolution and their solution for every type of crisis known to man, be it healthcare, the environment, gun violence or energy problems. For the Democrats, every crisis is but a segue toward the passage of more and more legislation, furthering the revolution while enslaving the very people they claim to be liberating.
When Bill Clinton constantly perceived various crises which demanded solutions that involved the passage of a new laws, he was unapologetically using the Marxist/Leninist "crisis revolution" tactic to spur passage of Leftist-legislation. For example, with each violent crime, like Columbine or other public shootings that took place during his presidency, Clinton pushed for more gun control to alleviate the crisis but he never enforced laws which were already established. The National Rifle Association's Wayne La Pierre rightly saw through Clinton's façade and said publicly that Clinton was tolerating an increase in death and suffering among the American citizenry in order to force the people to adopt and further the gun control programs of the Democrat party. As a result, by creating a crisis sufficient to secure passage of his legislation rather than enforcing the laws that would keep the lives of many single mothers and low income families of every race safer in their neighborhoods and housing units, Clinton actually contributed to the lawlessness that made the streets of our larger cities more dangerous.
Clinton's presidency ended in 2001, yet the disturbing fact is that Marxist/Leninist ideology and method of "crisis revolution" has rarely been stronger and more dangerous among Democrats than it is right now. The current revolutionary cry is to tax the "greedy," American-owned oil companies for their "wind-fall" profits. In much the same way that Clinton spoke of gun companies in the 1990s, today's Democrats demean oil companies with their "shame on you for what you're doing to the American people" approach, while simultaneously refusing to allow domestic drilling, to increase offshore drilling, or to drill in ANWR.
Like Clinton, the Congressional Democrats, who have created the current crisis, will allow a certain degree of suffering on the part of the people in order to insure their agenda is furthered. They will continue to blame and punish "big oil" for the rise in gas prices just as Clinton blamed and punished Smith & Wesson for the violent crimes that took place while he was in office. Moreover, like Lenin, these Democrats will try to to push their agenda through even if many of their countrymen fail to place the blame on "big oil." With the backing of the federal government, today's Marxist/Leninist leaning Democrat party will implement their agenda through "crisis revolution" at the expense of the people by using scare tactics, and raw force when necessary, to silence their detractors.
We must pay attention to the history of Marxist/Leninist ideology and methodology. Lenin's revolution gave the people death instead of power, Clinton's pursuit of gun control endangered American lives instead of curbing violence, and the current path of today's Democrats will only result in even higher energy prices and therefore less discretionary spending by the citizens, which will result in a subsequent drag on our economy that could bring us down a notch from our superpower status; the latter of which has been the real goal of the Left all along.
Therefore, whether one considers Lenin, Clinton, or today's Obama-led Democrat party, the bottom line is in the end, the people will suffer at the hands of an office holder who uses "crisis revolution" tactics to further their Leftist, legislative agenda. This means we will continue paying excruciatingly high prices in order to give Democrats the opportunity to pull a bait and switch, whereby they can continue to lessen our oil supply by standing in the way of domestic drilling while simultaneously mounting a campaign against the "shameful profits" of American oil companies. Like good Marxists, they do this in order to distract us from the fact that all the class envy and bitterness that undergirds their policies is robbing us of a burgeoning, profitable capitalist society rather than bringing us into a promised utopia.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces Explained?
Cross posted from ANewtOne. HT ~Snooper~.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
HT goes to the JPA Live BTR Show and Danger Girl for an article in Military Times, which is owned by Gannett which also publishes the USA Today newspaper.
I called your attention to the MT's affiliation because the MT in no way and by no means whatsoever is linked to the "official" military news outlets. All "official" news outlets of the military are either .org or .gov. Any alleged military news outlet which has a .com or a .net designator should be taken with a grain of salt - or something of a lesser value.
This, however, does not apply to blogs or bloggers for the obvious - even to the oblivious - reasons. To perform a back-check, please visit this site.
Now that the disclaimer has been provided, we will now take a look at this interview by USA Today staffers with Barack Obama, giving the inference that the military is interviewing Barack Insane Hussein Obama. Scurrilous does not even come close to the implications here, does it?
In this interview the following question was asked:
Q: You said you don't want to rob Peter to pay Paul, so how are you going to pay
Paul? Troop increases are an enormous expense.
To arrive at the full intent and the presented answer - if you can call it that - one will have to read the entire interview. This interview is a near prefect case study for a pretty verbiage explanation as to how the would-be First Czar of the newly formed USSA (with a "k") will decimate the now United States Armed Forces. He claims that he wants to expand the military but what he doesn't say is that he intends on taking the punch our military has away from them. We will have a bigger military with a lesser punch. This sounds counter productive to me.
In conjunction with this and before we continue with this interview by USA Today staffers, please recall this statement: (where he mentions AmeriCorps and Peace Corps as the "civilians")
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the
national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian
national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well
That statement alone is scary but having it placed in context is frightening. Barack, in this interview, has placed it in context. One of the partners here at A Newt One, Loki, has stated that if Barack intends to utilize AmeriCorps and Peace Corps personnel to fill vacancies in embassies and missions "that have been boarded up", he certainly doesn't understand the United States Constitution that he has purported to have once been an instructor thereof. However, it gets worse than that. This has grown beyond the pale of frightening.
[...] I should add, by the way, that part of the change that I want
when it comes to Army and Marine structures is the mix of training that we're
providing and mix of personnel that are in these forces. One of the things I
have been so impressed with is the heroic job that our men and women in uniform
have done basically on the fly having to train themselves on the spot to
function as engineers or function as social workers or function as translators
or political consultants. There's just been a whole bunch of work that has been
done that we haven't prepared people for. They learn on the job, but if anything
Iraq should have given us a template for the kinds of skill sets that we're
going to have to provide to our military. And that's true in Iraq. That's true
in Afghanistan. That also means, by the way, that we're going to have to, I
believe, reconfigure our civilian national security force. In a way that just
hasn't been done.
I mean, we still have a national security apparatus on the civilian
side in the way the State Department is structured and [Agency for International
Development] and all these various agencies. That hearkens back to the Cold War.
And we need that wing of our national security apparatus to carry its weight.
When we talk about reinventing our military, we should reinvent that apparatus
as well. We need to be able to deploy teams that combine agricultural
specialists and engineers and linguists and cultural specialists who are
prepared to go into some of the most dangerous areas alongside our military.
Parse that.
This interview was published on 08 JUL 08, 6 days after his speech in Colorado Springs. However, he makes no mention of AmeriCorps or Peace Corps personnel but he does say this:
[...] Absolutely, but the only problem with soft power is the term itself
makes people think it's not as strong as hard power. And my point is that if
we've got a State Department or personnel that have been trained just to be
behind walls, and they have not been equipped to get out there alongside our
military and engage, then we don't have the kind of national security apparatus
that is needed. That has to be planned for; it has to be paid for. Those
personnel have to be trained. And they all have to be
integrated and that is something that we have not accomplished yet, but
that's going to be what's increasingly important in our future to make sure that
our military has the support that it needs to do what it does the best,
which is fight wars. [...]
And there you have it. He is going to arm State Department Personnel so they can fight along side the United States Military. He is going to utilize AmeriCorps and Peace Corps Personnel to go into areas the US Military does to be the Agents of Change. Case closed and checkmate.
Excuse me Barack but the US Military Special Forces already handle such activities. Does the Anbar Awakening ring a bell? Our military, in special detail, has the training you are babbling about and making it sound like this is a new concept and making it sound like a good idea because you thought of it. Sorry. The US Military has already been doing this for years and decades.
Obama Youth: The Lame Stream Deafly Silent
The Obama Youth: The Saga ContinuesObama Youth: The Gift That Keeps On Taking
Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth Corps
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Obama site urges: 'Revolution' against U.S. 'oppressive' regime
Posted: June 30, 2008
By Aaron Klein

And on Obama's site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggersrant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel. According to author profiles, the bloggers range from registered voters to underage high school students who state they are looking to foment revolt.
In a posting titled "The Nature of the Proletariat," one group member calls for revolution against the U.S. "oppressive" regime.
According to Marxist doctrine, the proletariat is the only class that can
overpower and vanquish the oppressive bourgeoisie. ... In America, the
'peasantry' is not scattered from each other but rather seem (sic) to be
isolated in certain high-population areas. This then leaves the
Petty-Bourgeoisie. Are they a possible force of a Revolution? I believe so. Not
because I think that they could on there own, but because of the fact that they
seemed to have assimilated with the Proletariat.
The middle class is now made up of the laborers who must face the grueling
task of providing the bourgeoisie with power and capital. This assimilation only
proves that the Revolution is inevitable.
Yesterday WND reported a blog posting on Obama's official campaign site urged Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
An Obama site search under the key words "Israel lobby" brings up a large number of pages with titles such as "Bush uses Nazi history against Obama to pander to the Jewish lobby" and "The Israel Lobby: bad for the world."
Friday, May 30, 2008
From Obama's communist ties investigated
An investigative journalist and a national defense analyst are accusing Barack Obama of once having ties with members of the Communist Party USA.
Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival, has teamed up with Herbert Romerstein, a former investigator with the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities. Both have compiled evidence of Obama's past ties with Communist Party figures.
Kincaid says while a teenager in Hawaii, Obama was mentored by a Communist Party USA member known as Frank Marshall Davis. "[H]e was a Stalinist agent. And this is a fellow who clearly had a major influence over a young Barack Obama," he points out.
Davis most likely filled Obama with anti-American thoughts and ideas, Kincaid contends.
Kincaid says their evidence then documents how Obama went off to college where he became friends with various Marxist professors and attended socialist conferences. After college, Obama returned to Chicago and began his political career. "And lo and behold, he lands right in the middle of another communist network," he continues.
According to Kincaid, this new association involved the former members of the Communist Students for a Democratic Society, and the Weather Underground terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers.
"[These people] ... launched Barack Obama's political career in their own home," he details. Kincaid hopes the media will ask Obama to explain his past associations with these individuals.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
California Congressman Seeks Freedom For Communists
by Garry
Californian Congressman Alan Lowenthall is suggesting legislation to normalize and make official the adoption of Communism as a legal group of citizens in this state. Where else but California ?
State Sen. Alan Lowenthall is exploring legislative means to make legal the practise of Communism in California . For a long time the California court system has ruled against the current law. The current law makes it illegal to belong to the Communist Party for certain jobs in the state, such as teachers or other public employees.
The case law in support of the upcoming bill would revolve around the the California court system which acquitted Angela Davis a former and also current UC Professor.
Lowenthall is seeking to make the point that though Communism should not be taught in the classroom, communism in and of itself is no longer a threat to the U.S.A. or it's government.
“There is literally not one part of this bill that does anything but repeal unconstitutional provisions of law,” added Lowenthal’s chief of staff John Casey. “It does not allow communism back in schools.”
This writer would disrespectfully disagree in regard to what is taught in California schools. Angela Davis is an admitted communist and was first brought to task for teaching what were communist ideals. She was taken back into the University system.
Sen. Lowenthall's proposed legislation, even in a state as liberal as California , is guaranteed to spark debate and a fierce criticism from opponents.
1 comment:
As the son of Frank Marshall Davis, I have been fighting a right-wing disinformation campaign, spearheaded by Cliff Kincaid's "Accuracy In Media" (AIM), that misrepresents the Davis-Obama relationship in an apparent attempt to exaggerate Obama's radical background. The AIM website is the source of the falsehoods regarding my father. The campaign consists of a series of small lies fabricated to support the big lie that "His values, passed on to Obama, were those of a communist agent who pledged allegiance to Stalin" (see
If AIM had actual proof of my father's radical influence, there would be no reason to fabricate evidence. Frank Marshall Davis was almost lynched as a young boy. I cannot allow Cliff Kincaid to repeat history.
Fortunately, Uncle Sam trained me to recognize and refute such lies. I am a retired Air Force Intelligence Officer, with specific CIA training in Deception Analysis at "The Farm" in 1989. Their "specific misrepresentation" is documented at, and I invite your readers of integrity to review my proof of AIM's deliberate misrepresentation. Please refute my analysis, if possible. I believe you will find that the case for AIM disinformation is ironclad.
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