Friday, October 10, 2008

Columbia U...and they also give diplomas. The joke, or should I say, disgrace of academia!

Want to watch a funny movie? You've come to the right place. Be sure to watch to the end. It gets more ridiculous! Actually this is a great movie that exposes ridiculous rules set by an academic nut-house.

Deleted Scenes: Columbia Quiz

We decided to drop the scene because it didn't fit closely enough with the central argument of the film. We were concerned that it would muddle our message. And no matter where we tried to put it in the timeline, it never quite fit perfectly with the surrounding footage. So we dropped it.

"Columbia Quiz" shows what happens when you ask the inconvenient questions about academia.

While talking with students in the quad at Columbia, Evan was approached by two police officers who demanded a permit before allowing us to continue filming. So we paid a visit to the office that grants such permission to willing sycophants, and the whole experience left us wondering whether filming at Columbia was any easier than filming in, say, Venezuela.

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