Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Mabus Chronicles

Michelle Malkin blogs that Michelle Obama wants you to vote for Barack Obama because she thinks what America needs is a healer-in-chief.
FIRED UP AND FALLING DOWN: String of Crowd Fainting Incidents Hits Obama Rallies...
One of Michelle Malkin's commenters, Lindsay, posts: "One thing I find as disturbing as his vagueness on issues is the mission statement of his church:" and "Swooners for Obama:"
As I have written before, DON'T count the Clintons out! And then there's always John McCain...
Earlier this week I posted about a fellow I observed on the street carrying a sign that read "Obama is Mabus." Certain people are quite serious about this. I'd read (here: Nostradamus and Mabus) about the possible "Bush to Mabus" connection, but that was back in 2004, when some thought Bush=Mabus (Is Bush Mabus?). There were others who believed Saddam was Mabus (Nostradamus and the Mabus Comet). Check out Nostradamus Mabus Project. Also: Mabus - Nostradamus' Third Anti-Christ. Here's more on that, culled from a variety of sources.
Obama - III AntiChrist - Obama is the 3rd AntiChrist. If you write obama+bush, you end up with obamabush. Do you spot "mabus" in the middle? Bingo. Quote: Mabus then will soon die, there will come Of people and beasts a horrible rout: Then suddenly one will see vengeance, Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will ...
AntiChrist = Obama!!!! - Obama is the Anti-Christ. This is the evidence: 1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the US) 2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 6 African husbands) 3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religion, prays Friday’s facing Mecca) 4.- He ...
At the 2004 Democratic National Convention, John Kerry gave Obama the “keynote address.” This article shows Obama using the f-bomb while accusing Kerry’s speechwriters of forcing him to drop a line from his speech so they could steal it for Kerry’s speech.
Is Barack Obama the antichrist? - Yahoo! Answers
Nostradamus prophesized the name of the antichrist is "Mabus." This can relate to why Obama is the antichrist. If you write obama+bush, you end up with ...- Cached - Similar pages More results from »
But there is ANOTHER Mabus, Ray Mabus, former governor of Mississippi and an endorser of Obama!
See Also: Nostradamus FAQs
The following from: Obama's advisor is Ray Mabus...Nostradamus connection??? | |
Ray Mabus was an ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the Clinton years. I think it is very possible that Ray Mabus could be Obama's running mate and Vice President. Suddenly Obama is killed and Mabus stands up to be President and Antichrist as Nostradamus predicted. BTW: I don't take much heed to Nostradamus due to the way he received his predictions, but this is very interesting. Mabus could be the 3rd Antichrist as Nostradamus spoke of...very interesting |
an Obama entrance, and of his early demise, which is no doubt partly
incited by Barack and his fans, all punks.
Popular media stupidly asserts 'MABUS' can be an anagram, of
Anglicized Arabic, of Usama bin Laden's first name.
Ma Bush, or Barbara Bush may be the bad womb in question, here. The
Prescott-Bush tricks are about as old as bumfarted Egypt, after all.
Why do they get to illegally continue, if they didn't let all sorts of
freaks beat the borders, until all the campuses and cities are
tainted, with their illegal interests and agendas?
Or, ObaMA-BUSh is where the Bushmeat arrives, since Obama is a doofus
of destiny, who blew off cursive ballot entries, disqualifying three
candidates for his Illinois State Senate seat, but look how he
schmoozes with Senators, who have been violating the commerce clauses
by conspiracy, like all US Senators, violating the commerce clauses in
a way aggravated by neglect, since ratification!
The US Senate will not represent D.C. or any large state, well enough
for the commerce clauses, state and US. Neglect of this is deeply
aggravated, over time, by royal favors, standing armies, and bills of
attainder to violate all major articles and USCA
1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,14 and RICO.
Only an idiot would fail to notice how UBL was blown off by the US and
Saudis, when he tried to convince anybody he should assassinate Reagan-
incited Saddam, who attacked Iran, like the US wanted, but Reagan gave
SatIntel to the Iranians, betraying Saddam and inciting him to attack
the British-appointed Saudis, through Kuwait.
The US shot up the Mid East but particularly Iraq with depleted
uranium, which with petro-pollution gives Iraq the world's highest
rate, of SERIOUS BIRTH DEFECTS, but nobody killed Saddam, until he was
a material witness against US international thuggery, for the
undermined ICC to review.
HA! That'll be the day, when Obama dies, and maybe Bush, with him,
since they are both letting the world be made into BUSHMEAT,
illegally. Obama just waltzed with AIPAC and signed FISA, with an
exemption for the wire companies like AT&T, which steal rock and other
music, and overproduce.
Or Led Zeppelin, WHO, Van Halen, Rolling Stones, and many other frauds
would not have 1971-present guitar riffs, to make into hits, WITH
until another fraud is cooked up, in a split-second.
Obama is the other creep, with the Bush bakery mob, not UBL, a victim,
chased after, for the spin and churn circus, which kills, kills, and
If MABUS is an anagram, suggested by a long-dead person, Obama has the
lead. He is already foreshadowed in many, MANY TV and movie
productions, episode 43, STAR TREK, called 'MERRICKUS,' by 'Tuvoc' in
Voyager, by Chris Tucker in RUSH HOUR, by Dwayne 'The ROCK' Johnson,
in anything he does, by all sorts of MAD-TV players, including Phil
Lamarr of the original cast and by Kegan Michael Key, Johnny Sanchez,
and a new guy, just added.
Jackie Chan corresponds to NM Gov. BILL RICHARDSON, for Vice
President, as does Bobby Lee, of MAD-TV, and Officer Chipotle, of
Voyager, who looks like WEC Middleweight Champion Carlos Condit and
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta stapled it and had a kid, ask me how, but
notice how during Voyager the Staples Center became the LA hoop hall.
If you bump heads with any mixed martial artists, you may need to
staple the wound, and continue! Obama is liable to be discontinued,
since he is already cheating us, so fabulously, he may not finish an
entire term, while his typical, Republican-affected advisors make him
into a Bushwick Billy Clinton, see also Howard Stern and his producer,
'Monkey-boy' Gary, dwarf 'Bushwick Bill,' etc. Stern is an Obama-
foreshadower, as is Sascha Baron Cohen's BORAT, of Bill O'Reilly's
attitude and dark monkey business.
Obama is a LOT worse than your media admits. Since his nutty toads
disabled my Obama 08 account, three different Flickr accounts, and
several other websites deleted me, over my postings of this
information and similar facts, Obama needs to lose his 'nuts,' as his
delusional supporters must be purged, for cause. THAT is what Jesse
Jack meant.
Obama may not make even one error, if and when he swears in as
President, since he has already defrauded us and the world, and he
evades review.
'MABUS will appear, and soon will die, afterward.' I believe this.
Mike deNostrame wrote it down, in LATIN, not Arabic. So FREE UBL, for
cause. Usama may be the Anti-Christ, but only in a brave, benevolent
Jews are from Ethiopia, Isaiah 20:5, so don't start on me about anti-
Semitism, since the organized criminal media in the US removed Kurds
and Arabs from defined 'SEMITES,' in order to sell the fraud of anti-
Semitism, to be used by mobs at riot, to bother bin Laden and others,
who may also be part Jewish, of a purer lineage to Semitic people than
any other person.
ARABS ARE SEMITES, so why is any objection to the unlawful detainer-
home invasion crime in Palestine called 'Israel,' at any time
represented, as 'ANTI-SEMITISM?' Get Smart, if not Semitic, since you
are born to Semitism, most of you, with small parts of your background
being of genetic Jewish heritage.
But that doesn't mean any of many no-account Russians or Bushwicks get
into Palestine, without increasing the DEATH RATE. Get out of Dodge,
SENATORS and all illegally imported TOADS. You aren't enough to hold
your town, from other factions. AND YOU CONSPIRE TO VIOLATE ALL LAWS
IN OUR STATE OF CALIFORNIA, from your neglect of both commerce
clauses, by conspiracy with the Executive and all tainted persons,
aggravated by your many years of seditious conspiracy and contempt of
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