Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"...a chilling look at the future of black Americans under a Barack Obama Administration..."

Source: NBRA

National Black Republican Association

We The People By Lloyd Marcus (video)

The Democratic Party Owes Blacks An Apology By Frances Rice

Obama And Plantation Politics (Obama To Poor Blacks – Stay Poor) By Frances Rice

Obama’s America – No Freedom

AP Photo
An NBC report exposes how Brenda Lee, a black female journalist, was dragged “kicking and screaming” from near Air Force One. In an AP interview Ms. Lee said she just wanted to hand President Obama a letter, urging him "to take a stand for traditional marriage." Click here to see the full article by Christina Hoag of the NBC Los Angeles News.

Obama’s America – Voter Intimidation

Black leaders called for an investigation of the Obama Administration after Obama’s Justice Department dropped charges against Black Panthers who wielded weapons, hurled racial insults at voters and blocked polls at a Philadelphia polling place in the 2008 Election. Click here.

For more details see the article: “Career lawyers overruled on voting case - Black Panthers had wielded weapons, blocked polls” by Jerry Seper. Click here

“Protecting Black Panthers” is an editorial by The Washington Times that reveals how Jerry Jackson, one of the Black Panther defendants, is an elected member of Philadelphia's 14th Ward Democratic Committee and was a credentialed poll watcher for Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Click here

The video of a Black Panther saying: “You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker”. Click here

The video of the Black Panthers intimidating voters. Click here

NBRA Launches Rush Limbaugh Billboard Campaign on I-26, about 15 miles south of Columbia, SC

"Take the Limbaugh Challenge" By Andrew Klavan, encourages people to actually listen to the Rush Limbaugh Show before bashing him.

Listen to "Two Trillion Tons" by Jim Gossepp featured in an NBRA video

Listen to "American Tea Party" by Lloyd Marcus featured in an NBRA video

Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures from The Heritage Foundation - President Barack Obama has quadruple the deficit with his stimulus package. The Washington Post has a great graphic which helps put President Obama's budget deficits in context of President Bush's.

Frances Rice protesting wasteful spending at a Sarasota, FL "Tea Party" rally.

NBRA Newsletter - Tribute To Michael Steele

NBRA Chairman Frances Rice with RNC Chairman Michael Steele

The Myth Of Republican Racism - click here to view the NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter

The Trouble With Socialism - Socialism means that everyone gets free stuff from the government, so nobody wants to work to give the government the money to hand out the free stuff.

Click here to see a parody cartoon about socialist America under Obama.

Obama's Plan to Enslave Blacks - A cartoon created for the NBRA by Brett Noel provides a chilling look at the future of black Americans under a Barack Obama Administration as "Socialist Slaves" dependent on government handouts on the Democratic Party's economic plantation. As a corrupt Chicago "Community Organizer" for 20 years, Obama produced unlivable slums and wants to repeat his failure for the rest of America.

An Eagle-eye view of Obama’s America Under Socialism:

Look at Chicago where Obama worked for 20 years or any other black community in this nation to see what Obama has in mind for the rest of America. Click here to view pictures of the dilapidated buildings and the poor blacks who are suffering in the decrepit housing that Obama claims responsibility for as a "Community Organizer.”

Click here for a Boston Globe investigation with an article and video produced by Scott LaPierre about poor blacks condemning Obama for funding dilapidated slum projects in Chicago with tax payers’ money. Obama's friends and associates profited from the subsidies even as many of Obama's constituents suffered. Tenants lost their homes; surrounding neighborhoods were blighted.

Paul Johnson who helped to organize a protest against Obama and condemned Obama for funding dilapidated slum projects in Chicago said: "Of course he knew. He just didn't care."

History Test (click here)


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